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How to Eat
How to Eat | Thich Nhat Hanh
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How to Eat is part of the Mindfulness Essentials Series by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, illuminating the basics of mindfulness practice. These short meditations cover everything from eating with others and enjoying our food to connecting with the Earth. Nhat Hanh inspires a joyful and sustainable relationship with all aspects of eating, including gardening, food shopping, preparing, serving, and even clearning up after a meal. How to Eat is a welcome reminder that the benefits of mindful eating are both personal and global. With sumi ink drawings by Jason DeAntonis.
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How to Eat | Thich Nhat Hanh
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Recently discovered this lovely little series of books. Might read one each month.

How to Eat | Thich Nhat Hanh
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I‘m going to try to eat more mindfully and work on the quarantine weight (saying nothing about the weight that predates quarantine. 🤪).

slategreyskies Oh, this book looks really good. I like him a lot. I‘ll have to look for a copy of this. :) 4y
JamieArc I‘m doing the intermittent fasting route and the most surprising thing about it is how mindful it‘s making me of what I am eating. I really like TNH, but haven‘t read this. Stacking! 4y
JenReadsAlot Just ordered it! 4y
BookNAround @JenReadsAlot I hope you enjoy it. It‘s a very slender book but I‘m trying to read it slowly so I can really absorb it. 4y
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How to Eat | Thich Nhat Hanh


How to Eat | Thich Nhat Hanh
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Already making plans.. My goal for March is fifteen, but I only pick out half beforehand, in case of surprises or duds.

SuperPunkNinja Smart! I always pick too many. 7y
Kerouacthedog @McShelfington me too, in spite of only picking half. So many I want to read but then discover after I pickle then I'm not ready for them. 7y
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How to Eat | Thich Nhat Hanh
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Such a small book, with such a big impact on my eating habits. Even after reading just a few pages I started changing bad habits like not chewing properly and rushing generally through my meals. The language is beautiful in its simplicity and it's easy to follow Hanh's advice, if you're willing to put up some effort, but that's always what it takes to make a change happen. This book helped me tremendously to get right to it.

Tsubame @Faibka Again, I can't thank you enough for recommending this gem! ❤ 8y
I-read-and-eat I also started to really take my time eating, chewing my food, paying attention to the flavour. And it's been so good! I enjoy my food even more than I already did, plus it's also good for your body 😊 8y
Tsubame @I-read-and-eat That's wonderful and before reading this book I tried that too, but then I was so surprised to find out that there is so much more to eating. It was a real eye-opener 😃 I hope you're well! ❤ 8y
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erzascarletbookgasm I think I need this book. Sounds interesting:) 8y
Tsubame @erzascarletbookgasm If you're open for #mindfulness and want to do something about eating too quickly for example, then I highly recommend it! It can be a tiny book with a huge impact 😉 Hope you'll read and enjoy it! 8y
Faibka I'm so happy you enjoyed it and it is creating a positive impact in your life! 😊❤️ 8y
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How to Eat | Thich Nhat Hanh
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I enjoyed this little book. It gave me a lot of ideas on how to be more mindful when I eat. While I am Christian, I learned a lot about how to be pay attention to what I am eating and to be more GRATEFUL for my food.

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How to Eat | Thich Nhat Hanh
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Let me just send this on to the Donald and on down the line. 😂😂

DivineDiana Do it! 8y
merelybookish I can't imagine Trump could understand mindful consumption in any context. 8y
Laura317 @DivineDiana I would, but I'd be wasting my time. As @merelybookish posted, the concept is likely over some people's heads. 8y
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How to Eat | Thich Nhat Hanh
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"Upon finishing your meal, take a few minutes to notice that you have finished, that your bowl is now empty, and your hunger is satisfied." ???

LauraBeth "And then get up and go back for seconds!" ? 8y
Laura317 @LauraBeth Only if it's dessert! 😂😂😂 8y
LauraBeth 😂😂😂🍰🎂🍫🍨🍭🍪🍮🍦🍩 8y
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How to Eat | Thich Nhat Hanh
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Das erste Buch aus der Reihe mochte ich sehr. Dieses hier fand ich teilweise zu wiederholend. Aber trotzdem genieße ich seinen Rat bei einer Tasse Tee. 😉

The first book of this serie I liked very much. This one repeats me a bit too much. But I enjoy his advice with a good cup of tea. 😉

Faibka Oh I'm so sorry you didn't enjoy it as much as the first one 😥 It does get a little repetitive throughout the series because he's reinforcing to be mindful in all activities but I still hope you enjoy what is particular to each one :) 8y
Sarah83 @Faibka It is no problem. 😎 I had a bit a problem with his definitions about what we eating. We eat the earth and so we eat our grandparents etc. That was a bit strange to me. But I understand that the repeat should calm someone down and that it is important to understand, the stress has to been minimised in our lives. 😘 8y
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How to Eat | Thich Nhat Hanh
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@Faibka Look what was finally in my mailbox after work! My, it's so small! There's a lot that I need and want to read now, but first I'll dig into this one now 😉 #mindfulness

Faibka Woohoo!!!! 👏👏👏🎉🎉 I really hope you enjoy it! 😊👍 8y
LeahBergen I love the fabric behind the book!!! Is that a placemat or a tea towel? 😍 8y
Tsubame @LeahBergen It's a placemat and was part of a friend's Christmas present for me 😊 8y
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How to Eat | Thich Nhat Hanh
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So I'm sitting on the couch trying to convince myself to go do the washing up. I pick up the book beside me and open to a random page. This is the page I opened to. Lol, ok universe, I get it. 😅

Marchpane 😂😂😂 8y
Godmotherx5 Amazing. 8y
LindsayReads 😂😂😂😮 8y
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How to Eat | Thich Nhat Hanh
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Are you an emotional eater? I tend to eat more when I'm anxious. I forget that I'm eating when I am worrying. Switching my mind from anxiety to gratitude for each piece of food - sounds doable!

Joybishoptx Already stacked this. I need to read 8y
mcipher Love this. I'm trying to do this 5 day mindful eating challenge (through Foodist). It's really hard - I get antsy and want to focus on something else! 8y
Laura317 @Joybishoptx @mcipher It really is a good little book! While I won't do ALL the things in the book, I found more than enough to make it worth reading. I'm going to get the other books next. 8y
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Laura317 @mcipher I'd love to know more about this mindful eating challenge you are doing! 8y
mcipher @laura317 Herd you go! http://www.summertomato.com/mindful-meal-challenge It's just 5 days, one meal a day, so doable. Unless you are me, in which case it's anxiety-causing. If you try it I'd love to know what you think! 😊 8y
Laura317 I'm going to try it @mcipher - I will start Monday. 8y
mcipher @laura317 Cool! I totally forgot to do it today. 🙊 So I'll keep going all weekend I think! 8y
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How to Eat | Thich Nhat Hanh
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I always said my mama's cooking was made with love. Turns out, I was right! This little book is full of information on how to be more mindful of eating. 👍🏼

LauraBeth I want to be one of those people who "forget" to eat - how can I make that happen? ? 8y
Laura317 @LauraBeth I find that keeping busy reading the latest Redneck DQ installment keeps my mind off most anything. 😁 Maybe you should try it. 8y
LauraBeth @Laura317 😂☺️ 8y
rubyslippersreads @LauraBeth I never forget to eat or read. 📚❤🍰 8y
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How to Eat | Thich Nhat Hanh
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#Bookmail time! This just came in the mail. I had been drooling over @Faibka 's posts. I finally got my own. 😁

Desha I know! Me too! 😍☺️❤️📚 @Faibka 8y
mllemay I'm super interested in this one as well! 8y
Faibka @Laura317 and @Desha hurray!!! 🎉🎉🎊(happy dance) 😁👍 I hope you enjoy it!! Can't wait to see what you think 😊 8y
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How to Eat | Thich Nhat Hanh
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"The Earth requires now that we consume mindfully if we are to survive and thrive as a species."

Another wonderful little book from Hanh packed with wisdom on how to make a better life for oneself and others, this time focusing on meals. From contemplating how food is produced, prepared and eaten to cleaning up. I think creating awareness is more important than ever as we rapidly consume our planet's resources. Loved this book!


Tsubame Thank you so much for sharing this! I haven't read it yet, but it's in the upper half of my tbr for January! Meanwhile I'm trying to pay more attention when I eat, to chew consciously and be more aware of the tastes. At the supermarket I also look more for regional food now, rather than for cheaper imported goods. 8y
Faibka That's great @Tsubame ! 😃💕 these little books are really changing the way I view things. I still have a long way to go to create healthier habits but it's a start! 8y
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How to Eat | Thich Nhat Hanh
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"This food is a gift of the Earth, the sky, numerous living beings, and much hard and loving work" ☀️

Tsubame It's so important to remember that! Thank you for sharing 😊 8y
Suet624 Hmmm...I guess that means I shouldn't read and eat breakfast at the same time. Rats. 8y
Faibka @Suet624 I know! Since on workdays my work schedule consumes all my time I had try to read during my lunch hour while I eat 😖 but he is right that when you focus only on your food, it does become a more joyful experience and you become aware of what exactly you are feeding your body and how much. So it's worth the effort 8y
Faibka @Tsubame you're welcome! Hope it is helpful 😊💕👍 8y
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How to Eat | Thich Nhat Hanh
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Sad that I need to be reminded of this... Sometimes I forget just how fortunate I am and how I should do more for others. I love this book so much 💕

Lola Just talking about this with the kids last night. This series of books looks amazing-and like they would be great gifts for every person on the planet. Thanks for all of the postings on them 👍🏻 8y
Faibka @Lola oh that would be wonderful! I feel that there's so much darkness in the world right now we need to light as many candles as possible :) 8y
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How to Eat | Thich Nhat Hanh
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So much wisdom in such a small book!
My favorite Yoga Teacher is also Ayurvedic Practitioner. She is always encouraging people to slow down, eat mindfully, & in pretty spots. I try to do that;even if it's peanut butter & crackers. This book takes that even farther. Mindfully cooking, portion control & cleaning.
How all of this affects you, your loved ones & world around you . As Lisa from Copper Cup Ayurveda would say #eatyourmedicine

Faibka Wonderful! Love your review, love the picture! 💕💕 🍃🌻 8y
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How to Eat | Thich Nhat Hanh
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"Eating well is an art. It doesn't require fancy cooking, but it does require practice and concentration. Your body is not just yours. It is a gift and a responsibility. To keep it healthy, we need to know how to eat."

Books88 Lovely quote. I fully agree. 8y
Suet624 That's a good one. 8y
Suet624 But if my body is not just mine, who else is involved? 8y
Tsubame Thank you so much for sharing this! Oh man I need to read it soon!! 8y
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How to Eat | Thich Nhat Hanh
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I just couldn't resist getting the whole "how to.." mindfulness series! Still on book two but I'm already realizing how special these little books are in motivating me to live a healthier and more peaceful life and truly learn how to enjoy every moment, all of it under the guidance of a gracious and gentle teacher ??

Sarah83 Is there an order? Or can I start with every single book? 8y
Faibka @Sarah83 the way I displayed them is in the order according to Goodreads (probably based on date of publication) but the books themselves don't seem to have a specific order and I think you can start with whichever one you like 😊 I hope you enjoy them! 8y
Crinoline_Laphroaig I got the rest on Kindle this morning. 😊 8y
Faibka @missnavigation excellent!!! 😄👍👍 8y
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How to Eat | Thich Nhat Hanh
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I've highlighted so many things in this book @Faibka #wisewords

Faibka You're reading it! Awesome 😊 yes it's like you can quote the whole book. And I just loved this paragraph's title! 😄 8y
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How to Eat | Thich Nhat Hanh
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"Don't chew your worries, your suffering, or your projects. That's not good for your health. Just chew your food" ??✨?

Jaimelire Love this. I think I need to read this book! 8y
Faibka @Jaimelire Great! I hope you like it 😊 it's really changed my perspective not only on eating but in any other activity 8y
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How to Eat | Thich Nhat Hanh
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"While we eat we can try to pay attention to just two things: the food that we're eating and our friends who are sitting around us and eating with us. This is called mindfulness of food and mindfulness of community.
When you can breathe, sit, and eat together with your family or friends in mindfulness, this is called true community-building."

Lola For someone who says she doesn't cook, that looks amazing!! 👍🏻 8y
Laura317 I'm going to check out this author. Everything you've posted just speaks to me. 8y
Faibka @Lola thanks! It's one of two dishes I know how to make 😜 8y
Faibka @Laura317 Great! He just has this gentle and simple way of expressing things and guiding you towards generating more awareness of everything. And it doesn't take that much effort! Just reading his books I feel more calm 😊 8y
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How to Eat | Thich Nhat Hanh
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"When we can slow down and really enjoy our food, our life takes on a much deeper quality" ?

Just finished my lunch :) sadly, years in the working world with rushed lunches have made me forget to slow down and truly enjoy it. Why do we sometimes rush about and give such little importance to things that are crucial for our wellbeing?
I'm glad I'm reading these little books before the new year, I'm more clear on my goals for the next.

geodynamical_nonfiction I worked in Dubai once... I'll never forget the Indian restaurant manager... When it was his time to eat, he took it very seriously and refused to get up and let his meal be interrupted until he was satisfied. He just smiled and enjoyed every bite. All the other managers scrambled to finish their meals and get back to micromanaging, but not this guy. He was my hero. A man of sensibility, intention, and confidence. He said food is to be respected. 8y
Tsubame I think I might actually have an actual problem with eating, because I always eat so fast and barely chew. A friend gave me advice how to change that, but it's hard to beat such a long lived habit... This sounds like a good read for me too! ^^ 8y
Faibka @geodynamical that's a wonderful example, and something to strive for, thanks for sharing it! 😊 8y
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Faibka @Tsubame Hmm.. I'm kind of the same but maybe it's because it has become a habit? If so, it can be changed! This book and the other are really helping me to stop, pause and just focus on the activity I'm doing. This kind of goes against the modern pressure to multitask but makes things much more relaxing and enjoyable 😊 give the book a try you might like it 8y
geodynamical_nonfiction @Tsubame Story time! An elementary school got all the kids together in the cafeteria and gave each child a slice of pizza. They were instructed to take a single bite and chew only 5 times and spit it out on the plate. A roar of laughter and disgust ensued as they compared each other's unchewed cud. Then they were instructed to take a bite and chew 25 times and spit it out. The students learned first hand about proper digestion that day. 😝 8y
Tsubame I will definitely check it out! Mindfulness is becoming more and more important for me too! 😊 8y
Tsubame @geodynamical Thanks for sharing another good story! ^^ Of course I'm well aware of the importance of chewing and how it works together with digestion and I AM working on my eating habit, although it's hard. I want to enjoy eating after all and not only use it as a way to gain the energy necessary to keep my system running. 8y
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How to Eat | Thich Nhat Hanh
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Learning how to eat mindfully :)

Kimzey Ravioli is a good way to practice! Mmmmm. ❤️ 8y
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