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Marley: A Novel | Jon Clinch
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From the acclaimed author of the marvel of a novel (Entertainment Weekly) Finn comes a masterful reimagining of Charles Dickenss classic A Christmas Carol with this darkly entertaining and moving exploration of the twisted relationship between Ebenezer Scrooge and Jacob Marley. Young Ebenezer Scrooge and Jacob Marley are very different in temperament when they meet in the gloomy confines of Professor Drabbs Academy for Boys, but they form a bond that will endure for the rest of their lives. As years go by, with Marleys genius for deception and Scrooges brilliance with numbers, they build a shipping empire of dubious legality and pitiless commitment to the slave trade, concealing their true investments under the noses of the London authorities. Circumstances change, however, when beautiful Belle Fairchild steps into Ebenezers life and calls into question the practices that made him wealthy. Under the influence of a newfound passion, Ebenezer tries to turn Scrooge & Marleys business toward better ends, but his partner is not ready to give up his unsavory past or easy profits so quickly. Ignoring the costs to themselves and those around them, the two engage in a shadowy war against each other, leading to an unforgettable reckoning that will echo into their futures. Brilliantly written in Jon Clinchs signature spellbinding (The Washington Post) prose, Marley is an unforgettable reimagining that will forever deepen the way you view the Christmas classic.
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Marley: A Novel | Jon Clinch
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Marley: A Novel | Jon Clinch
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Jacob Marley, business partner to Ebenezer Scrooge, is very much alive: a rapacious and cunning boy who grows up to be a forger, a scoundrel, and the man who will be both the making and the undoing of Scrooge.
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Marley: A Novel | Jon Clinch
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More villain origin story than a retelling. This was marvelous and the writing wonderfully Dickensian. We meet a nasty Marley, and a kind Scrooge as schoolboys and observe how Marley‘s influence pollutes Scrooge. You could continue straight to a Christmas Carol, and the transition would be seamless.

Marley 4 ⭐️
Christmas Carol 5 ⭐️
Great Expectations 5 ⭐️

dabbe On the spreadsheet! 🤩 7mo
Deblovestoread I hope to remember this next year before my annual Christmas Carol read. 7mo
Cuilin @Deblovestoread yes!! I recommend reading this right before A Christmas Carol. I may do that next year too!! 7mo
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Cuilin @dabbe 🙏 7mo
dabbe GREAT EX and BLEAK HOUSE are my faves by Dickens (exempting A CHRISTMAS CAROL, of course). 🤩 7mo
Cuilin @dabbe Bleak House, Carol, Oliver T, & Two Cities are mine. This year I want to read 7mo
dabbe @Cuilin 🤩😍🤗 7mo
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Marley: A Novel | Jon Clinch
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It didn‘t take me long to get into this imagined backstory of Jacob Marley, whose ghost visits Ebenezer Scrooge in Dickens‘ classic, A Christmas Carol, and to find myself fully invested in the development of the relationship of these two men. A clever and illuminating revelation as to the many reasons why Marley was doomed, as well as an elaboration on the love story between young Scrooge and Belle—and more! Recommended!

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Marley: A Novel | Jon Clinch
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Settling down to start Marley with a cup of tea! Will the author enhance my devotion to Dickens‘ A Christmas Carol with this book? Or will I toss this into the trash, vowing not to fall again for a retelling of a beloved story from another character‘s perspective?

Bklover Ooh let us know!! 8mo
Ruthiella I‘ve been burned before too! Looking forward to your verdict ! 8mo
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Marley: A Novel | Jon Clinch
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Sunrise, but no sun.
The merchant ship Marie tied up at the Liverpool docks hours ago, beneath an overcast sufficient to obliterate the moon and the stars—and now that dawn has arrived conditions have not improved.
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Marley: A Novel | Jon Clinch
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If you‘re looking for an excellent holiday read, here‘s my suggestion.

Marley: A Novel | Jon Clinch
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An enthusiastic thumbs up for this one. Follows the original story elements and expands on them in an interresting way. The narration for the audiobook was sublime. ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️.5⭐️

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Marley: A Novel | Jon Clinch
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Ghosts, shipping, the slave trade, and felty poinsettias.
Audiobook for dog walking and holiday present making 🎄

Marley: A Novel | Jon Clinch
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Marley: A Novel | Jon Clinch
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Marley: A Novel | Jon Clinch
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I have mixed feelings about this book. I thought the prequel to A Christmas Carol was clever, but I didn‘t really like the story itself. #wintergames #mistletoemaniacs

Marley: A Novel | Jon Clinch
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Another book finished. Yay! #WinterGames2020 #ReadNosedReindeer

Marley: A Novel | Jon Clinch
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The premise of “A Christmas Carol” prologue where we see the nature of Marley and how Scrooge became the way he is was well outlined and intriguing; But while evocative of the era, it didn‘t quite meet the mark of being atmospheric and, certainly didn‘t get under my skin the way ‘Finn‘ did. Still, I would consider re-reading this before Dickens‘ Classic next year— so a Pick!

Marley: A Novel | Jon Clinch
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I loved the dark, twisted tale of ‘Finn‘ (about Huckleberry‘s father) so I asked for (and received) this book *last* Christmas. Now that I‘ve listened to “A Christmas Carol”, I‘m primed to dig into this “prequel”!

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Marley: A Novel | Jon Clinch
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New book mail from My Book Tide subscription box.

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Marley: A Novel | Jon Clinch
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current read which is kind of slow but I am enjoying it!!

rather_be_reading welcome to litsy 📚☕📚 #litsywelcomewagon 5y
Nute Welcome to Litsy! It‘s a warm and friendly community. I know that you will enjoy yourself here. I‘m looking forward to getting to know you!🙂 4y
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bookaddict30 @Nute Thank you I'm enjoying it very much!! I'm looking forward to getting to know you as well!! 4y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🥳🌺🥳 4y
bookaddict30 @Eggs Thank you 😊👍 4y
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Marley: A Novel | Jon Clinch
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Christmas magic: An entire unanticipated hour to read by the tree before the festivities begin! 🎁🎄

Marley: A Novel | Jon Clinch
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Ok,it‘s not Dickens but I didn‘t expect it to be. I enjoyed it even while hating Jacob Marley. Not sure how I feel about Fan‘s “hopeful and doomed” outcome.

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Marley: A Novel | Jon Clinch
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Basically a proposed prequel. If you ever wondered what happened to Jacob Marley prior to the start of A Christmas Carol, this book fills in those blanks. The story takes place over the course of most of Scrooge's life. I do wish Clinch had focused a bit more time on when Marley and Scrooge were young at a boy's home. But their business partnership plotline is interesting too. This was a fun read before my annual re-read of A Christmas Carol.

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Marley: A Novel | Jon Clinch
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This book was barely hanging onto to a so-so status from me because the reimagined ill-gotten gains of Jacob Marley and Ebenezer Scrooge were just too egregious. But it‘s very well-written and I started liking the book at the 2/3 mark. So why a pick? Well, in retrospect I clearly understand the homage to A Christmas Carol - when we know better we do better.

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Marley: A Novel | Jon Clinch
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This is the second book I‘ve read that attempts to fill in the blanks of Jacob Marley‘s life. Here, Scrooge & Marley meet at a grim boarding school- & from the very start, the partnership between them is an unbalanced & dark one. There are a few Christmases here, but the dour notes of the book hardly make this one of Yuletide cheer! It‘s well-written & Clinch manages to evoke a Dickensian essence well. I hoped for a bit more redemption. #NetGalley