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Twilight of Democracy
Twilight of Democracy: The Seductive Lure of Authoritarianism | Anne Applebaum
26 posts | 16 read | 12 to read
A Pulitzer Prizewinning historian explains, with electrifying clarity, why elites in democracies around the world are turning toward nationalism and authoritarianism. From the United States and Britain to continental Europe and beyond, liberal democracy is under siege, while authoritarianism is on the rise. In Twilight of Democracy, Anne Applebaum, an award-winning historian of Soviet atrocities who was one of the first American journalists to raise an alarm about antidemocratic trends in the West, explains the lure of nationalism and autocracy. In this captivating essay, she contends that political systems with radically simple beliefs are inherently appealing, especially when they benefit the loyal to the exclusion of everyone else. Despotic leaders do not rule alone; they rely on political allies, bureaucrats, and media figures to pave their way and support their rule. The authoritarian and nationalist parties that have arisen within modern democracies offer new paths to wealth or power for their adherents. Applebaum describes many of the new advocates of illiberalism in countries around the world, showing how they use conspiracy theory, political polarization, social media, and even nostalgia to change their societies. Elegantly written and urgently argued, Twilight of Democracy is a brilliant dissection of a world-shaking shift and a stirring glimpse of the road back to democratic values.
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I wanted to like this book and I wanted this book to be helpful and/or interesting but it was mostly just name dropping and personal experiences which is not what I wanted. I wanted to understand why people like authoritarianism, but the author kept complaining how her former friends wouldn‘t speak to her so she doesn‘t understand why they like authoritarianism.
0/5 stars, didn‘t learn much of anything and only finished in hopes that I would

AnnCrystal 💕🐶💝. 4mo
iread2much @AnnCrystal 😊💜🐕 4mo
catiewithac I think what you wanted to read was more like 2mo
iread2much @catiewithac oh good to know! Thank you 2mo
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👆👆👆This hit me right in the stomach. “Cannot tolerate complexity.”

She notes that it doesn‘t correlate with intelligence. And, others take advantage of this intolerance.

This book is depressing and fascinating.

SamAnne this is a great quote. And observation. 2y
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July 2022

She provides excellent analysis trying to answer the question why people are turning to authoritarian leaders all over the globe.
I realize her previous books, jobs, and life experience play an important part in her analysis, however the constant name-dropping and personal stories took away from the tone of the book for me.
Felt like a pompous uncle at a family dinner rather than the very well-researched book it is.

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 2y
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Some pre-work reading. #marvellousmay #readathon

Chrissyreadit Checking to see if you received your match email for the staycationintimeswap. 2y
TheBookDream @Chrissyreadit yes I responded! 2y
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History may not literally repeat itself, but the ideological backdrop that effect modern events does. This book looks at the rise of authoritarianism in the recent past and mirrors those traits with modern events. We are flirting with authoritarianism not just here in the United States but around the world. A eye opening essay on what those traits are, where they come from, and how we can recognize them today.

AmyG Applebaum is wonderful. 3y
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Part 2 of 2

JanuarieTimewalker13 Very true. Instead of admitting error, they reinforce their mistakes louder. That‘s ego instead of logic. 3y
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Part 1 of 2


Trump has no knowledge of the American story and so cannot have faith in it. He has no understanding of or sympathy for the language of the founders, so he can not be inspired by it.

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Leftcoastzen It‘s exhausting that it‘s true. 3y
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This book explains well the political times we are in, not only in America, but it covers well Poland, Hungary, Briton and a host of other countries. The rise of populism, nostalgia for romanticized past histories, the vilification if perceived enemies. The societal divisions splitting friends and families. Rise of social media and our struggle to filter information and rubrics which pull us down rabbit holes to destructive thinking. Insightful!

Riveted_Reader_Melissa Sounds like a must read! 3y
BBowling If was for me. 3y
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A quick but scary read. The author has a unique perspective—she is from Washington, but lives in Poland and has watched the far right take hold, quickly, and easily.
This brings to mind the recent Netflix film ‘The Hater‘ (Polish: Sala samobójców. Hejter)…watch it.
This book also brought other titles to my mind:

•On Tyranny: Lessons from the Twentieth Century,
•Hiding in Plain Sight: The Invention of Donald Trump and the Erosion of America

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Authoritarianism isn‘t political, and it isn‘t the same thing as conservatism. It appeals to people who cannot tolerate complexity: there is nothing intrinsically left/ right wing about this at all. It is anti-pluralist. It is suspicious of people with different ideas. It is allergic to fierce debates. Whether those who have it ultimately derive their politics from Marxism or nationalism is irrelevant. It is a frame of mind, not a set of ideas.

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Recent political history of Poland, Great Britain, and other EU countries. Applebaum discusses the role of certain individuals, journalism, and populist tendencies. She offers interesting hypotheses about why authoritarian leaders and policies are gaining ground. Some U.S. discussion, but for me it balanced all the stuff I‘ve read about U.S. politics lately.

Full review http://www.TheBibliophage.com
#thebibliophage2021 #borrownotbuy

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Just under 200 pages, this felt 3xs as long, which is strange because I've read another of her books in record time. Still, I enjoyed that she looks at #democracy and the appeal of #authoritarianism in various western societies during past and present times. Even with such differences in time and space, she makes some interesting and overlapping connections (even though I found her writing roundabout at times) #nonfiction #politics #history #essay

coffees Didn't get to finish during the #anywayyoureadathon days but finally finished! 4y
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 4y
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Didn't realize we had one of Anne Applebaum's books! It's called Twilight of Democracy and was released last year, I've read Red Famine at my professor's recommendation and enjoyed her writing. Let's see what we have here #nonfiction #easterneuropean #history #anywayyoureadathon @kimmypete1 @Eggbeater @MidnightBookGirl

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30-31 Dec 2020 (audiobook)
I listened to this whilst doing a Christmas-New Year cleanup, so was not really paying enough attention. Her arguments were compelling and her experience as an American living in right-wing Poland and the UK during the Brexit vote gave her a unique worldview. The fact that she seems to be a conservative journalist discussing the increasing extremism of both sides of politics is also interesting. It warrants a re-listen.

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Thank you to @rsteve388 and @Clwojick for hosting #nfn2020. I‘ve found out I love slim volumes on diverse subjects & should dip into unknown territory more often. Ive also discovered some great new to me podcast & have found space every day to listen to at least 1 episode - many it continue! And of course my TBR has exploded rather than decreased!
And there‘s more inspiration here - https://fivebooks.com/best-books/nonfiction-2020-sophie-roell/

Clwojick Thank you so much for joining us! I‘ve stacked so many books and podcasts this past month. ♥️ 4y
Mitch @Clwojick me too! 4y
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Everyone needs to read this little book. Applebaum is a Pulitzer winning historian of Soviet culture. She brings a unique perspective as a witness of democracy‘s death throes as the wife of a former Polish diplomat. History gives us context and hope, because nothing is guaranteed or static in life. Through our actions, we are the authors of our present and future. 🕯 #bethelightyouwanttosee

AmyG Everyone please VOTE! 4y
iread2much This looks amazing! And sad. But also really interesting 4y
catiewithac @iread2much The ending was kinda hopeful 🙃 4y
iread2much @catiewithac I will totally take kinda hopeful 4y
Nute Stacking! 4y
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This Halloween, I‘m sitting down with some chocolate and one of the scariest books I own.

I hope, whether you celebrate it or not, that you are safe and healthy this evening. Happy Halloween! ❤️🎃❤️

rabbitprincess The Reeses pumpkins are so good!! 4y
BookmarkTavern @rabbitprincess They are my favorite! Them and the Easter eggs and the Christmas trees. 🤎🧡🤎🧡 4y
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So excited for these books to arrive tomorrow! #toknowthefuturereadhistory


Twilight of course can be a sign of the coming day or a sign of the ending day. Ms. Appelbaum makes a good case for either time of twilight. The twilight as ending of democracy is frightening, as she explains it