I rarely add books to my DNF list, but this one was so obnoxiously pretentious that I #FailedToFinish after dragging through the first 150 pages. #SpringFlingReading
I rarely add books to my DNF list, but this one was so obnoxiously pretentious that I #FailedToFinish after dragging through the first 150 pages. #SpringFlingReading
Even though I completed reading both books, I #failedtofinish reading the series. Both books had interesting concepts but I found them boring and I didn't care to see the series through.
I thought the book was bad until some friends dragged me to the dreadful movie.
#FailedtoFinish #springflingreading
I was so disappointed in this...didn't even finish the second chapter. Joining #springflingreading late, but still eager. #failedtofinish
I was so excited about this book. I took it to the beach last summer expecting a blockbuster read. The premise sounded like it was tailor made for my exact tastes, and sure enough it kicked off with a fantastic scene of saurian combat... then palace intrigue... on and on with the palace intrigue with a crew of obnoxious characters who were obviously archetypes very intentionally stolen from Game of Thrones but less well realized. #failedtofinish
#failedtofinish this series! I read Red Queen but couldn't get through the next bailed on the series! I do love this quote and art from #owlcrate though. #dnf #springflingreading
I #failedtofinish this one a couple years back, but I'm on track to finish by the end of March! #springfling
I have to admit finish every single book I start. I cannot help it... sometimes they are shelved if life gets in the way but I finish them. This one however is one I wish I hadn't finished. I picked it up while traveling when it first came out and the blurb had me hooked. Little did I know the blurb was the best thing about this darn book! I kept waiting.. it had to get better - but no! #failedtofinish #springflingreading
In school, I had the hardest time finishing assigned reading. One day, I'll attempt these books again. #FailedToFinish #SpringFlingReading
These are my only #dnf books of 2017 so far. It's not because they aren't good, I just didn't feel like continuing. Both of these were audiobooks, perhaps reading them would have been more successful. Oh, well! @jess.how
#springflingreading #failedtofinish