This was marvelous! I love the way Tucci narrates and the recipes and dishes all sounded delicious!
Easy ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This was marvelous! I love the way Tucci narrates and the recipes and dishes all sounded delicious!
Easy ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Current audiobook…Love Tucci!
A pleasant reading experience, for the most part. Relationships, as much as food, form the core of the journal entries: love and pride and worry for parents and children, grief for first wife, complex feelings for second wife, joy in many good friends, it's obvious Tucci relishes making connections and sharing good food. 1/?
Stanley Tucci is, as ever, utterly charming and delightful with this new memoir. I loved this on audio, the diary format really worked and had me salivating, and inspired to cook more off the cuff Italian food. The casual hobnobbing with other actors is unapologetic and fascinating. His reflections on life amongst all the food porn were surprisingly touching.
Looking forward to another fantastic year of fun doing #bookspin. Thanks for hosting another year @TheAromaofBooks
2024 Reading Stats.
Important things to note:
1)Remember these big numbers include graphic novels, picture books and the occasional short story.
2) Got my non-fiction back up to 22% from 21% by year end, huzzah! 1/2
If you loved Taste, this one is for you. If you haven‘t read that yet, start there. Tucci‘s conversational style, sense of humor, and love of food make this such a fun read. I loved the diary style, which reminded me of the Alan Rickman book. We see one year of dinner parties, nights at home, lunch on the go, and airport food through his eyes. I highly recommend the audiobook, which he narrates. It makes the whole experience just delightful.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Food and other miscellany presented in a loose diary form plus a few sporadic recipes. Many delicious meals, and some not so much, a fair amount of wine, and a ton of familial love. He speaks of food as memories, and I totally felt that; like how a song elicits the same. If you haven‘t read his memoir Taste, start there. I could listen to Tucci read all day. Soothing tone, and he‘s low-key hilarious.
I find Stanley Tucci so charming and interesting. He‘s like old Hollywood. He‘s effortlessly classy. Everything from the way he speaks to the way he dresses and the way he eats. His humor is dry and smart. This book is a diary and it is exactly what the title suggests. His daily life centered around what he ate. Sounds boring but like Stanley… so charming.
Fantastic and so good on #audio . Tucci is such a good writer, fett, funny, descriptive, and evocative. His food descriptions make my stomach growl and his view on the world and humanity make my heart soar. I am so thankful his books are in the world. Finished this while painting my bathroom and it made the time go by quickly. #BookspinBingo @TheAromaofBooks
For me it‘s simply fun to read or watch Stanley Tucci eat his way through life surrounding himself with people he loves. Ifl he had to spend a week in my house with me as hostess and cook I‘m not sure if he‘d die from absolute boredom from adventure or of bland food starvation. Either way it would be absolute torture for him.🤣
Loved this inside look of a year in Stanley Tucci‘s life wrapped around food but it is really about love, family, work, creativity and then food. I want to go to a dinner party at his house! Great on audio!!!
I loved Taste, so I was curious to give this one a try. It‘s not quite as good with the absence of all his childhood stories, but it‘s still really enjoyable. The title gives the idea, but it‘s wrapped in the stories of his life and includes some recipes.