I really enjoyed this tender, magical novel that is compulsively readable! I probably wouldn‘t have read it had it not been a #botm pick, but I‘m glad I took the chance. It‘s just so darned weird and sweet!! 🔥 🏀
I really enjoyed this tender, magical novel that is compulsively readable! I probably wouldn‘t have read it had it not been a #botm pick, but I‘m glad I took the chance. It‘s just so darned weird and sweet!! 🔥 🏀
“I may never know why they chose to keep the show going (Alec Baldwin), but my proudest moment as an adult was walking back onto the soundstage and telling everyone they still had jobs. (My proudest moment as a child was the time I beat my Uncle Pierre at Scrabble with the seven-letter word FARTING).”
#highlyrelatablecontent #beenthere (basically)
I‘m used to a little fictional incest.
#BeenThere #GRRMruinedUs
Made it two hours into work before coming home sick. I️ may be coughing up a lung, but there‘s nothing wrong with my fingers and I‘m so far behind. My characters are having a minor emergency as well. #nanowrimo #romantsy #notaseasytowriteasonemightthink
Don't they know about the terrible thing that has happened? 😭😭😭 #beenthere
In German, the word kummerspeck literally translates as grief bacon and is used to refer to the weight gained from emotional eating. I just love the ridiculousness of this passage. #noir #themoreyouknow #kummerspeck #amreading #sciencefiction #scifi #sff #beenthere #amirite