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Hello LITSY! 🥹💙🙏🏻✨
10/16/2022 @ 2:42 a.m.
7 lbs 2 oz 20 in

#birthannouncement #newbaby #littleman #babyboy💙 #justborn #foreveroag

Soubhiville Congratulations! 2y
RaeLovesToRead Awwww 💕💕💕 Hello, little one! 😊 2y
Bklover Oh what a cutie pie!! Congratulations!! Enjoy every minute!!❤️ 2y
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Megabooks Congratulations!! 2y
zezeki Congratulations!! 🥳💕 2y
PurpleyPumpkin Aww so sweet! Congratulations 🥰 2y
BookwormAHN Congratulations 💞 2y
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Untitled | Unknown
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It seems even Little Man is tired of this packing and moving shenanigans. Enjoying the tail end of a pretty day and reading a #NetGalley book called Glow: Potency. It scared me that my kindle estimated over 8 hours in the book when I started. But its been a decent one that kept me interested
#DogsofLitsy #LittleMan

Hooked_on_books 🐶💙 5y
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You know its been a rough day when you cant focus on reading and the dog curls up under a blanket for a nap. #LittleMan #DogsOfLitsy

SmartSassery Aww. Hi puppy! 🐶 😍 Hope your evening is much better. 😉 5y
Crazeedi I love this photo!!🐶 5y
DGRachel Aww! How sweet! I love puppy snuggles! 5y
jessinikkip Thanks guys! @SmartSassery the evening seems to be going better. @DGRachel I love puppy snuggles, theyre so warm! 5y
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Tales From Shakespeare | Charles, Mary Lamb
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I asked if he wanted to read shakespeare with me and snuggle after I brushed out his loose fur. Now hes pouting. Guess who doesnt like being brushed? #LittleMan #OopsIDidItAgain

LauraBeth 😍 you made him all pretty 5y
squirrelbrain Looks like he‘s fallen out with you, you big meanie! I‘m sure he‘ll forgive and forget soon.... 5y
jessinikkip I think I have fallen out with him @LauraBeth I brushed him and then shortly after had to run something to my mother inlaw 😕 hopefully the chicken she cooked for him will make up for my cruelty 5y
jessinikkip @squirrelbrain I think we have made up now. I brought him home some chicke as a treat. He seems to have forgotten earlier 5y
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I think I found the book that I should have started the year with. This has been a very entertaining and informative read. Today I have a buddy reading with me. Well, Im reading and #LittleMan is napping.

Kaye Really liked this book ! 6y
jessinikkip Thanks @kaye !! Its my first time reading but I had heard good things. Im loving it so far! Plus it perfectly fills Georgia for #ReadingUSA2019 ! 6y
Kaye Sounds like a beautiful place to visit doesn‘t it 6y
jessinikkip It does, and it is! I was down there once visiting my cousin 6y
LauraBeth 👋 from GA! 6y
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Day 30 - #measure #quotsydec18

Love this song from Rent!

Jerdencon Was just listening to this a few days ago - such a great song! 6y
Stacy_31 Love this song! 6y
LaLecture ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 6y
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Pricel101 Can‘t wait for the TV event on January 27! 📺 6y
jessinikkip My dog #LittleMan hates being alone so we play him music or movies if we both go to work. I find less of my house gets destroyed this way. Rent has been this weeks movie! 6y
Carolyn11215 I saw Rent on Broadway when it first came out. Loved the play, love the music! 6y
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Well about time I decided to get my Kindle to start reading some of these NetGalley titles I need to clear out, #LittleMan decided he wanted snuggles. Fine, pup, I will just keep on working on my crochet. #DogsofLitsy #NoReadingTonight

Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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Poor #LittleMan .... The dog would like to know who exactly moved his yard and when are they going to bring it back. At the deepest its to my knees and still falling. Work let out early for it. We have essentially moved in to the in-laws house. And me? I just want to crochet and read

SassyBookworm Wow 😳❄️☃️ 6y
Nebklvr Ick. I hate winter 6y
Gaylagal2 My dogs, except one, do the same thing when it snows...lol. Poor baby🐾 6y
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Salt: A World History | Mark Kurlansky
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Well, I thought I would read a few chapters while at my in-laws house. Little Man thought he would get educated about the history of salt while getting snuggles. Win-win! #DogsOfLitsy #LittleMan #ReadingHistory #SnuggleTime

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I tried to read for #LMPBC before work today. Someone decided that meant I was definitely not paying enough attention to him #DogsofLitsy #LittleMan

Slajaunie Look at that face!!! 6y
Nute Such a cute face!🐶💙 6y
jessinikkip I know! I cant ever resist snuggles or pats for him when he gives me those puppy eyes 6y
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