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I like this cover. It fits in well with the origianl hard covers.

But the title. OMG WHY? the previous titles were shourt and sweet and moving to the story inside. This just seems like everyone said the _____ of _____ and _______ titles are hot right now and selling well. Lets name this likewise.

Its the prequel series to the HUNGER GAMES!! it does not need to get anyone attention. they already HAVE IT!

#CoverLove #YA Edition

Out May 19

rubyslippersreads And are we really going to care about President Snow‘s backstory? 😏 4y
LibrarianRyan @rubyslippersreads I haven't read up on it because I want to be Surprised. But I thought it was Mae's back story not President Snow's. Hummmmm. I'm not sure if I want to know why he is the A##%^&* that he is.

Sometimes I like it when they humanize a villain, (Heartless by Meyer) but I am not sure I am ready for Snow to be humanized.
LibrarianRyan @rubyslippersreads Hummmm just did a quick read up. Hummmm I see your point.

I really wanted it to be about Mae. but she was not the 12 tribute.
Sleepswithbooks President Snow can suck a mockingjay fart. #bored 4y
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Scythe | Neal Shusterman
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Oh, man. This book came highly recommended by so many people and it didn‘t live up to ANY of the hype. ⭐️⭐️

I really wanted to like this book, but overall, it bored me. Too much detail, half-baked character development, and a half-assed romance to boot.

#yafiction #scythe #dystopian #bookreview #bored

Menaka's Choice | Kavita Kane
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Too long with unnecessary storyline and characters...
I even skipped a few pages...


published 1996. This book is very cute. This book is in a series with about 5-6 other books. This book has a lot of repetition. This book also used animals to tell the story that can happen in everyday life to really little kids

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I recorded an episode of the Reading Envy Podcast with @Notafraidofwords today and she talked about a book that tackles boredom in a tedious but genius way. Any guesses? (All will be revealed when the episode posts January 15!)

saresmoore Yayayayay! Looking forward to it! @Notafraidofwords 🥰 5y
ReadingEnvy @EllieDottie nope! It's not non fiction, curiously. 5y
ReadingEnvy @BarbaraBB good guess but nope! 5y
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Let's Do Nothing! | Tony Fucile
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It‘s really hard to do nothing, as this picture book demonstrates well through art. Funny and cute. I particularly like the touch of Frankie always wearing glasses, whether he is a building or a tree.

Invisible Man | Ralph Ellison
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Couldn‘t do it tooo boring! #bored

Louise Oh, perhaps try the audiobook. This is such a powerful book. It would be too bad for you to miss out on it. Then again, we all have different likes and dislikes. 💁‍♀️ 6y
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Still confined to my sick bed and this is the only printed material I have in arm's reach. I've read it 178 times. The plot flags in the middle but the ending is great. My favourite character is Caffeine.

Yes, I'm bored out of my tiny mind.

I'm building up to reaching for my Kindle but it just seems like too much effort right now.


Lauram Once you reach for that kindle, the hard part is done. Then you can find your comfy spot and settle in for a good read. 😄 I hope you feel better soon. 6y
alisiakae 😂😂 I hope you feel better soon! 6y
Lovesbooks87 Hope you feel better soon! 6y
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Lel2403 Feel better soon ❤️ 6y
julesG Kindle app? Hope you feel better soon. 6y
Kshakal Here is to a speedy recovery!! 6y
Amiable Sorry you are feeling so bad, but your sense of humor is still on track! 👍🏼😀 6y
Naj Get well soon. Sending prayers 💚 6y
Landslide Feel better soon! 6y
laurieluna I do the same! No books, re and reread anything to hand. Hope you feel better soon! X 6y
LauraBeth 😂😂 Hope you feel well enough to get your kindle soon! 6y
Becker Nice to see you still have your sense of humour 😀 6y
LMJenkins Feel better soon! 🤒 6y
Elizabeth2 Hope you‘re feeling better soon! This made me laugh out loud! 6y
Tamra Your humor is still intact! 😂 6y
Slajaunie Aww! Feel better soon! 🥺 6y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Sending some healing thoughts your way! 6y
ravenlee Best review! Keep those spirits up! Looking forward to the sequel. 6y
Birdsong28 Hope you get better soon 😘📚📖 6y
Redwritinghood Sounds awful. Hope you feel better soon. 6y
Moray_Reads 😂😂 Hope you feel better soon ❤️ 6y
GripLitGrl Feel better soon💐 6y
Erofan Feel better! 6y
tracey38 Aww, I hope you feel better soon. Glad you haven't lost your humor 6y
tracey38 And hope you are able to get your kindle soon. 6y
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One week into summer holidays and the kids are already using the dreaded 'B' word. So my wife has pinned this to the dining room wall...

MicheleinPhilly 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 6y
SandraG 👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾😆 6y
riversong153 💜💜💜💜 and I‘m stealing this! 6y
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Susanita My mom would tell me I could always vacuum if I was bored. 6y
zzz This is great! 👍 6y
Nerdgirl_Ms_Sorrells such a good Mom!😜❤️❤️❤️ 6y
KristinaRay I 💜that! 6y
RavenLovelyReads That‘s a great idea! The “E” won‘t work for me- they‘ll drag me outside and expect me to run with them! 🙅🏻‍♀️ 6y
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