#7days7covers #CoverCrush #day1
Thanks for the tag @Redwritinghood 😊
Seven covers in seven days with no explanation and tab someone new every day. What a cool idea!
Tagging @JackOBotts 👩🎤👨🎤⚡️🌈🏳️🌈
#7days7covers #CoverCrush #day1
Thanks for the tag @Redwritinghood 😊
Seven covers in seven days with no explanation and tab someone new every day. What a cool idea!
Tagging @JackOBotts 👩🎤👨🎤⚡️🌈🏳️🌈
There's no prompt for Ziggy Stardust in #SeptemBowie so I'm using this book now. To me the Ziggy years were the #GoldenYears
(Yes, I am completely ignoring the "retirement" meaning of the phrase and focusing on the sheer golden gold of Bowie in 1972-73.) ??? ??
"It had life, love, death, glamour, sorrow, sex, leprosy and vaseline. All that anyone could ever ask from a rock 'n' roll album."
"Two words which the cosmos had been waiting for a sentient creature to utter for nearly fourteen billion years" and which the reader has been waiting 164 pages to read. ? I don't mind, the meandering run-up has been entertaining and informative.
This book is choke full of weird non-Bowie music that I then have to look up on YouTube. 😆And yes, the description of what it sounds like is pretty spot on.
Chapter 8. David Bowie (Jones) has finally been born on p. 64. Before that we've been through such people as Pythagoras, Kepler, 17th Century Japanese gender-bending performers, Beethoven, H. G. Wells, and Gustav Holst. (And more.) All presented as not just the prerequisite for, but as a fated development culminating in, the arrival of the Starman. 😆
Ok, this book had me at Ziggyology and the preface just clinched it. This will be an enjoyable Saturday. (And on Tuesday I'm headed to Bristol for Ziggy Stardust the movie at the Watershed.)
My daughter wanted to buy some headphones, so we went to HMV as they were having a sale on them. Turns out HMV have books as well! Who knew! Caught by surprise and seeing 2 for Qd my resistance was non-existent, especially when I saw non-fiction about two of my favourite artists.
A huge Valentine's thank you to @Luv2readbookz ! These gifts are so amazing, thoughtful, and wonderful! Three books I have not read and a whole mess of goodies. Thank you, thank you, thank you! You made my day and it is just starting! You nailed it and I am so filled with joy right now. Happy Valentine's Day. #cupidgoespostal
Family time with my boys--my husband & Ziggy. I'm reading, my husband is computering & Ziggy is staring. This pretty much sums up our main interests. 😂 Too bad dogs cannot read, he looks a little bored (poor Stardust!).
When you have to work on Saturday, and you're grumpy, but you get home and there's book mail! Bowie book ftw!
"A book about Ziggy Stardust, the alien pop star who inhabited the mind body and trousers of David Bowie" I really should know by now that I cannot go into a bookstore (especially #dauntbooks ) 'just to browse' will I never learn??