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If you just joined to our club, check out our next book 👆🏻”The Honor Girl” by Maggie Thrash. The discussion will start March 31 here.
She is also an author of Strange Life YA series. Check out her graphic website http://www.maggiethrash.com

hermyknee I bought this one for my #geekygraphicnovelswap partner @Alicia and I just got it for myself for this book club! I‘m soooo excited to read it - not gonna lie, I totally skimmed Alicia‘s copy (sorry, friend - it looked so good!) ♥️ I hope there is a lot of interest in this book club!!! 7y
LitsyGetsGraphic @hermyknee woohoo 🎉 I hope your friend @Alicia will join us for discussion ❤️❤️ 7y
Alicia @hermyknee @LitsyGetsGraphic yas!!! I‘m so into this! 7y
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Yay! I've received my #GeekyGraphicNovelSwap package from @Betty and it's so stinkin amazing! The socks made me totally giggle and I can't wait to read these awesome books! Thanks to @JenlovesJT47 for putting this together and to @Betty for covering when my original match flaked. You ladies are so awesome and a part of what makes Litsy so great! And so crazy, my Alma mater is U of TN, so I spent about 4 years in east TN and miss it so much!

JenlovesJT47 Yay!! 🤓🙌🏻🤗 7y
Betty Big Orange country!!!! Our blood runs orange. 7y
shendrix413 @Betty Me too! It's awful in Texas where they wear the wrong shade of orange! 7y
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TNbookworm Go Vols!! 7y
shendrix413 @Betty @TNbookworm GO BIG ORANGE! I'm actually considering applying for PhD back at University of TN just to get back to Knoxville! I miss it so much! Especially the seasons! We have 11 months of summer at maybe 1 month of fallish weather here, ugh 7y
Betty @shendrix413 come back here! You won't be the only Litten to move from Texas back to K'vegas @Soubhiville 7y
Betty @TNbookworm Rocky Top 7y
shendrix413 @Betty I'm going to apply for a couple of different PhD programs to start Fall 2019 and Rocky Top will definitely be one of them! Now to talk my husband into moving with me 😂 7y
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Paper Girls Vol. 1 | Brian K. Vaughan
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Boy am I already late to this party! Y'all are off like a shot!! (Also, since when did this change from the 13th to the 12th? 😆)
I'm jumping in with this great gift from @Nitpickyabouttrains #letsgetgraphicweeklongmarathon #geekygraphicnovelswap

TricksyTails We got too excited for it and bumped it up a day and extended it too! 😂 Happy you're joining us now! 7y
Clwojick Hahahahah! Yeah, we were too impatient 7y
CoffeeCatsBooks Lol, I thought I had just got the date wrong in my planner. 7y
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@Nitpickyabouttrains I am SO enjoying this candle, it smells delicious!! I made myself wait until I could sit down and watch a little Buffy. 😍🎥🕯📚🙌🏼 #geekygraphicnovelswap

Kmmsellers Oh I want that candle!!! 7y
Natasha.C.Barnes @Kmmsellers They say it smells like wood, tea, and old leather books--and it totally does!! 7y
Nat_Reads I love Buffy ❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕 7y
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Kmmsellers @Natasha.C.Barnes That‘s so cool! I‘m going to have to try to find one. @Nat_Reads I do too ❤️ 7y
Nitpickyabouttrains It looks great! I am so glad you are enjoying it. 7y
FantasyChick Ooooh love this!!! Love Buffy 😍😍 7y
KrystleTheBookSlayer I love that candle! I was just thinking that it was time for me to have a Buffy marathon too! 7y
readinginthedark ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
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I had not heard of this comic before the #geekygraphicnovelswap but @UnidragonFrag made a great find. This book was witty, and the main character was so cool!

shendrix413 I love Faith!!! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 7y
night_shift Awesome! Glad you liked it! 😃 7y
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Funko Universe | John Layman, Georgia Ball, Caleb Goellner
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I posted a question this morning about an idea I had to do a funko & book swap. I had originally planned on doing another graphic novel swap in March. So, my question to you guys who are interested in either swap, would you rather do a funko swap first or have me stick with the graphic novel swap for March? My due date is in April and I'm trying to get everything organized as soon as I can. I still plan on doing both, just want to know which 1st?

DiruVamp Oh a Funko swap would be fuuuuun!! 7y
Rachel.Rencher Funko swap 😍😍 7y
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cobwebmoth Whatever works best for you. 7y
MinDea I would maybe do the funko pop one! 7y
KirstieE I think a funko swap would be so incredibly awesome ! 7y
99problemsbutabookaint1 I would love to do the Funko pop one but seeing you are the one willing to put it all together do what makes you happy first! 7y
Kshakal Funko would be amazing! 7y
Melkyl Funko swap sounds fun 👍 7y
CareBear I agree with everyone else, pop swap sounds fun!! 7y
GrilledCheeseSamurai I'd totally jump on board for a funko swap. Course...could count me in for comics too... 🤗😅 7y
Gissy I'm flexible, what ever you decide guys. I like both 7y
Gissy Yeah! 👍 7y
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