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The House Is on Fire | Rachel Beanland
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⭐️⭐️⭐️an engaging historical fiction using parts of actual people@who were there although took many liberties with their narratives.

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Non-fiction narratives are easier to understand with the context given for real life events. This book is written in three parts, the first being origin stories about how the community grew to its size/wealth due to what lay beneath the ground. The second section is the recount of the 2016 fire, and the third section covers science that makes sense after reading the Fire Weather and contextualizes other climate issues due to the warming of Earth.

The Stars Are Fire | Anita Shreve
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It was a surreal experience listening to this audiobook based on the true story of a massive fire that destroyed the Maine coast in October 1947 while at the same time listening to the sounds of the fire-fighting planes dipping into the reservoir to battle a fire that was raging just over the foothills from my own home. Lucky for me my home was spared, but in October 1947 entire towns were destroyed. This book was haunting and so well-written.

kspenmoll I am beyond happy you were spared! 3w
Beatlefan129 Thank you @kspenmoll , unfortunately fires are all too common in Colorado and so horribly devastating 3w
TheBookgeekFrau Were you near the Stone Ridge fire? My BIL and his wife had to evacuate from it. Luckily it was only for overnight, and all is well. But it was scary for a while 3w
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Bookwormjillk I‘m so glad you didn‘t have any damage from the fire. So scary. 3w
Beatlefan129 @TheBookgeekFrau No, I was near the Quarry fire. I‘m glad all is well with your family, it is very scary 3w
Beatlefan129 @Bookwormjillk Thank you, these fires are so scary 3w
TheBookgeekFrau @Beatlefan129 Thank you; and glad all is well with you too!🙏🏼 3w
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This gripping book recounts the devastating 2016 fire that ravaged Fort McMurray, a remote town in the boreal forests of Alberta, Canada, that owes its existence to petroleum. As global temperatures rise and fire behaves in ways humanity has never previously encountered--devouring entire houses in mere minutes, forming tornadoes of fire--the true cost of fossil fuel consumption rises higher and higher. A timely and terrifying call to action.

Chelsea.Poole I was riveted while reading this one! 1mo
Decalino @Chelsea.Poole Me too! 1mo
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What struck me most about Collins' philosophy is its simplicity and effectiveness. He cuts through the noise of complex investment strategies and offers a clear roadmap to financial freedom through index fund investing. It's a strategy that I wish I had discovered earlier in life, but nonetheless, I'm grateful to have stumbled upon it now....
Full review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6412909921

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Slow to post of late, but really enjoyed this, as I have most Pulitzer winners. Lots of science and history here, but Vaillant managed to weave it with several boots-on-the-ground stories of people affected by the largest wildfire to date in Fort McMurray, Canada. He tries not to end on a doom and gloom note, but I‘d still say this isn‘t exactly a light “summer read”.

The House Is on Fire | Rachel Beanland
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Author Rachel Beanland has based this historical fiction novel on the true story of the Richmond Theater Fire. Dozens died that night as the crowd surge to escape the smoke and flames. Heroes (and cowards) were revealed that night, and Beanland takes us on a fictionalized account of some of those that were there. Not only does the author bring the disaster to life with her impeccable research, she draws you into the story as if you were there.

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An excellent book describing the science, history and politics surrounding forest fires. Vaillant gives a gripping account of the 2016 Fort McMurray wildfire in Canada, and explains how climate change has led to an increase of such fires.

I highly recommend the audiobook version.

#AwesomeApril @Andrew65

Hooked_on_books This book is riveting! I listened to the audio as well and was completely mesmerized. 4mo
kwmg40 @Hooked_on_books Glad to hear you liked it as much as I did. What I learned does make me very worried about this year's wildfire season! I'm in Ontario and we experienced a lot of smog from the Quebec fires last year. 4mo
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Wide Sargasso Sea | Jean Rhys
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Librarybelle Quite a lot to digest in Part 1! 4mo
BarkingMadRead @Librarybelle I‘m thinking part two might need multiple posts 🤣 that was a lot (edited) 4mo
Librarybelle 😂 4mo
Bookwormjillk I read this not knowing what was a dream and what was real. I‘ve bailed on this book in the past, but I am determined to finish with the #HashtagBrigade 4mo
5feet.of.fury Poor Coco. I‘m glad Aunt Cora is coming back. I‘m so confused with the Mason/Cosway family tree. 4mo
5feet.of.fury @BarkingMadRead @Librarybelle it was a lot! @Bookwormjillk I know that I read this in high school, and I remember that whole 1st part, and being confused about the races/race relations & our teacher thinking we were all very stupid. Which if she‘s the teacher, teaching us & we all did not understand I think that‘s a her problem lol 4mo
BarkingMadRead @5feet.of.fury definitely a her problem! 4mo
BarkingMadRead @5feet.of.fury Mason is Antoinette‘s stepdad, but I didn‘t like her saying nee Cosway, because I always thought that was for marriage 🤷🏻‍♀️ 4mo
Clare-Dragonfly I found this quick to read but difficult to follow. If the present-tense portion near the end was a dream, were the other present-tense portions dreams? But I don‘t remember what they were anymore. I guess I‘m following the broad strokes of Antoinette‘s life, though. 4mo
dabbe Rhys writes as if she expects us to know and understand all about British and French colonialism in the Caribbean and the so-called pecking order determined by how much black blood was in you. I admit to having read some study guides for this one, and it helped tremendously. I think the strange man at the end of Part 1 (that Mason alludes to) is Rochester. #oytothevey! 😳 (edited) 4mo
willaful @BarkingMadRead Maybe it's one of those usages that changed? Like in Austen and other books of the time, “stepmother“ and “mother-in-law“ often seem to be switched, IIRC.

@dabbe Yes, it's frustrating! I'm confused too -- and have NO memory of having read this before, though I know I did. Too young no doubt.
mcctrish I forgot what day we were meeting 🤦🏻‍♀️ this first part felt ripe with ominous vibes and while I get the white negro and black Englishman taunts I hadn‘t realized how angry they were ( although Tia not coming back with the stolen dress should have clued me in) poor Patrick ( and horse and parrot) what in earth will part 2 bring 😳 this is a wild fast ride. The mom was a piece of work but her yelling “no “ when Antoinette went to visit 💔 4mo
mcctrish I am curious what was the matter with Patrick ( some kind of palsy ?) and Antoinette was ill for 6 weeks not from being hit in the head from a stone ( thx Tia) but because her mother tried to kill her?! 4mo
BarkingMadRead @mcctrish yeah that whole part of her being sick kind of went over my head. Really crazy 4mo
Bookwormjillk @5feet.of.fury a her problem for sure! 4mo
rubyslippersreads Not only is Part One full of drama and tragedy, I feel like what happens in Jane Eyre is hanging over everything. #PoorCoco #foreshadowing #impendingdoom (edited) 4mo
julieclair What a sad early life. Soooo much going on in these chapters. The noise in the bamboo had me wanting to scream “get out of the house”! And the mom‘s rejection of her… just heartbreaking. 4mo
currentlyreadinginCO @rubyslippersreads agreed about what happens in Jane Eyre hanging over the book! 4mo
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