Look at how adorable a tea dragon is! I want one and not just to make my own tea! I‘ll definitely pick up the other books in this series. This is a graphic novel. I‘m using for #judgeabookbyitscover
#BBRC #jubilantjuly
Look at how adorable a tea dragon is! I want one and not just to make my own tea! I‘ll definitely pick up the other books in this series. This is a graphic novel. I‘m using for #judgeabookbyitscover
#BBRC #jubilantjuly
Thanks to @robinb @julesG and @squirrelbrain
Judge a Book By It‘s Cover!
Which book would you read?
Pictures just don't do this cover justice. #beautifulcover #judgeabookbyitscover #catsoflitsy #aliceinwonderland #fairyloot
You had me at raven. #judgeabookbyitscover
To be honest, I got this because of how gorgeous the cover art is. The story sounds promising, but the cover is what drew me in.
It‘s rare that I picked up a book that I‘ve heard NOTHING about. (Due to Litsy, Goodreads, podcasts, etc.) but I loved this cover and bought myself a little bday present. I loved it. And I love that it‘s the author‘s attempt at explaining something that happened to her family. #judgeabookbyitscover
It‘s frustrating that I can‘t read everything at the same time.
#toobigtbr #tbr #judgeabookbyitscover #distracted #overbooked #shelfie #brightcolors #bookjackets #womanwriter #womenwriters #womenshistorymonth #femaleauthors