This though is my most excited and favorite of all I ordered. It was all a splurge but this made it a super splurge.
#bookhaul #salinger #lookhowpretty #booksmakemehappy
This though is my most excited and favorite of all I ordered. It was all a splurge but this made it a super splurge.
#bookhaul #salinger #lookhowpretty #booksmakemehappy
The cover of this book is absolutely gorgeous! I can‘t wait to read it!!! #paperback #iread #scholastic #readmore #booksmakemehappy #prettycovers #judgeabookbyitscover
@Jinjer for today‘s breakfast of champions, I went with the cherry pop tarts. And an arc for when I need a break. 😊📚 #booksmakemehappy
New book for my bookshelves
#BooksInMyMailbox #BooksMakeMeHappy #ReaderLife #uppercasebox
. . . I did a bad thing. I bought another book and it's still July . . . So here's book number 8 of my July haul. 😅😂😌
@barnesandnoble why do you tempt me so? (Please note; I'm not actually asking you to stop. 😂)
#barnesandnoble #hypedbook #newbook #julyhaul #hardcover #royalbastards #andrewshvarts #ya #yafantasy #booksonthebed #ididathing #booksmakemehappy #ineedmorebooks #ineedmorebookshelves #quickphoto #icanttakephotostosavemylife
I really love this cover. Can't wait to read it.
#BooksInMyMailbox #BooksMakeMeHappy #ReaderLife
Some bookworm silliness. 😆
#quotes #books 📚 #bookworm #booknerd #libros #bibliophile #datingwhatsthat #library #booksmakemehappy #bookish