When you're behind in your reading challenges and want to cover #LRC8 #over400pages in a way that technically isn't cheating, but also is definitely cheating. 😂 #litsyreadingchallenge
When you're behind in your reading challenges and want to cover #LRC8 #over400pages in a way that technically isn't cheating, but also is definitely cheating. 😂 #litsyreadingchallenge
I've finally finished!!! 731 pages of fascinating details of this extraordinary man's life. We have so much to be thankful to A. Ham for, and he truly does not get enough recognition for all the things he did for our country. Great read!!
#LitsyReadingChallenge #LRC8 #over400pages
Just about 300 pages left. Adding this to my #LitsyReadingChallenge as #LRC8 #over400pages
Excited to finish this, not only because it's so interesting, but I feel that I will absolutely gobble up "regular length" books for a decent time after this one! ???
An update of my #litsyreadingchallenge. Since my last update I've added:
#LRC10 #multiplePOVs - First Comes Love
#LRC8 #over400pages - Voyager
#LRC21 #TBRnomore - The Handmaid's Tale
#LRC19 #LGBTQlove - Aristotle & Dante
#LRC22 #recommendedby - Outlander
#LRC23 #over150yearsago - Dragonfly in Amber
Was able to fit my new Outlander obsession into the challenge. Yay!!! And thank goodness for audiobooks!
I loved the first book in this series and the second one was just as good. Lockwood, Lucy and George are great characters and I love the sarcastic banter between them. This series is spooky, fun, and sometimes gory. Each book deals with a new case, however there are continuing story lines so read them in order. I read/listened to this one and either medium is great. Read in March. #LRC8 #morethan400pages
For the first book in s series, it was pretty good. I have read that as the series progresses the books get better, so I'm hoping that persevering with it will pay off. If you like Inspector Banks, DI Lynley or Rebus, this series will be right up your alley. My #LRC8 #Over400Pages book for the #LitsyReadingChallenge
Currently halfway through Dead Simple by Peter James, this is The First Book In A Series You've Never Read Before for the #popsugarreadingchallenge & it's my #LRC8 book for #over400pages for the #LitsyReadingChallenge I've finished 11 squares so far!
I finished it! I wasn't all that impressed with the first half-I wasn't relating much to the characters or story-but things started clicking for me & I had to dedicate some time this morning to finish it & find out what happened. Ultimately I enjoyed it--there were some good twists & I was only partially right at my guesses of the end--so points for that. I'm now watching the first episode of the HBO series.👍#litsyreadingchallenge #LRC8 400+pages