Probably the weirdest book I‘ve ever read. I‘m not even sure how to rate it (between pick and so so). For a horror book I‘m definitely not scared, but the book was incredibly unique and I would consider more of an art piece than just a book
Probably the weirdest book I‘ve ever read. I‘m not even sure how to rate it (between pick and so so). For a horror book I‘m definitely not scared, but the book was incredibly unique and I would consider more of an art piece than just a book
@Hazel2019 just got my books today! Thank you so much and congrats again! ❤️❤️❤️
Having a really mentally tough month so I‘m comforting myself with Harry Potter.
Prayers and positive vibes would be super appreciated ❤️
Hi guys, I unboxed The FairyLoot May box and reviewed Girl, Serpent, Thorn. Spoiler: I hated it 😝
1. Uncle Irish from the Avatar the Last Airbrnder series! This was actually my sister‘s idea since I apparently don‘t read a lot of books with emotionally intelligent characters 😂
2. Honestly not much in my neighborhood haha
3. I‘m really scared of the Zizzer Zazzer Zuss character in the Dr Seuss ABC book. Funny cuz horror books and movies don‘t phase me at all
Thank you for the tag @Eggs
I tag @DaveGreen7777 @RobStark92
What a fun surprise! I don‘t mind being called Zach 😆
Oof this one was not good. I hate protagonists who refuse to take responsibility for their actions.
Thinking about unhauling this but the cover is so pretty 😭
I was raised Christian, so the plot of this book made me uncomfortable at moments. There‘s be a funny joke and I‘d think, can I laugh at this? Haha. I think if I wasn‘t so religious I would have liked it more
Electricity went out, but that can‘t stop me from reading! Haha
Thank you @DannyHattan for the tag!
1. Michigan, USA
2. I just finished the Galactic Milieu trilogy by Julian May and I‘m so sad there isn‘t any more 😭
3. I love big books!
4. I‘m not sure who hasn‘t been tagged yet but feel free to tag yourself 😊
1. I just learned how to make the best frozen strawberry margaritas so I‘m looking forward to drinking those this summer! I also can‘t wait to get out of quarantine and see my friends :)
2. I honestly like the idea of it more than doing it. I‘m so scared of bugs and bees. I love reading at the beach though!
Thank you for the tag @NeedsMoreBooks and @TheSpineView
I tag whoever hasn‘t done this yet
@DaveGreen7777 after hearing you talk about the wheel of time series I decided to dive right in!
Wish me luck!
The gem for Aries is the diamond so I‘ll be reading Diamond Mask! I‘m not really sure how this book series hasn‘t gotten more hype but this is my favorite sci fi series so far ever!
Owl muggle studies pick!
Frantically trying to finish my OWLs since I didn‘t realize I couldn‘t stack prompts 😅
This is probably cheating, but a heart is a heart! Lol
Owls arithmancy pick
Beautiful Harry Potter set I got for my birthday!
OMG this was so good! I never cry reading books but I was in tears several times at the end. The magic, friendship, and brooding love interest. My poor heart couldn‘t take it!
While I don‘t think anyone will replace Rhysand as my fiction boyfriend (other than Jaimie Fraser) I loved Hunt. Bryce definitely gives Feyre a run for her money though 😆
1. I‘m feeling pretty good! A little nervous for tomorrow since I‘m getting a new piercing and I have a fear of needles 😆
2. Pretty much anything written by Sarah J Maas haha. I‘m trash for brooding/angsty love interests
3. I had a really productive guitar lesson this week and I‘m so pumped that I‘m finally getting calluses on my hands so it doesn‘t hurt so much
So sad I didn‘t like it since it has one of the most beautiful covers. The characters were extremely unlikeable and the story didn‘t make any sense.
Haven‘t really been active on Litsy for awhile. Slowly making my way through this book. It‘s definitely slower paced but it‘s keeping me intrigued
I don‘t DNF books but boy did this one temp me. The entire novel was just so boring. The author also chose to write in this omnipotent third person sort of style where I was randomly dumped into people‘s heads. It was incredibly disorienting. The ending was just hot trash. I‘m not even sure what happened and why. The weird sexual relationship with Javier is still not explained to me.
Thank you for the tag @DaveGreen7777 also @Eggs
1. I‘m actually pretty good at finishing series I start. Currently I‘m in the middle of Julian May‘s intervention series.
2. My dad bought me a copy of the Little Princess when I was little and it was my favorite. I read it over and over until the pages fell out!
3. Rhysand and Jaimie Fraser. I swoon 🥰😍
Today‘s my Litsyversary! Happy one year to me, and here‘s to another good one 😆
Oh boy. This was a dumpster fire for me. The magic system wasn‘t super clear and the author broke his own rules several times. Probably going to make a booktube review for this at some point
Wanted to start this before Christmas but oh well! Loving the creepy illustrations already 😆
Just received my first ever ARC in my FairyLoot box this month and I‘m just so unbelievably excited! I‘ve never had an ARC before so I‘m going to start reading right now!!
Early Christmas present I got from my best friend. I just wanted to share since I was so happy! Starting it tonight 😍
Unfortunately this book will not be getting a rose from me. The book read like a really long buzzfeed article. It had facts interspersed with trying to be relatable (talking about cute dogs and swearing and yaaaasss girl). While I wasn‘t surprised by anything that was “revealed” in the book, it was still enjoyable.
New audio book to get me ready for Peter‘s season. I keep saying I‘m not going to watch it but I‘m most likely going to watch anyway. Lolll
This is just what I needed, a mind candy romance. I was worried I was going to hate it because I think werewolf (really any paranormal) romance is pretty cringe. But I loved this. I loved the main character‘s relationship and their communication skills (I hate miscommunication in romance novels). I‘ll definitely be picking up the next one soon! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Man I really appreciate there being a synopsis of the first two books included! I actually wish more books would do this so if it‘s been awhile since I read the previous book I could get a quick refresher and not have to read the book over again
“Alex‘s arms were bare, stripped of all sign of the tattoos...”
Magic is cool and everything but I‘d be pissed it you magiced away my sleeve. Do you know how much money that was? Or how long I had to sit in the chair being repeatedly stabbed? Lollll 😂
Next read! Idk about y‘all but I suck at escape rooms haha. My strategy is if it‘s not nailed down I‘m gonna try to pry it off 😅😆
It‘s been awhile Litsy! I‘ve just finished the Arc of a Scythe series and I really enjoyed it! Was it the greatest sci-fi? No. But it was still very enjoyable. The last one was def my favorite. It got very intense towards the end and I have very strong feelings. Lmk if you‘ve read this so we can talk in the comments!!
Wednesday tag on a Thursday cuz I‘m lazy 😂
1+2. I would love to grab a beer with either Patrick Rothfuss or George RR Martin and get book recs and talk video games. I also have to know how both of their series ends
3. I don‘t even know. I don‘t believe in judging myself like that lollll
“Then he sat down upon the steps, his heart full of tenderness and resolution, he blessed his love in the depths of his thought, and he said to himself that since Cosette was gone, there was nothing more for him but to die.”
Don‘t mind me. I‘m just eye rolling super hard while gagging at the same time.
So this book was really weird. Honestly couldn‘t summarize it even if I wanted to. All of the characters were nuts and the ending just wasn‘t satisfying. I don‘t think that everyone is super happy clappy, let‘s sing kumbayah and save the planet. But geez the antagonist‘s reaction was wayyyy over dramatic. Honey, eat a snickers. You‘re not you when you‘re angry
Here‘s to hoping it spooks me! Doubt it tho haha I just don‘t get scared 👻
Trying to be aesthetic for once and happened to have some crystals handy 😁 overall this book was ehhh. I didn‘t love it and I didn‘t hate it. It follows the women throughout the generations who inherited the craft. Although all the women had different stories, they all seemed incredibly similar. No one story stood out from the other. They all also lack the proper respect for their mamas. Tsk tsk respect yo mama!
Boy did I have a fun time with this book! Definitely gave me Dexter vibes, so if you like that show check this out. I saw part of the plot twist early on but not enough that I wasn‘t still thrilled at the reveal! Now no more starting new books until after my exam Thursday 😅😂
I loved this book so much! It was basically an adult version of UP. It was really cool seeing how differently Ove sees the world and how true to himself he always was. Even though it didn‘t make him the most pleasant person to be around.