1. Black Wall Street
2. My family moved to Ohio as a result of the destruction of Black Wall Street. My last living relative from that era died last year and that is when I learned of the information.
3. Tagged
1. Black Wall Street
2. My family moved to Ohio as a result of the destruction of Black Wall Street. My last living relative from that era died last year and that is when I learned of the information.
3. Tagged
Difficult topic to read about, but an important event to know about.
I listened to both Tim Madigan‘s original book and the version for young readers adapted by Hilary Beard. This was an event in U.S. history I had heard of but knew nothing about. The original includes more details about the violence and harsher language. Beard‘s adaptation leaves out mentions of prostitution and some violent gore, but it still clearly describes the horror of the event. She also includes additional African American perspective.
I finished listening to this adaptation for young readers today, and I was either sad or angry throughout most of it. I felt it left some of my questions unanswered, and I‘m also curious about differences between it and the original after reading some reviews of each. So, I‘m downloading the original from the library and waiting to officially review until I listen to both.
#nonfiction #YRE #audiobook #Librofm Educator #ALC
Hilary Beard adapted this important history for children. If you have read the adult version it‘s worth knowing that the adapted version for children includes narratives not in the original.
ETA: This book in either edition should be at a minimum required High school reading. I have already located a 8 -12 year old version of the Greenwood Massacre.
Last night ‘The History Channel‘ premiered a documentary on the Tulsa Massacre, it occurred 100 years ago today and tomorrow. The destruction of one of if not the most prosperous black community in the US is heartbreaking, angering, and shocking. The further fact that for 80-90 years it was covered up and ignored.
Much of the documentary seemed to be based on this book. Recently they have excavated the mass grave(s) of the black victims.
History about the riots and murders in Tulsa.
This should be part of history taught in school. I‘ve owned this book for a few years and until I purchased it I had no idea this event occurred. Never heard of it even in college. I‘m sure until these recent weeks A LOT of people hadn‘t heard of this event.
I wish this had been written by a POC.
I wish that the author had not used the term “negro(es)” when referring to the black residents of Tulsa/Greenwood.
I would recommend reading this.
This has been on my shelf for a couple years.
This event has been mentioned several times in the last weeks. I need to educate myself.
#blacklivesmatter #bebetter #readingtrumpsignorance #knowthehistory
This book is about the Tulsa Greenwood (Black Wall Street) Massacre of 1921, where hundreds of African-Americans were murdered by white mobs (who also looted and burned their homes). This is an event that, without question, should be more widely known and discussed. It is a tough read, but a necessary one.
Not exactly cozy holiday reading, but I‘m still excited about my HBO-free-trial-inspired library haul, since Watchmen is some of the best television I‘ve seen in a while.
These are the rest of my #blackauthors books for #BlackHistoryMonth