#ReadMyRoom #BookNookBuddies2022
I have mixed feelings on this one. The first 1/2 was good & then it all became about raising children. Not my cup of tea🤷🏻♀️
#ReadMyRoom #BookNookBuddies2022
I have mixed feelings on this one. The first 1/2 was good & then it all became about raising children. Not my cup of tea🤷🏻♀️
#Scarathlon2021 #TeamSlaughter #ReadWithUs #Challenge2021 #20in4
Started a few days ago, just forgot to post🤦🏻♀️
🔪: 1
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“Wow!”, “Yaaaaas!!”, & “Truth!” are all words that popped into my head as I read!
A friend‘s recommendation and lending of this one to me was a success!!
What I liked most is that the information was educated and articulate, but still accessible to everyone.
Anyone who would be reading it could have more than one relevant takeaway.
Many elements found in the pages of this read will be practices I use in my daily life.
Emotional agility guideposts, 6-12. 💯
Emotional agility guideposts, 1-5. 💯
When you continue to pursue new knowledge and richer experiences, when you follow your heart and your honest answers to the questions that matter to you, you‘ll find that you aren‘t stuck on a seesaw. Instead you‘ll be soaring, opening up not just your mind but also your world.
Questions to ask when working through your own grit vs. quit scenarios and decisions.
To stay truly alive, we need to choose courage over comfort so that we keep growing, climbing, and challenging ourselves, and that means not getting stuck thinking we‘ve found heaven when we‘re simply sitting on the nearest plateau.
Avoidance, particularly avoidance of discomfort—is even the enemy of good. It‘s the enemy of growth and change that lead to flourishing.
Anytime there are gaps in our knowledge, fear fills in those gaps—a fear that overshadows the possibility of a payoff.
A mind that is open to growth and change is a hub from which values and goals can be brought to life and realized. There is tremendous empowerment in appointing yourself the agent of your life-in taking ownership of your development, career, creative spirit, work, and connections.
I like this idea of fluidity rather than stability! 👏🏻💡🤯
Courage is not the absence of fear, courage is fear walking.
When you connect with your real self, and what you believe to be important, the gulf between how you feel and how you behave closes up.
That the book itself is well developed, but also fully loaded with lots of research and science-backed practices and evidence, but also that in presenting this information, the author does a superb job of making it relevant and practical for readers. 💯
Putting this here to encourage myself to get back into the habit of brain and heart “dumps” for non-educational focus purposes when I spend time writing, which should be something I do more often for my own well-being and lesser for the reaction of people on social media channels...
If you can confront both your internal feelings and your external options-while maintaining the distinction between the two-you'll have a much better chance at having a good day, not to mention a meaningful life.
Once we stop struggling to eliminate distressing feelings or to smother them with positive affirmations or rationalizations, they can teach us valuable lessons.
One of the greatest human triumphs is to choose to make room in our hearts for both the joy and the pain, and to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
Life's beauty is inseparable from its fragility.
Passages like this, even more so than the fact that I‘m at work and reading, is why it‘s taken me over an hour (according to Bookly) to work through one chapter today!
Not mad about it. 💯
“.....the person who has the final say over what's of value in your life should be you.“
Your story is your story.
You need to own it, rather than it owning you, and to honor it with compassion.
I‘m having a mind blowing “why didn‘t I think about that!?!” moment as I read this!! 🤯 🤯🤯
“.....you can't rebuild a city when it's under bombardment, but only when the attacks stop and peace prevails. The same goes with our internal world: When we stop fighting what is, we can move on to efforts that will be more constructive and more rewarding.“
Even with truth and reconciliation, though, we can't control the world, which means that it will never be a perfect place. The only way to get anywhere is through the practice of acceptance.
In real life,our successes come from how well we're able to live with and learn from our own flaws and dark side.
Every hero‘s journey.
I think I just had a heart explosion while reading this passage.
Our own dark places can keep us hooked. #truth
Our raw feelings can be the messengers we need to teach us things about ourselves and prompt insights into important life directions.
Emotional agility means being aware and accepting of all your emotions, even learning from the most difficult ones.
Things change. We need flexibility to make sure we can change too.
“The mind is it‘s own place, and in itself can make heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.”
~John Milton, “Paradise Lost” ~
The ultimate goal of emotional agility is to keep a sense of challenge and growth alive throughout your life.
Emotional agility is a process.
A few people at my work have decided to start a book club and this is our first book. (Work related book club but still interesting). Our first meeting is Wednesday but I want to get a head start
Day 12 of #nonficnov - fav self help. C'mon, you didn't expect me to pick just one?! Emotional Agility by Susan David Phd , Things Might Go Terribly, Horribly Wrong by Kelly Wilson, and The Gifts Of Imperfection by #brenebrown are the ones I frequently recommend. They are all practical, kind, and very understandable. ❤❤❤❤❤
I wish there was a "highest pick" rating to give. I love this book by Susan David: it's been my most frequently recommended book lately. If you're human, you probably have felt an emotion or two in your life. What you do with your thoughts and feelings matter: not only to you personally but also those around you. This book is like the owner's manual for how to live the life you want to live . High praise!.
@Booksandcooks #5555giveaway
10/10. Fabulous. Paradigm-shifting. I never do self help/ pop psych books either. This one is the real deal though. Her simple graph for mapping out how to process strong emotional responses and how to get past them is unbelievable. Her research is solid. It's a quick read too. Highly recommend.
Something we all can use...
My life has been full of change (new house in a new city, shifts and changes in my job and career, health changes with my parents--and that's just off the top of my head), so I thought it'd be a great time to pick up EMOTIONAL AGILITY, and I was right. I found David's approach smart and her writing style engaging. Highly recommended for my fellow self-improvement people!
".... people who wrote about emotionally charged episodes experienced a marked increase in their physical and mental well-being. They were happier, less depressed, and less anxious. In the months after the writing sessions, they had lower blood pressure, better immune function, and fewer doctor visits. They also reported higher quality relationships, better memory, and more success at work."
An essential read to manage through change. Learn how to embrace negativity and move forward. I found it energizing!
Organized in a thoughtful way, this book discusses from how we hook ourselves emotionally, what it takes to truly show up, why your “why” is important, and how to move on. The final chapters then apply the practices to work and parenting.
I recognized myself in her explanations, heard myself saying “yep” as she brought words to the emotions I only half recognized before.
Great book for people interested in human behavior and emotional health.