Today's reading buddy. Edgar is my cuddler for sure! But getting extra snuggles today since he's getting over a cold.
Today's reading buddy. Edgar is my cuddler for sure! But getting extra snuggles today since he's getting over a cold.
“That was all quite long ago. I see it in retrospect, indulgently, from the point I've reached now. But how else could I see it. We can't really travel to the past, no matter how we try. If we do, it's as tourists.” #tourist #QuotsySept20
This is one of those books that I don't know how to relate back to anyone. It doesn't sound interesting when I try to explain it. But believe me, it was, and it was absolutely beautiful. The writing, as per usual with Atwood, was stunning. I highly suggest this book to anyone looking to expand their Atwood experience.
@Soubhiville @MinDea #authoramonth
I love Margaret Atwood, and while I've read a handful of her books I haven't read nearly enough. I've also been in a terrible slump, so I'm hoping this might motivate me. Here are my Atwoods (though someone has my Year of the Flood), I've read some of these but nowhere near all. I think I'll pick Cat's Eye for July... or Moral Disorder?
#AuthorAMonth @Soubhiville @MinDea
Of course the writing is fantastic. And the story is compelling. But the sections of the book with Nell and Tig on their farm were almost unbearably disturbing to me (although if you are a farm person accustomed to animal sadness and ickiness, you probably won't be as affected). If those sections had been at the beginning, I would have DNF'd it. But I was too far in. One note: The subtitle "Other Stories" is weird. This is totally a novel. ?♀️
All in all, it was a good collection of short stories. The more I read of Atwood, the more I appreciate her writing. It took a bit to get into this collection. When I first started it I wasn‘t sure if I really wanted to continue, although by the 5th story I was hooked. Stories 6, 7 & 8 - Monopoly, Moral Disorder, and White Horse were my favourite.
#margaretatwood #moraldisorder #shortstories
All in all, it was a good collection of short stories. The more I read of Atwood, the more I appreciate her writing. It took a bit to get into this collection. When I first started it I wasn‘t sure if I really wanted to continue, although by the 5th story I was hooked. Stories 6, 7 & 8 - Monopoly, Moral Disorder, and White Horse were my favourite.
#margaretatwood #moraldisorder #shortstories
How to End Up With A Rejected Quadruped by Margaret Atwood
#margaretatwood #moraldisorder #whitehorse
The things Tig was offering her.
#margaretatwood #moraldisorder #monopoly
I think “Monopoly” is my favourite story in this collection so far. It‘s very odd and it‘s forced me to think a lot. The relationship between Tig, Nell and Oona is very interesting, because it‘s really the three of them in this relationship, isn‘t it?
This is also the first story to be in 3rd person. The rest have been in 1st. It may be a sign of the MC‘s maturation...?
#margaretatwood #moraldisorder #monopoly
Getting started on this little beauty tonight before bed.
#margaretatwood #moraldisorder #shortstories
I loved these stories so much, I‘m going to have to get a “hard copy” of them at some point. Interconnected, arcing through time, and circling back again, they explore themes of parent-child and sibling relationships, aging, and the changing mores in the mid twentieth century. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I‘m really enjoying this collection of related short stories on audiobook, but I need to get a “real” copy, because there are so many great quotes I want to share and I can never remember them when I arrive at my destination. #bookishproblems
Wonderful book and exactly what I needed right now. Margaret Atwood writes short stories so well, particularly relationships between sisters. I would definitely read more short stories by her.
Haven‘t read any Atwood in a while and am very pleased for a change from my last audiobook! I‘ve missed Margaret Atwood.
Up next...not sure if I will finish this one by the end of #readathon as it's 6hrs 40mins long - even sped up it might be a struggle! But I need something to listen to while cooking and getting ready for bed, etc!
What an interesting collection. It took me a bit to get my footing with these stories and to see the connections, and the I was thrown for a loop by the final one which seemed highly autobiographical and made me wonder if the previous ones were, too. Both the beautiful writing & sinister undertones throughout are cornerstones of Atwood's writing to me. I imagine this would reward rereading.
Book 3 for #24in48. This collection of connected short stories felt almost like a novel to me. It follows the life of one woman from girlhood to adulthood to old age. It was moving and surprisingly funny in some parts. I especially enjoyed the title story and "My Last Duchess."
I saw a reading list where one of the challenges was to read a book by a woman.To read a book by a female was seen as difficult. Since then, I have made a point to read equally between the sexes and it has been ridiculously easy. The latest has been Moral Disorder. I loved these stories. They were about normal people doing normal everyday things but the way she writes is so clean and precise. Not your typical Atwood, but lovely all the same.