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All by Myself | Mercer Mayer
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My #ivoted #selfie from just over a week ago. Getting that #friyayintro in right under the wire. @howjessreads

Happy Weekend Littens! 💜

britt_brooke I love your curls! 6y
Chelleo 🤩 6y
sprainedbrain LOVE your hair! 😍 6y
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Avanders 👏🏽👏🏽 👩🏼‍🦰 and love those glasses too! 😍😍 6y
JaclynW Beautiful curls! Gorgeous red! 😍😍😍 6y
GypsyKat Love this! And your hair! 😍 6y
TrishB Great pic 👍🏻 love you hair 💕 6y
BookishTrish ❤️your curls! 6y
Cathythoughts Fab 👍🏻👍🏻❤️ 6y
BarbaraBB Great pic, great hair 💕 6y
Kaye Your hair is beautiful. 6y
Ashley85 I love your hair! 6y
DocBrown Love the curls! 6y
youneverarrived Your hair is gorgeous 😍 6y
MaleficentBookDragon Gorgeous hair! 6y
mrozzz Thank you!!! @MaleficentBookDragon 💜 6y
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I wish I had one of these, maybe I'd feel better about this midterm election. The TV is off and I'm staying away from social media, reading a history book to get some perspective. No matter who wins, the fight goes on.

#IVoted #Resistance #BlueHouse

Cathythoughts 🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷👍🏻 6y
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Driving lessons | William Kritlow
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Reading Babbitt is reminding me of another Sinclair Lewis book. It can happen here, go vote! #ivoted #showmeyoursticker

Riveted_Reader_Melissa I did it, but we don‘t get cool stickers here...boo! 6y
JessNevertheless @Riveted_Reader_Melissa So sad! They're such a fun addition. But voting is what counts so horray for that! 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @JessNevertheless I know, but I always feel just a little bit left out when all the posts of stickers start coming up. 6y
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"How women can lead in a new way... how we can create a new model of leadership in our own image, not a man's."

#audiobook #currentlylistening #ivoted

BarbaraTheBibliophage Look up www.jesskingforcongress.com. She‘s in my district, and it seems like she read that sentence. Sadly, the district is deeply Republican and it looks like she won‘t win. 😰😰 6y
Librariana @BarbaraTheBibliophage - I looked her up and she sounds absolutely phenomenal!! Such a shame we aren't all on the same page about leadership that can help lift all of us up 😔 I was rooting for Lisa Brown out here in WA, but it looks like she'll be conceding to McMorris-Rodgers (R) 😥 It's tough being a blue gal in a traditionally red city 😕 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I‘m proud to be that blue dot, but it IS tough. What city are you in in WA? We have family and friends in Seattle and Tacoma. Also know a state legislator in Tacoma who is fabulous (and a Dem). 6y
BarbaraTheBibliophage p.s. Maybe I‘ll read this book next or soon—it‘s on my Kindle shelf already. 6y
Librariana @BarbaraTheBibliophage - I hope you can get to this one soon, although I'm sure you're probably already reading lots of amazing things. I will say that it's a good blend/balance of memoir and advice. As for your former question, I'm in Spokane, Washington. I'm glad you're a fellow blue dot. I'm in fabulous company 😊💙 6y
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Becoming | Michelle Obama
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I took advantage of early voting and sent my ballot in 2 weeks ago. Saved my sticker for today though. #Ivoted

Headinherbooks_27 I did the same 👍 6y
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Just voted and now I‘m chilling at the local Dunkin‘ with a macchiato and this ARC on my Kindle. It‘s a short, charming little book so far. #ivoted

Ingerella Wow! That's a fancy Dunkin! Mine doesn't look like that! 6y
Redwritinghood @Ingerella This is the nice one. The one down the road, not so much. 😉 6y
Erinreadsthebooks My Dunkin is more like a McDonald's than a Caribou 🤔 (edited) 6y
Redwritinghood @Erinreadsthebooks They remodeled this one a few years ago and added this comfy room. Most of the other Dunkin‘ in the area aren‘t this nice. 6y
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Untitled | Unknown
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It‘s a good day to drink lots of coffee out of my favorite space mug and listen to an audiobook at work! All while wearing this super cool sticker 🇺🇸

#ivoted #showmeyoursticker

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Got out and voted. I‘ve never seen my polling place as crowded as it was this year, not even for a presidential election. Really hoping that‘s a good sign, because there are two key races here. Rewarding myself for voting with a cup of coffee. #Election2018 #IVoted #HellYeah