Day 22: A fun fact about you #juneinbooks18
Much like Beatrice, I‘m a huge math nerd. I‘m on a math team and it sounds dorky but it‘s actually lots of fun!
#math #aesthetic #pink #black #white #manicpixiedreamgirl #teen #ya
Day 22: A fun fact about you #juneinbooks18
Much like Beatrice, I‘m a huge math nerd. I‘m on a math team and it sounds dorky but it‘s actually lots of fun!
#math #aesthetic #pink #black #white #manicpixiedreamgirl #teen #ya
This book was absolutely freaking adorable. And hopefully enough to break my reading slump. It was also the first book that I used the Bookout app on! Love the infographic they give you at the end!
Tonight boyfriend decided to join me in the reading nook. He was even kind enough to put on headphones while he played Fire Emblem so that I could still read. #wordnerdinlove #sometimeshejustgetsme #trytoignoremywineglass
Giving away a hand annotated copy of Gretchen's "I'm Not Your Manic Pixie Dream Girl" on Instagram today! I love annotated books, but I love that Gretchen took the time to go through and write her notes in herself for one lucky person.
I loved the idea of this book but was not impressed with the execution. I worked pretty hard to like it but overall thought it was rather predictable with some shallow characters. It was a fun, easy read though. Elliott appreciated that it was a quick read.
I have a lot more books with #girlinthetitle thank I thought! Left side is a search of my ebooks, and right side is just one of my #tbr I'm hoping to get to this weekend. #readjanuary #somanybooks
Super cute story about a girl who reinvents herself as the perfect Manic Pixie Dream Girl to win back her boyfriend! Sounds more sugary than it really is. This book definitely has some serious sh*t in it but is a great in between read!
I can't say I'm enjoying the protagonist at this point... I find her condescending in an aggressive way. I'm also not enjoying her habit of announcing arbitrary percentages... I get it she loooooooooves math but this affectation is a weirdly annoying way of showing that.
But I'm only at chapter 11, it might get better.
#photoadaynov15 #booknerdproblems
Trying to decide whether to go someplace during my Christmas vacation or stay home and read. Life is hard.
"And just like that, my neurochemical processes were excited by his external stimuli."
Ha! I'm digging the start of this "nerd" contemporary.
My 3 month TBR... I've been stockpiling since the beginning of the new school year and this is where I'm at... bring on winter break!
"Women are not on this planet exclusively to inspire men and make them happy." PREACH!
Kicking off this Litsy journey with a good ol' #galleybrag! So excited to get my hands on this--the cover and title instantly drew me in with their quirkiness. Just seems like such a fun read right off the bat. Plus, how cute is it that she's holding a Tweety bird ice cream bar on the cover, complete with the crazy bubblegum eyes?? Ahh major throwback moment 💗 #SeptemberReads
Kicking off this Litsy journey with a good ol' #galleybrag! So excited to get my hands on this--the cover and title instantly drew me in with their quirkiness. Just seems like such a fun read right off the bat. Plus, how cute is it that she's holding a Tweety bird ice cream bar on the cover, complete with the crazy bubblegum eyes?? Ahh major throwback moment 💗
The perfect read-in-one-sitting-on-a-late-summer-afternoon treat. Bonus points for a lady mathematician, something this computer science/applied math major appreciated and would love to see more of.