A much needed day off! Tolkien is the perfect author to spend it with ❤️
A much needed day off! Tolkien is the perfect author to spend it with ❤️
At one point I was making an active effort to watch every Best Picture winner, so I managed 56/96 this week. Here are the top three favorites.
1. The Return of the King
2. Amadeus
3. Casablanca
A couple hidden gems
1. Marty
2. Gentleman‘s Agreement
A dud I won‘t finish: Cimarron (racist AF)
Moving up the TBW (RIP Gene Hackman😥)
1. Unforgiven
2. The French Connection
Survey link: https://shorturl.at/jp3WT
Thanks @dabbe for another great #TLT
“I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo.
“So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
So, this is my reading of the new Italian translation by Ottavio Fatica. I'm happy l read it because it's part of the history of The Lord of the Rings in Italy - but never again.
I lothed it.
There's a story saying that Fatica claimed not to get what readers find in this book. Some say this is a urban legend because that interview cannot be found anywhere.
I don't need that interview. ⬇️
And this is the true end. The last chapter.
Or is it?
Because, like Sam, there are more pages for us to write.
I can read this ending thousands of times and it will never be with dry eyes.
But always, I'm grateful for Tolkien's gift. For his invitation to do as the Hobbits: not just witness the story, but bring it back with us, let her empower us and guide our action.
This is a powerful book.
When l read LotR the first time, so many years ago, l didn't like this more ending. What did l care of the Shire? The true story was the epic one. Sauron had been destroyed. Nothing else was important.
Today l think this is one of the most important chapters in the book.
This is the reason why this story has been told.
Maybe, it's an invitation to bring this story back with us too, into our life. And use it powerfully.
This chapter really has that feeling of homecoming.
After all the epic happenings, the story has to end here, where it started. In a place of common sense.
Tolkien masterfully brings us home. The atmosphere changes. The language changes. There's a different feeling to everything.
It's home... But not quite.
Our hobbits have changed, but the Share had not stayed still either.
Sotell me something: how it is that you perseive the grand story has ended, and yet, the story is not over?
After two very different ending, you feel that there's more and that what's to come is important.
It's not Tolkien's trick to add some more pages. It's integral to the story and her heart.
And you want to know all abou it.
I seriously love the love story between Faramir and Eowyn. It's a story of courage, strength and fortitude. And yet it is also about quiet, almost hidden actions. Decisions taken in the deep places of the heart.
These people who face the darkness not in front of the Black Gate, but on the bastions of their homeland are as much heros as the one who fought with the sword.
And so yes. In the meantime, l quietly managed to finish.The Lord of the Rings 😜
They say LotR has many ends. If you consider the distraction of the Ring the first, tragic end, then this is the second. The happy ending that everyone wants.
It's the eucatastrephe, so of course Tolkien gave it to us.
A friend of mine always wants to stop reading here, but l think LotR is the masterpiece it is because it doesn't end here.