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Eudora Honeysett is Quite Well, Thank You
Eudora Honeysett is Quite Well, Thank You | Annie Lyons
8 posts | 5 read | 15 to read
Like a hot cup of tea on a wintry afternoon absolute comfort Reader review Wow definitely my book of the year. And in my all time top ten! Reader review This is undoubtedly one of the best books that I have read this year Reader review
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What a wonderful package from across the pond! 🎉 It was such a sweet surprise, Helen…I‘m glad I waited. 😉😉 This sounds like a perfect book for me and the chocolate…well, chocolate is ALWAYS perfect. 😄
Thanks so much for thinking of me, my #birthdayfairy friend. 🤗😘 P.S. That wrapping paper is gorgeous!

LeahBergen Happy Birthday, my friend! Have a lovely day. ❤️📚❤️📚 2y
robinb @LeahBergen Thank you, Leah! 🤗🤗 2y
squirrelbrain You‘re welcome Robin! Hope you‘re having a lovely birthday! 🥳😘 2y
BarbaraBB Happy birthday dear Robin! Hope you‘re having a wonderful day 🤍 2y
robinb @BarbaraBB Thank you, Barbara! ❤️❤️ 2y
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You really wouldn‘t expect this book to be so warm, funny and life-affirming, as the titular Eudora is planning to end her life at a Swiss clinic, but it certainly is.

I loved the supporting cast of characters; I often find a child‘S POV in a book to be grating, but I loved Rose in this. (And Stanley too!)

Like others, I loved the Pointless and Richard Osman references. I watch Pointless most days!

squirrelbrain @CarolynM - have you tried Richard Osman‘s House of Games? If you like Pointless, I‘m sure you‘d like that too. 2y
Cinfhen Yay!!! I love seeing all the praise for Eudora 😁💕 2y
Cinfhen Fabulous review 🙌🏻 2y
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charl08 Off to check the number of reserves on this at the library... 2y
squirrelbrain It might beOK @charl08 (if they have it) as it‘s not a recent publication; @cinfhen raved about it and now we‘re all reading it and loving it! 🥰 2y
TrishB Loved it too 👍🏻 2y
CarolynM I have seen a few episodes of House of Games. I think it‘s a bit variable depending on who‘s on it (but maybe not as much as Richard Ayoade‘s Question Team😬) For something similar to, but different from Eudora, I loved this one on audio 2y
squirrelbrain Yes, it does vary depending who‘s on (and what games they get that week) @CarolynM . That book sounds great but, at the moment, I can‘t find it anywhere. 🤷‍♀️ 2y
CarolynM Hmm, it may not have got an international release yet. I‘ll look into it. 2y
squirrelbrain It‘s not on Scribd, Libby, BorrowBox or even Amazon yet. @CarolynM 2y
Caroline2 Oh another great review, stacked again! 😆 2y
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It‘s brave to begin a feel good story with an octogenarian contemplating the end of their life, but this book brings it off triumphantly. Sad in places, heartwarming in others, some laugh out loud moments (comparing a baby‘s birth to a the ball popping out of a rugby scrum 😳🤣) & some Richard Osman appreciation. Eudora, Rose & Stanley have been excellent company and I‘m sorry to be leaving them behind. Thanks for the rec Cindy - I loved it.

Freespirit It sounds great..I shall put it on my list!😊 2y
Centique I loved the shout outs to Richard Osman too! 2y
CarolynM @Freespirit It‘s lovely and the audio is excellent. Enjoy! 2y
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CarolynM @Centique But no love for Alexander Armstrong, which seems a bit mean☹️ 2y
squirrelbrain Looking forward to getting to this one sometime soon! 2y
Cinfhen I‘m so happy you enjoyed this one too, Carolyn!!! Wonderful review 🧡 2y
Lindy This sounds so good I went to add it to my “for later” shelf on my public library‘s online catalogue… only to find I had already made a note of it. Maybe I heard about it from @Cinfhen ? 2y
Cinfhen Maybe ?!? @Lindy it‘s just a sweet read believe it or not considering the topic / planned death ☠️ 2y
LeahBergen This sounds lovely. 2y
Centique @CarolynM oh! I don‘t know him but I just googled that is who is on Pointless. I‘ll have to try and find the show. I love a quiz ☺️ 2y
CarolynM @Centique We watch it on YouTube. It‘s great🙂 2y
Suet624 I need this book. 2y
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This is a book I needed to read, so thank you @Cinfhen for the recommendation 💕
Some of the plot is predictable and it almost felt too sweet in parts, but Lyons brings it back from the edge with her realistic portrayal of the vulnerabilities of ageing and her willingness to look at death and how society avoids addressing it. Eudora is fantastic; blunt, steadfast and with a heart of gold. It made me think and I certainly won‘t forget Eudora!

Cinfhen Yay!!! I loved Rose and Eudora 💕💕I‘m so glad it warmed your heart 2y
Cinfhen I need to email you xxx happy to hear from u 😘 2y
Centique @Cinfhen gosh it made me think more positively about old age and death - I really needed that! And sorry I took so long answering your email 💕😘 2y
CarolynM ❤️❤️❤️ 2y
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This was a #blameitonlitsy I think @Cinfhen ? Anyway it is just lovely and very much what the doctor would have ordered for a couple of stress work weeks. Conical, honest and life affirming I loved Eudora and that is has a cross generational friendship with the fabulous Rose was icing on the cake

Cinfhen Yay!!! Im so glad you enjoyed this one!! Agreed…Rose was the perfect partner for Eudora 💖💖 2y
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Look what I‘m listening to @Cinfhen ! I wasn‘t sure at first (I‘m very easily put off when narrators do different voices) but I‘m hooked now at 20%. At the moment im loving reading books about elderly people and finding purpose in your later years - I wonder why!

Image is a new sculpture that has popped up beside a small marina I like to walk around.

Cinfhen Ohhh, yay!! Lovely photo 💜I really loved this book & I hope you will as well xxx 2y
CarolynM Lovely photo 😍 I‘m also listening to this book on my morning walks thanks to @Cinfhen ‘s recommendation. It‘s a good one 👍🙂 2y
Cinfhen I‘m so happy this little book is getting some Litsy Love @CarolynM @TrishB @Centique 2y
TrishB @Cinfhen @CarolynM just finished and really enjoyed it. 2y
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Train reading, on way to see Numan in London 😁

BarbaraBB Enjoy 💃🕺 2y
AmyG Have fun! 2y
JaneyWaneyB Have a great time 🕺 2y
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MaureenMc 🙌 2y
squirrelbrain Have a fab time! 🎶 2y
andrew61 Brilliant, enjoy . 2y
batsy Ooh, fun 💕 2y
youneverarrived Have fun ❤️ 2y
Cathythoughts Oooh Numan 💖 enjoy ! ! 2y
Leftcoastzen Yay! 2y
LeahBergen Give my love to Gary! 😘😘 2y
rockpools Safe travels 😊 2y
Cinfhen Ohhhhh; how was Numan???!!! 2y
Cinfhen And I‘m glad you liked this book…it was my favorite read from April 🥰 2y
TrishB @Cinfhen absolutely brilliant! On a bit of a come down now and Monday is looming. 2y
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This donut is a thing of beauty.

DivineDiana That it is! 2y
Cinfhen It is!!! And your book is fabulous too!!! 2y
Oryx @Cinfhen yes - just started it, but I can tell by the tone I'm going to like it. Got this one on your recommendation. 😘 2y
Cinfhen I hope you love it as much as I did 💞💞💞 2y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So pretty 💞 2y
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