I MAY have gone a little overboard at the #librarybooksale today. They are not all for me though.
I MAY have gone a little overboard at the #librarybooksale today. They are not all for me though.
I finished this book during the month of October, thank you to @TK421 #LetsGetCozy swap.I enjoyed it & it accomplished the purpose, it was a cozy reading.It has funny parts but unbelievable plot.I was expecting other ending.But I received this book in a most adequate moment, after hurricane, so it was special.I will give 3⭐️because of that. I will read the other book soon I bought a better reading lamp.Halloween decorations will stay until weekend
These are a few of my favorite things! Seriously! Fairy tale mysteries, all things Little Women, Louisa May, and Jo March, and prime Classics rock star Mary Beard (what a dame!). Hailey you spoil this girl! 😍 @haileyhugsbooks @BookishMarginalia #secretsantagoespostal #summersolsticebookexchange
There were things I enjoyed about this book but also things I really didn't. I will give the second book a chance.
I sincerely hope that Maia Chance keeps writing for a good long time. Murder mysteries involving the descendants of fairy tale folk? SIGN. ME. UP. Also, hello to an awesome heroine (named Ophelia, which is totally rad!). Please tell me someone else on here has read this books and is as crazy about them as I am!!!
Starting this one now. really excited for it.
Election day and group presentation day happening at the same time called for a trip to my favorite campus bookstore. #bookhaul #roughday #thankgoditsraining #timefornachos
I don't normally read mysteries, but I love fairy tales, So this was right up my alley. I would describe it as Ms Fisher meets the brothers Grimm. Very enjoyable, well written, and terrific attention to historic details without overwhelming the reader with them.
Loving this so far. Very entertaining. Think Ms. Fisher meets the brothers Grimm.
"He'd looked like something the cat dragged in from a cemetery for social misfits."
I love it. Is my just sounds like something Mrs. Parker would have said.
Starting this today, it was a gift from my husband who know show much I love fairy tales.