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They Went Left
They Went Left | Monica Hesse
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A tour de force historical mystery from Monica Hesse, the bestselling and award-winning author of Girl in the Blue Coat. Germany, 1945. The soldiers who liberated the Gross-Rosen concentration camp said the war was over, but nothing feels over to eighteen-year-old Zofia Lederman. Her body has barely begun to heal; her mind feels broken. And her life is completely shattered: Three years ago, she and her younger brother, Abek, were the only members of their family to be sent to the right, away from the gas chambers of Auschwitz-Birkenau. Everyone else--her parents, her grandmother, radiant Aunt Maja--they went left. Zofia's last words to her brother were a promise: Abek to Zofia, A to Z. When I find you again, we will fill our alphabet. Now her journey to fulfill that vow takes her through Poland and Germany, and into a displaced persons camp where everyone she meets is trying to piece together a future from a painful past: Miriam, desperately searching for the twin she was separated from after they survived medical experimentation. Breine, a former heiress, who now longs only for a simple wedding with her new fianc. And Josef, who guards his past behind a wall of secrets, and is beautiful and strange and magnetic all at once. But the deeper Zofia digs, the more impossible her search seems. How can she find one boy in a sea of the missing? In the rubble of a broken continent, Zofia must delve into a mystery whose answers could break her--or help her rebuild her world.
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They Went Left | Monica Hesse
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This book 💔

They Went Left | Monica Hesse
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This book broke me.

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They Went Left | Monica Hesse
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This year has been the year of the 5 star audiobook for me, and this was another great addition to the collection. This was a really powerful story of a Holocaust survivor trying to recover from the unimaginable trauma of losing much of her family to concentration camps, searching for her younger brother, and learning to live and love again after liberation. The writing and narration brought Zofia‘s pain and confusion but also her hope to life.

EvieBee Great review! This sounds fabulous. 3y
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They Went Left | Monica Hesse
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I am not usually one for historical fiction, but this was done really well. It focuses on the aftermath of the war and the liberation of the camps, which is different from a lot of other books about this time period. The ending was really smartly done to and ended up catching me by surprise, which is a rarity and was really nice. #bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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They Went Left | Monica Hesse
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Mid-reading this one right now. Such a different take on the aftermath of World War II. Still reading it, and will post when I get to the end but I wanted to post my #bookspin for spooky October season!

They Went Left | Monica Hesse
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Excellent YA historical fiction. Zofia has survived Nazi concentration camps, but with the war over, she needs to find her younger brother Abek. Hesse shows readers UN refugee camps and the PTSD that a survivor would experience. https://cannonballread.com/2021/06/they-went-left-elcicco/

They Went Left | Monica Hesse
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Oh my. Such a good book, as good as a book about a Holocaust survivor can be. Beautifully written.
A young Polish woman surviving Birkenau. After spending time in a hospital after liberation she is finally able to go in search of her younger brother. Her memory isn‘t always what she thinks it is. In a Displaced Persons camp she meets people that change her life again. Slowly she allows herself to remember the gaps in her memory.

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They Went Left | Monica Hesse
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I have no clue why I thought it would be a good idea to read this book. But I did. It is haunting and beautiful and sad and hopeful and just wrong that this was even able to be written. Brief synopsis, a young woman is released from the Nazi concentration camps and starts traveling to find her young brother. I don‘t know how people read these books regularly.

#wwii #nazi #jewish #heartbreaking #knittingwhilereading #audiobook

BlueMoonJ And by people I mean you @MothAndMoons and anyone else. 3y
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They Went Left | Monica Hesse
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I barely read anything about the life after WWII, so this was something very different than what I read. It's also interesting seeing how PTSD can affect a person. This was an emotional read and has that mystery aspect too. #ya #historical

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They Went Left | Monica Hesse
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After wwii, a girl goes looking for her brother and what‘s left of her family. She struggles with her memory.

They Went Left | Monica Hesse
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ◼️ WOW....here‘s the link to my Goodreads review. I am still at a loss for words. https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/3412818959 #litsylove

Texreader That title alone...whew! 4y
Lollymya @Texreader I know and it‘s from the perspective of a teenage girl. 4y
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They Went Left | Monica Hesse
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Yeah, my September book haul was pretty massive. This isn‘t even everything! So much for self-control!

I‘ll try to do better this month. 🙂

TheLudicReader A woman after my own heart. 4y
CaffeineAndCandy ɴɪᴄᴇ 👍 4y
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They Went Left | Monica Hesse
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Wow what a phenomenal story, it's a historical story about what occurs after the Holocaust and what it looks like to start over after the atrocious horrendous and evil events that happened. What does a new life look like? Who does it involve? Who deserves forgiveness .. a beautiful amazing story, well Narrated as an audiobook.

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They Went Left | Monica Hesse
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Another Monica Hesse winner (author of American Fire and The Girl in the Blue Coat)! Many authors write about the Holocaust/WW2 but few research the aftermath of its concentration camp survivors. This HF novel plumbs the depth of morality and memory in post war lives. So good. Recommend 💖

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They Went Left | Monica Hesse
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A devastating first chapter about a girl who has just been liberated from a camp and knows the only family member she may have left alive it's her little brother. We like to think the trauma ensued during WW2 ended once those who survived were let free. This book seems so far like our will be seen important portrayal of the grief experienced by those left behind. This quote is within the first few pages 💔

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They Went Left | Monica Hesse
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1st 5 star read of the year. I can‘t even put into words what I feel after reading this heartbreaking book. Zofia has been liberated from a concentration camp and all she wants to do is find her brother. But as she looks for him she is having a hard time knowing if what she remembers and feels are memories of her brother or dreams. I can‘t imagine living through this horrible time in our world history. But one thing Zofia never gave up!

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They Went Left | Monica Hesse
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My reading partner & I just finished this remarkable book. It begins in a hospital, post liberation of a concentration camp where a young woman is struggling to recover physically & mentally- having trouble deciding which “memories” are real and which are imagined out of trauma. She is searching for her little brother, having lost the rest of her family to Nazi terror. It‘s a story of sadness and hope, of the past and new of beginnings. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

AlaMich Pretty puffball! 😻 4y
Hollie @alamich idk why she is looking so grumpy in this pick, but puffball is a good way to describe her! 😻 4y
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They Went Left | Monica Hesse
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I had surgery today (bilateral salpingectomy) and the nurse was laughing at me because as soon as they wheeled me into recovery I was reaching for my book. It is an excellent book, but idk how she expected me to just lay there while I had a book to read! I‘m back home and Anthony is taking good care of me. 🥰

vivastory Wishing you a speedy recovery (& loads of extra reading time)! 📚 4y
Hollie Thanks so much, Scott! @vivastory 4y
Lcsmcat Wishing you a speedy recovery! 4y
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Hollie Thank you, Linda! @Lcsmcat 4y
alisiakae Best wishes for a speedy recovery! I had a hysterectomy last year, I was definitely not reading in the recovery room. 🤣 (edited) 4y
Hollie @4thhouseontheleft when I woke up I had been dreaming I was in the setting of this book- a displaced persons camp after the Holocaust, which was a weird feeling lol. Thank you for the well wishes! 4y
ValerieAndBooks Wishing for a good and quick recovery for you 💖 4y
Hollie @ValerieAndBooks thank you, I‘m a little sore today, but enjoying some reading time. 🥰 4y
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They Went Left | Monica Hesse
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My used bookstore haul from The Dusty Bookshelf in Lawrence, KS. I‘ve read The Things They Carried, but I wanted a physical copy on my shelf. The Hesse wasn‘t even on my radar- I picked it up because I‘ve read and loved her before so I was pleased to see once I got home today that it is an ARC and not out until April 2020...and it‘s about a Holocaust survivor trying to reunite with her brother post war, so I had to start that one first. ♥️♥️♥️

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