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The Black Spider | Jeremias Gotthelf
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New episode just posted! This week we discuss “The Black Spider“ by Jeremias Gotthelf. This little known book, reprinted by the fabulous people over at NYRB, packs quite a punch in little over 100 pages. Gotthelf writes a tale with a little bit of everything, from idyllic country sides, to a menacing black spider all within a Christian allegory that makes for a rewarding reading experience.


Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront
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#weirdwords #weirdwordwednesdays @CBee

A word I come across often but only happened to look up for the first time this week. From context I‘d always taken it to mean something closer to acquiescence than quietude, so I was surprised to see the dictionary definition even though I expect I‘d find common ground for all 3 if I pulled out the OED.

TheBookHippie Oooo this is interesting!! 3d
IndoorDame @TheBookHippie this is exactly what I love about languages!! 3d
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame Agreed!! ♥️♥️♥️ 3d
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CBee I love your collages, they‘re always so peaceful and pretty ♥️ 3d
IndoorDame @CBee thanks! 3d
dabbe 🩵💙🩵 2d
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Read this as a child, again as a young adult, and now as a seasoned citizen. Still a favorite. Hawthorne writes with a detail that places you directly into each scene and with intimate understanding of each character. And I must give a nod to his Victorian prose. How beautiful the English language can be. Perhaps that is what pulls me to the classics most.

Ruth | Elizabeth Gaskell
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#hashtagbrigade ready for AUGUST 🖤

BarkingMadRead Our covers are so similar‘ 3d
TheBookHippie @BarkingMadRead I noticed that!!! I‘m so excited to read this. 3d
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Ruth | Elizabeth Gaskell
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Ok #hashtagbrigade make sure you‘ve got your copy ready, we will be reading a chapter a day in August! My copy has 35 chapters so we will run over into September just a little! Don‘t forget to tag me when you start reading so I can see your book covers! This should be a good one!

Librarybelle Yay!! Looking forward to it! 3d
CatLass007 Ruth is currently available for free on Audible. Yay! I just checked and it has 36 chapters. I find that a little unusual but at least it‘s not a difference of several chapters. It‘ll work. 3d
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AllDebooks Count me in please. X 3d
dabbe #yahoo!!! Lead on, #hashtagqueen 🩵💙🩵
jewright Could I join, please? 3d
BarkingMadRead @jewright absolutely! 3d
Bklover I ordered a copy but it has less than 300 pages so I don‘t know if it is an abridged version or has teeny tiny print. Either way, I have the kindle version. I still may order another copy like yours. 😊😉 3d
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Recent acquisitions:

💿 Tess of the d'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy (my favourite novel), audiobook read by Simon Vance

#UniteAgainstBookBans #LetUtahRead

Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bront
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Gorgeous cover 🩵 4d
curiouserandcurioser @IndoorDame I have this edition-its so beautiful❤ 4d
Eggs Beautiful 🩵🩵🩵 4d
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The Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens
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Very cool here in Bath! I‘ve walked where Dickens walked!

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Nothing like a classic and way too much sugar after dinner. 🤤😅🥰💛

dabbe Oh, how I love this chunkster! 🩵💙🩵 7d
Roary47 @dabbe Yes! I‘m really enjoying it. The only reason I know about it is my scratcher card of 100 books bucket list. 7d
LitStephanie I didn't like this book, but that bowl of sweets looks wonderful! 6d
Roary47 @LitStephanie It was. 🤤 6d
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Ruth | Elizabeth Gaskell
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Ok #hashtagbrigade
Our next book is Ruth! Mine arrived after I left for a trip so l'll post my cover later. If you're in, drop her and tag her in comment below and I'll add you to the tag list! This is open to anyone, but please know that we read a chapter a day and my hashtags are often ridiculous and always spoilers so don't read my post until you've read the chapter! We start August 1st

Via @BarkingMadRead

BarkingMadRead Thank you for sharing! 1w
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