#BookMoods #ToldInVerse
Book set in Sudan, giving a child‘s view of the early days of the war.
@Eggs @AlwaysBeenALoverOfBooks
#BookMoods #ToldInVerse
Book set in Sudan, giving a child‘s view of the early days of the war.
@Eggs @AlwaysBeenALoverOfBooks
This was an interesting book telling of the early stages of the revolution in #Sudan in 2004 through the eyes of a child and also using some verse and illustrations. I feel it lost something as I choose to do it by audiobook, hence being a So-So. If you read this i would recommend getting hold of the book.
3rd Book Finished for the #20in4 Readathon
Starting the tagged Middle Grade book. Which I am reading for #Sudan as part of the #ReadingAfrica2022
This tells events in Sudan from a child‘s perspective.
Also reading as part of the #20in4 Readathon
“Amara ,look at me,”muma insists. she collects both her hands and mine.”the Janjanweed attacks without warning. If they ever come—run!
Two more completed for #Booked2019
#MuslimAuthororMC - Reading Lolita in Tehran
#DiverseMiddleGrade - The Red Pencil
@Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage
This book was almost a so so because it took awhile to catch me and I don‘t know that I got as emotionally involved as I hoped, but the story picked up about half way through and it definitely speaks a truth worth reading.
A story of a displaced girl in Sudan who faces tragic circumstances. Her village is attacked and she and her family must flee to a refugee camp, living in squalid conditions 💙In verse, and her love for drawing and learning to write shows across all the pages.
Darfur. 2003. Twelve year old Amira, after a massacre, now lives in a refugee camp, burning with desire to read, draw, write, and learn. Poignant beautiful story in verse
#whereiread Waiting for the tire on my brand new car to be repaired or replaced #LitsyAtoZ #R #passportlitsy #Sudan
Where is Amira now? (In the spirit of the novel, I‘m hoping for “shiny” things.) I am left wishing for sketchbook 2!
Amira figuratively turns plastic grocery sacks into Sundanese flowers, her father‘s legacy of looking for “what else is possible.”
Told in verse, the story focuses on Amira, a young Sudanese farm girl, who wants to learn to read and write, but whose mother refuses to let her. When tragedy strikes their small village, she and her family and neighbors must make their way to a refugee camp and adjust to a new way of life. I love how novels told in verse are able to relate difficult events and the feelings of the narrators in a way that is accessible to young readers.
My first book completed in 2018 is a moving novel in verse told from the perspective of a 12yo girl living in a refugee camp in Sudan. She has been traumatized after an attack on her village and it is a red pencil and paper given to her by an aid worker that helps her find her voice again.
Works as a #onesittingbook for #readharder2018
If you haven‘t read this yet, stop whatever you‘re reading and get this into your hands/ears/whatever. The story and message are powerful and important and you need to read this! #weneeddiversebooks #kidlit
I wish I was reading by a campfire....
#redbooks (with red titles)
#augustlibrary17 @beachbookworm7
A recent impulse purchase (the cover just jumped out at me) about #refugees
#junebookbugs (for real this time!)
Really liked this mix of poetry-prose and illustrations telling the tale of a Sudanese family escaping from genocide. Poignant in its childlike simplicity. Does a great job making hard topics relatable to young readers.
Story written in prose so it was a 1-day read for me. Definitely touches on the genocide in South Africa with "kid gloves" meaning that the gory details aren't spelled out. Pinkney wanted to focus on personalizing the story and I think she accomplished this in a way that an elementary or middle school student can handle.
This was a great read about finding hope in what might be a hopeless time. Amira wants more and finds a way to pursue her dream especially after tragedy strikes her village.
"Why did Allah make mosquitoes?"
That is a question my daughter asks every summer! Her reactions to bites are extreme! Her whole leg or arm will swell, turn red, and heat up!
I was drawn in by the cover, hooked by the back cover blurb, and now I'm discovering it's a novel in verse! I'm a HUGE fan of the novel in verse format which makes me that much more excited to read this! It also hits several of the book challenges I am doing in 2017:
A quick read. Vivid, tragic, soft and engrossing. Deep events delivered with the lightness of verse. #travelread #readontheplane
I wanted to like it, but I just didn't. I did listen to the audio book version so maybe that had something to do with it. I listen while driving so I sometimes miss bits and pieces.