This one small paragraph isn‘t enough! 😂
This one small paragraph isn‘t enough! 😂
Whilst anxiously waiting to know whether our house sale will finalise this month - my reading is taking a hit. This is about my level of concentration!
Daughter is organizing her books. I‘m not sure of her system but alphabetizing by author comes next. Love this!
I love home organization books. This one even has a book 🌈 on the cover! 👏🏻🤗
I'm going to attempt to organize this monstrosity today. Wish me luck! I may need it 😕
#Augustofpages - day 17. My happy place to read is my family room. I usually read when the kids are in bed but I'd like to keep an eye on the rooms. That couch is sooo comfortable!
I don't know about you guys.. But when my to-do list gets overwhelming, I tend to ignore it completely and reorganize my bookshelves..😂😂😂