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Came to pick up my takeaway WITHOUT bringing a book, and it's not ready yet! Rookie error 😔 #hangsheadinshame #firstworldproblems #LittensWillGetIt

TrishB At least you can scroll Litsy 😁 3y
Bookwomble @TrishB Consolation prize 🙂 But I'm staving and smelling this delicious food while I wait is torture! 3y
SRWCF Oh, the horror! 3y
Bookwomble @SRWCF I survived! 😓😄 Must remember Rule #1 of Book Club: Always carry a book! 📚 3y
SRWCF @Bookwomble Now that I am finally out of my book slump, I shall remember to do that! 3y
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Little Women | Louisa May Alcott
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Making progress on my #PublicDomain #BookToScreen2019 choice 🥰I can‘t believe I‘ve never read Little Women before 🙈 I‘m excited for the new film coming out Christmas 2019🎄🎁🎅🏻

DebReads4fun One of my most favorite books! 5y
Cinfhen It‘s really charming @DebReads4fun 5y
BarbaraBB Charming is the word indeed! 5y
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Itchyfeetreader My parents just bought me the tagged book with a note about this book having given me a love of the written word ! Brought a tear to my eye but v true x 5y
Megabooks You know, I‘m named for the Meg in Little Women! Thinking of you, friend! 😘 5y
Melissa_J I‘ve totally never read this one, nor have I even seen any of the movie versions 😳 5y
Cinfhen YOU NEED to correct this travesty @melissa_j 😉😂 I always thought this book would be cheesy but it‘s delightful @Megabooks @BarbaraBB What a sweet gift from your parents @Itchyfeetreader it‘s lovely when our family recognizes the power of the written word 💕💕💕 Are u named Jo for the character in this novel???? 5y
DebinHawaii I can't believe this is your first time. One of the handful of books I reread periodically. Much 💜💜💜💜for it. 5y
TrishB I can remember reading the first time 😁 lovely. 5y
batsy I thought I read it when I was young but what I had was the abridged kids version 🙈 I'm going to have to tackle the full version soon! Can't believe I haven't, either 😆 5y
Cinfhen I think you‘re going to love it @batsy it has a certain innocence that I‘m finding refreshing even though certain phrasing can feel very jolting 🥺 5y
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Emma | Jane Austen
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That scene when Harriet was assailed by gypsys on the road
#GypsyRoad #WanderingJune

Cinfhen #HangsHeadInShame 😬haven‘t read Emma but I trust you completely 5y
Ms_T Perfect! 5y
BarbaraBB I remember! Perfect choice! Also, @Cinfhen , love your hashtag 😂😂 5y
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Cutting for Stone: A Novel | Abraham Verghese
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I've concluded the only math I do is Book Math - as in how many hours of walking do I need to do a day to finish this audiobook before it's due? It turns out 2. So I'm going to have to steal another hour today at some point. Today's chapter quote: "Make something beautiful of your life." ❤️

rachelm Great book and beautiful walking location! 8y
Seekingtardis Hahaha I often count time in books! And tv shows lol 😍😍 8y
Litlady You're my hero! I need to do more of this. To the gym I go with book in hand! 🏃⛹🏽📚 8y
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GlitteryOtters As I am currently nursing an injured foot (due to overwalking! 😫), I am totally living vicariously through your audiowalking posts. Can't wait to get back to doing that myself (should be able to start, slowly, in about a week, I think? Sesamoiditis is no fun, especially when you aren't allowed anti-inflammatory meds). 8y
wonga you've inspired me to walk/listen today since i need to do both anyway! 8y
Laura317 And I consider it a good day when I hit 6000. #hangsheadinshame 8y
merelybookish I like the term Book Math. 😃 Just returned from my own walk/listen 8y
Posemn What a great plan (and a beautiful spot). 8y
angrylilasian I have got to start doing this! 8y
juliannebenford That's such a great way to get exercise! 8y
LauraBeth I'm loving it so far @rachelm 😀 8y
LauraBeth @Seekingtardis I'm glad to know others do this 😀 8y
LauraBeth @Litlady aww - you're too kind ☺️ 8y
LauraBeth @GlitteryOtters I'm sorry to hear that 😔 I hope that you can get back at it in a week so you can audiowalk 😀 8y
LauraBeth @wonga 😀😀 8y
LauraBeth @Laura317 6,000 isn't bad!! 8y
LauraBeth @merelybookish I began to realize this is a LONG audiobook and my time with it is limited 😀 8y
LauraBeth @Posemn thanks ☺️ 8y
LauraBeth @angrylilasian try it - you'll ❤️ it 😀 8y
LauraBeth @juliannebenford it is! And bonus - it's so beautiful outside this time of year 😀 8y
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