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Most Magnificent Thing
Most Magnificent Thing | Ashley Spires
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Award-winning author and illustrator Ashley Spires has created a charming picture book about an unnamed girl and her very best friend, who happens to be a dog. The girl has a wonderful idea. ?She is going to make the most MAGNIFICENT thing! She knows just how it will look. She knows just how it will work. All she has to do is make it, and she makes things all the time. Easy-peasy!? But making her magnificent thing is anything but easy, and the girl tries and fails, repeatedly. Eventually, the girl gets really, really mad. She is so mad, in fact, that she quits. But after her dog convinces her to take a walk, she comes back to her project with renewed enthusiasm and manages to get it just right.For the early grades' exploration of character education, this funny book offers a perfect example of the rewards of perseverance and creativity. The girl's frustration and anger are vividly depicted in the detailed art, and the story offers good options for dealing honestly with these feelings, while at the same time reassuring children that it's okay to make mistakes. The clever use of verbs in groups of threes is both fun and functional, offering opportunities for wonderful vocabulary enrichment. The girl doesn't just ?make? her magnificent thing --- she ?tinkers and hammers and measures, ? she ?smoothes and wrenches and fiddles, ? she ?twists and tweaks and fastens.? These precise action words are likely to fire up the imaginations of youngsters eager to create their own inventions and is a great tie-in to learning about Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.
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Written and Illustrated by Ashley Spires
This book is a RF picture book about a young girl and her dog who set out to create the most magnificent thing but the result is not what she had in mind. I believe that this book would best be used in the classroom as an IR.
UDL: Build fluency with graduated levels of support for practice and performance (5.3)

RamzieM ESOL: 23. Structure advance organizers consisting for new terminology that
learners will encounter in the new lesson vocabulary to be reviewed

The resource above provides you with plenty of different lesson plans and resources that you can use with in your classroom for your students.
Viviannef Ramzie! I‘ve read this story before and I love your idea of having students read this as an IR to build fluency :) love your resource, I found a pdf page on the website of so many ways to incorporate this book in your class! Great post 4y
DrSpalding National education Association is a quality resource. While independent reading could work, reading aloud the story and facilitating connections would also be wise. 4y
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Most Magnificent Thing | Ashley Spires
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This adorable story follows an ordinary girl and her sidekick through many trial and error attempts at making something extraordinary. The girl tries many times but just can‘t seem to get it right. She then discoverers that each time she failed, she was a little bit closer to achieving success! This is a great book to teach students about mistakes and failure. #UCFLAE3414SP20

Ryan_R Because of how popular this book is, the NEA has come up with multiple lessons that can be used within the class. There are some great ideas in here! 4y
DrSpalding National Education Association is a high-quality resource. What would you use in your future classroom? Excellent book choice that truly allows for creativity! 4y
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The Most Magnificent Thing is an SF written by Ashley Spires. It's a cute story about a girl who has this idea to make the most magnificent thing with her dog (and sidekick) but she faces a lot of difficulties getting it just right. She gets frustrated halfway through and gives up, but then gives it another shot. Rachel loved this book, specifically for the dog and the illustrations of him. #UCFLAE3414SP20

Agavitt1 This is a good book for RA and is a good way to encourage and talk about STEM in the classroom for students who want to be inventors like the little girl. http://www.nea.org/tools/lessons/73076.htm This resource provides a lot of different activities to do with this book, specifically the lessons that focus on the growth of mindset I think would be useful because in the story she was about to give up but gave it another chance and succeeded. 5y
Agavitt1 UDL Principle 8.2 Vary demands and resources to optimize challenge: Again, this book is about overcoming a struggle and not giving up, which is a great message for students. So making this clear to students that there will be challenges they face but to persevere is important. 5y
Agavitt1 ESOL Strategy 39. Have students prepare collections of science objects: This is a great book to use before a science fair or a project. It encourages thinking of what their “magnificent thing“ would be while also giving them the encouragement not to give up if it doesn't turn out right the first time. 5y
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Rachelleleduc I LOVE this book! I actually used it for my read aloud in Red. It is super cute and funny! I love the resource you included about growing your mindset! Super cool! 5y
Agavitt1 @Rachelleleduc I used it for my Think Aloud as well in RED! :-) 5y
DrSpalding While this would not be considered science fiction… You utilized an excellent resource from the national education Association! Good books and STEAM topics work well together. Your English learner strategy is perfect for this particular book and resource. 4y
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#scarathlon #teamstoker #magnificent #24B4Monday #readathon

Wonderful children‘s book 5 🌟

6 points - book read and participation

BeansPage 🧟‍♀️ 5y
Andrew65 Some great books out there. 5y
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This is a fiction book. I would use this as a read aloud. This book is about a little girl with a dog as her best friend. She is always inventing stuff but this time she wanted to invent something magnificent. She knew what she wanted it to look like but kept trying and failing. She gives up. Her dog then tells her to try again.
Awards: None
EL: Audio available, easy text

raqueldonna Sounds like a great lesson of trying again even if you fail. I love the illustration style! 5y
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“There are some parts of the wrong things that are really quite right.”


I love the theme and how it teaches kids to be resilient and creative.


I like the plot of this because it encourages students to be imaginative and follow their passions. It also teaches perseverance which is a great quality for young children to develop.


I got my wish on netgalley to review this book it was so cute This book is so adorable I loved it because the girl was trying to invent something truly magnificent I love seeing kids using their imagination and her assistant was adorable.


it was a great book about friendship. I love the friendship dynamics of the girl and her dog. I also love how it teaches creativity, ingenuity, perseverance, hope, failure and success in such simple storytelling. Sometimes you achieve something beautiful in something so simple. I also love the ending. The ending made their friendship stronger and was also a bit unexpected. I also love the illustrations! I love love love this book.

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This delightful RF picture book is written and illustrated by Ashley Spires. This text could be utilized as a LC choice for younger grades. In this book, one girl and her best friend stop at nothing to create the most magnificent thing! It is a story of creativity and perseverance. This picture book can also be cross referenced with other subject areas as well to initiate STEM activities. #UCFLAE3414F17

kkidwell Link: https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/blog-posts/kriscia-cabral/design-thinking-le...
The link is a lesson plan centered around Design Thinking. This can be completed by the LC groups after they have finished their initial reading of the text. It helps teach the students about the importance of trial and error, just like in The Most Magnificent Thing.
kkidwell UDL: 5.2 Use multiple tools for construction and composition
ESOL: 46 Use discovery learning activities (hands-on activities)
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An awesome science fiction book for children that I️ stumbled upon was The Most Magnificent Thing, written and illustrated by Ashley Spires. This picture book is great if IR or RA and takes readers through the journey of a young girl who hopes to make the most magnificent thing! She faces challenges but gets it just right with hard work and dedication. The following website includes activities, lesson plans, and useful vocab.

Jbombardiere http://www.thenedshow.com/assets/growth-mindset-intermediate-lesson-plan-the-mos... . UDL 2.1- clarify vocabulary and structure. EL 5- teach technical vocabulary supporting key concepts. 7y
DrSpalding This book was boosted and the fact that it teaches a growth mindset was highlighted. Excellent choice. 7y
DeannaT96 Such a cute book! And it has a great lesson to be taught. I️ love that the resource you found has both discussion starters and activities that can be worked with. 7y
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A great concept - a little girl working to build a magnificent thing, and becoming frustrated as it doesn‘t match her vision. The story follows her as she works through her setbacks. Cute art, as well. Shows kids the importance of perseverance and learning from your failures.

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A RF story about a girl who has an amazing idea on creating the "most magnificent thing" ever. She knows exactly how she thinks it's going to look, but ends up failing and wants to give up. Instead her dog convinces her to take a break and she comes back to it. A lesson students can learn from, with mathematic's & technology. #UCFLAE3414SU17http://www.kidscanpress.com/sites/default/files/products/assets/MostMagnificentThingThe_2177_teaching_2.pdf

Elizabethhunt96 Awwww the lesson is so cute! This seems like a really great book to include in a library. 7y
gracemccleskey This book and the lesson plan look very interesting! 7y
DrSpalding Super STEAM book to include in your classroom library! Failing is part of the learning process. Understanding this at a young age can help students push through challenges. 7y
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Most Magnificent Thing | Ashley Spires
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Absolutely brilliant! Not only does it have gorgeous, colourful and appealing artwork and intelligent, stimulating vocabulary, but also a wonderfully empowering story that will appeal to both children and parents. At the core of The Most Magnificent Thing is the lesson that failure is okay; children need to learn from mistakes, improve on what they've learned and that success can only be a result hard work and determination. A must read!