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Snowed In
Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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Well, apparently I live here nowmy mom just bought the place. And named it after me, Ashleigh, which was nice. But did she know how cold it is here?? Um, it's a tiny island with not much to do, unless you really like sleigh rides. But I gotta say there are quite a few hot guys on this cold island . . .
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Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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January 7 #JanuaryJazz Snowed in Always think of romance with this prompt. @Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Eggs Great choice! 1y
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Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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Thanks for the tag @Eggs & @MoonWitch94

1. Tagged, a cute YA romance

2. Improve my fitness level & lose about 20 pounds.

3. Throat lozenges and my guy who went out at midnight to get them. The lingering cough/scratchy throat is just annoying at this point.

Care to play? @sprainedbrain @gissy @peacegypsy

Eggs Great goal👏🏻👏🏻 2y
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Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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Cuddles with a floofy kitty, Christmas lights and a cozy TV fireplace this morning. Can't wait to do this tomorrow morning as well!

#mittens #catsoflitsy #christmasreading #cozy #readKY #cuddles #amreading

Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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Finished my #BookSpin & #DoubleSpin books this month. Enjoyed both of the & read Snowed In with my daughter. ❤️💚

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 4y
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Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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My goals for #DashingDecember are to finish my #DoubleSpin book, complete my B&N #SerialReads book and finish 2 additional holiday books.

Andrew65 Great to have you with us and good luck 😊👍 4y
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Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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Top row are books I‘ve finished. #BuddyRead for team #MerryReaders & my #BookSpin book.
Bottom row are two books I‘m currently reading. My #DoubleSpin book and a #SerialRead
All books are also #BookSpinBingo & #WinterGames2020 reads. ❤️💚

rubyslippersreads Thanks for reminding me I want to listen to Richard Armitage read 4y
Read4life @rubyslippersreads You‘re welcome & I hope you enjoy it. 4y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
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Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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My current reads for my readathons & #WinterGames2020 #MerryReaders

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
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Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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My December #BookSpin & #DoubleSpin books
Both are on my #WinterGames2020 TBR for #MerryReaders

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Good luck!! 4y
Clwojick woohoo! 4y
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Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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• December 8th ❄️ ❄️ of the #WinterGames

I agree with Lynn...Southerners need the essentials because everyone freaks out when the least bit of snow hits the ground!! 😬

My REAL snow day essentials include: BOOKS, a good heat source, spiked apple cider, strong coffee, thick cozy blankets, and my sweet kitty. I'm sure she'd appreciate snuggling up and snoozing while I read the day away... 😌

#TeamFestivus #games

wanderinglynn Great list! 🙌🏻 5y
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Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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#WinterGames Team #ReadNosedReindeer And Another! Either comment below or repost for your 5 points.

Crazeedi Coffee, books, wood for the fire, comfy clothes, snack 5y
jenniferw88 Scarf and gloves, hot chocolate, roast turkey, probably more but I can't think of it at the moment! 5y
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Cosyreader Coffee, books, blanket, tv 5y
TheEllieMo Assuming I have electricity: books, gin, tonic, whisky, kindle, iPhone, chargers, coffee. 5y
StayCurious Well books is a must lol. Candles, a cozy fire, wood for the fire, my snuggie (oh you better believe I have a Snuggie!), hot chocolate, snacks... 5y
j9brown Waterproof boots and my big ridiculous fuzzy hat. I don't think I've ever gotten a day off of work, so I've got to bundle up good when it snows! 5y
TorieStorieS Books, pens, my journal/planner, my minky, my puppy, and soup! Oh and hot tea!! 5y
Allylu Hmmm...❄️❄️❄️Hopefully the gas works so my fireplace will come on, books, blankets, lots of yarn, hot tea or hot chocolate, my hubby, my daughter and my fur babies! Maybe some cookies... 5y
AnneCecilie As a general rule we don‘t have snow days in the same ways as in the US, at least from what I‘ve read here on Litsy. I doesn‘t matter if it‘s snowed 5 cm or 10 cm or more, we are still expected to get to work on time. But if I‘m home when it snows I like to read, watch a movie or series, eat chocolate. 5y
Dan_SpiderCrafts Warm blankets, with my bat-wing onesie. 😄 Coffee, books, hot soup, and the laptop for Hearthstone games. 5y
Cosyreader @AnneCecilie I managed to get two days off when we had the beast from the east a couple of years back👌! But yeah we don‘t generally get a lot of snow here 5y
CaitZ Hot tea, warm blankets, books, snacks, and my phone and laptop 5y
SaturnDoo My books, tablets,hot cocoa,soup,candles,bujos,markers,colored pencils,tv, pretty much everything in my room + food 🤣 5y
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Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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Not book related but yes folks, that is snow in May. This South Carolina girl was not prepared to encounter snow on vacation. Craziness. Welcome to North Dakota.

Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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Well this would be pretty if this was November and not April....

JanuarieTimewalker13 Oy, yeah, I would not be happy. Hope spring comes soon🌸 5y
CouronneDhiver Yikes! 5y
TheSpineView So agree! 5y
JenReadsAlot Agreed! 5y
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Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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Not book related at all but...do you SEE this?? It is April, damn it! I have had enough of the weather. Bring me sunshine and heat and TAKE THE SNOW!!!
If I can't stay home and read, I have no use for anymore of this white crap

#IWantSunshine #WinterIsOver #SnowRant

tournevis You guys are getting salted today. The forecast looked bad! 5y
FantasyChick @tournevis We are right in the middle of heavy snow and heavy rain...which means we get both. Yay us. Now everything is wet and covered in slush. I'm soooo over it. 😫 5y
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Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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Holy crap!!!! The snow we got overnight is almost as high as my previous snow bank!!!! Mother Nature can you please just stop???? 😩

MrsGreen Yes, terrible here too! 5y
Kshakal @MrsGreen I am so over it! 5y
Ashley_Nicoletto Agreed. We got rain all day yesterday and snow all night last night. It‘s not good. 5y
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Tamra Lol, us too. Crazy month! (edited) 5y
vkois88 Holy crap! Stay inside, safe and warm! 5y
staci.reads Same. I've had enough already. 5y
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Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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Well looks like I'm staying in this weekend!!❄️🥶 I'm in the purple 18+ area 😬❄️

KarouBlue I‘m Jealous! 5y
Catsandbooks @MellieAntoinette I'll gladly share! We have way more than enough here! 😂 5y
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Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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This is Tucson! ^^ 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️
We got 4 inches today!! It‘s the third snow so far in 2019! What is even happening?? 😂
(I LOVE IT!! Can we get this every winter please??) ❄️😍❄️

Hopefully not quite so cold next weekend for the #TucsonFestivalofBooks though!
#TFOB ❄️🌵

tpixie It‘s beautiful though!! 5y
ravenlee 😲 wowzers! 5y
howjessicareads @tpixie @ravenlee Yeah, I edited my original caption to make it clear that I love it!! 😍❄️😍❄️😍❄️ Just a little worried about the effects on TFOB if it‘s too cold. 🙂 5y
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tpixie Well I would think snow in Tucson is unusual! Hopefully the roads will be clear for the festival!! 5y
Areader2 Wow my nephew lives in Tucson that‘s so crazy! We visited a few years ago so nice there.He just opened a hatchet throwing business I guess it‘s the new craze 5y
Cathythoughts Oh so beautiful 5y
tjwill Beautiful ❄️ 5y
tpixie @Areader2 hatchet throwing!! Interesting!!! 5y
Areader2 @tpixie yes ,I am in Ct and there opening one here too, I might try it 🤷🏼‍♀️ 5y
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Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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Will it never end??? This is Wednesday and then another predicted 10” on Sunday 😞

AmyG Yikes! 5y
AntoinetteBuchanan Oh my goodness! Stay warm 5y
Erinreadsthebooks We couldn't buy snow in NC right now 😐 Instead, we're about to get rain for the next forever days ☂️🌂😑 5y
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JenReadsAlot It's never going to stop snowing..... 5y
Kshakal @Erinreadsthebooks I will gladly send you some!! 5y
Kshakal @JenReadsAlot never... 😩 5y
peaKnit Good grief! I‘ve had quite enough, and my snowblowing husband is traveling for work this week...needless to say I have been shoveling, and hurt a bit 😂 5y
Tamra Same here - crazy how we had next to nothing over Xmas! 5y
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Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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First shovel of the day, now audio book and knitting for a bit til next pass.

Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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I have a 1/2 snow day! Zero complaints from me!

hermyknee @Skeebies05 do you mind emailing me your mailing address so I can send you a thank you card? I threw out my box before I wrote it down 🤦🏻‍♀️ hermykneegoespostal@gmail.com 5y
Skeebies05 @hermyknee will do :) 5y
Gaylagal2 Me too! They even sent me home early...be safe 🤙@skeebies05 5y
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Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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35cm and counting.. It's supposed to continue into the evening. I love reading and feeling like I'm in a snowglobe 🌨❄ I'm just not looking forward to the shovelling 😅

Cinfhen 🥶😱🥵 5y
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Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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Just got in from snowblowing and it is crazy how much snow we have.... this all happened in the last 2 weeks!

Mdargusch That is way too much!!! 5y
Kshakal @Mdargusch I agree! 5y
valeriegeary Whoa. 5y
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Kaye NO !!! Stop the snow !!! 5y
KrystleTheBookSlayer Same, it needs to stop! Also I miss being able to see oncoming traffic while driving (snowbanks are too high) 😨 5y
Bklover Ok I know I sound nuts but I‘m jealous! I want some more snow! 5y
CouronneDhiver Good grief. All we got is ice ice and more ice... 😐🌨❄️ 5y
vkois88 What the what?!?!?!?!? I haven't seen that much snow since 2009 lol 5y
Kshakal @vkois88 I don‘t remember the last time we have had this much snow... so far in the month of February we have had 28.8 inches of snow... the snowiest February in history 5y
vkois88 Holy cow!!! That's crazy 5y
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Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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There is supposed to be a deck under all that snow!! It just keeps coming down here in the Pacific Northwest! Getting a lot of reading done though😂😂

Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne

Alright Litsy friends I‘m on day 3 of being snowed in and getting cabin fever. Any recs for anything creepy, spooky, thrilling, or suspenseful I can get lost in?

Bookzombie I liked this one when I read it several years ago. 5y
underthebelljar @Bookzombie Thanks! I actually have that one in my Kindle library! 5y
DGRachel This one is good for being snowed in...it‘s a slow burn, but I loved it. 5y
underthebelljar @DGRachel Ah yes I have that on my kindle too I think. I‘ve heard mixed reviews about it but good to hear you enjoyed it! It would be perfect for this weather! 5y
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Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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I am not sure how much more snow the tree outside my living room can take... also, not sure how much more snow I can take!!

teafetish I feel that! 5y
TheSpineView Wow! Stay warm!❄❄ 5y
Kaye I feel your pain 5y
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Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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Looks like I may have a lot of reading time in my future. Welcome to WI folks. Btw the red dot is where I live 😂🤦‍♀️

Reviewsbylola 😑😑😑 can winter be over already?! 5y
kstadt929 I‘m in the red 😫😫😫 5y
BethM @kstadt929 same. Ugh. 5y
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Kaye Please don‘t tell me there‘s more snow headed our direction. We‘ve had enough (edited) 5y
JenReadsAlot I'm so done...... 5y
tracey38 Yikes! 5y
CoverToCoverGirl The winter weather is crazzzzzy this year. This past week here has be treacherous! 5y
Biverson12 @kstadt929 @BethM same here 😭🥶 5y
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Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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Stolen from Facebook. 😂😂🦈🦈

Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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1. Reading The Final Empire
2. Drinking tea
3. Not leaving my house
4. Attempted to bake cookies (my oven had a catastrophic failure halfway through and had to be shut off)


GypsyKat That‘s a great series! 5y
Cadyly 1. Reading Oblivion. 2. Drinking hot chocolate. 3. Snuggling under blankets. 4. Mid-afternoon naps. 5. Using the oven to make dinner. 5y
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Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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I was out shoveling the back steps and part of the yard last night so our poor little dog didn‘t get lost in the snow drifts when he went out. I just came in from doing it again, and the hubs is out there with the snowblower. Cheers to all my fellow Littens who are dealing with this storm! It‘s a good day to snuggle up with a book! ☕️❄️📚

LA_Mead Cheers! It‘s so cold out here! 5y
PurpleyPumpkin It‘s a perfect reading day. Stay warm!📚❄️ 5y
Kaye Yuk. You guys got a pile too ! 5y
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GypsyKat @LA_Mead It was 6 degrees when I was outside. 🥶 I‘m warming up now with a cup of hot tea! 5y
GypsyKat @PurpleyPumpkin It is! Thank you! 5y
gradcat That‘s a lot of snow ❄️ 😱 🌨 5y
Lindy So much snow! 😱It‘s warming up in Edmonton too, thankfully. 5y
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Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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✔️Cozy reading nest built and stocked with drinks and snacks
✔️Books within arms reach
✔️Tea brewed
Let #snowmageddon begin!

britt_brooke Look at all that snow already! How much more is expected? It‘s just raining bucketloads here in Nashville for now, but may turn to a tiny bit of snow tonight. 5y
RadicalReader Reading nests are a necessity for beloved bookworms 5y
amb @britt_brooke that snow is from before the storm which just started. We are expecting 8-12” more though some forecasts are saying 18” 5y
britt_brooke @amb Holy 🐮! Good thing you‘re prepared like a good bookworm. 5y
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Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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1. YA by far.
2. Bridges, and driving.
3. Writer.
4. 39. Its snowing and icky right now and will be again Sat into Sun.
5. 🙋‍♀️
@howjessreads #friyayintro

Seekingtardis Stay safe and warm this weekend! I hope you are able to stay home with a book and a blankie!!!! 5y
CouronneDhiver Non driver here too 👋🏽 5y
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Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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No school tomorrow = more time to read!!!

Lovesbooks87 Awesome! I am also in Maryland and am hoping to get the same news tomorrow! 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 5y
AmberWB @Lovesbooks87 where in MD? 5y
Lovesbooks87 @AmberWB Frederick 5y
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NatalieR Lucky you! ❄️ 5y
Elizabeth2 I‘m in Harford County, MD. We have a 2-hour delay tomorrow with re-evaluation in the AM (so, the potential that they will close). We didn‘t get as much snow as you did though! I think we got 5”-6”. 5y
AmberWB @Elizabeth2 We just got hit with another round- it was snowing harder this time than it was last night! 5y
Elizabeth2 @AmberWB we didn‘t get that second round up here. Usually it‘s us in the northern part of the state that get more and the further south you go & by the bay get less. Not this time. This was your storm, for sure! 😉❄️ Enjoy your snow day tomorrow!! (edited) 5y
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Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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Today is a good day to snuggle up with a book.

BeansPage Agreed ❄️☃️❄️ 5y
DarcysMom Wow! What an amazing picture. Is that your view today? 5y
jesseastin @DarcysMom It‘s even deeper today! 5y
DarcysMom 🙀🙀🙀 5y
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Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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Poor #LittleMan .... The dog would like to know who exactly moved his yard and when are they going to bring it back. At the deepest its to my knees and still falling. Work let out early for it. We have essentially moved in to the in-laws house. And me? I just want to crochet and read

SassyBookworm Wow 😳❄️☃️ 6y
Nebklvr Ick. I hate winter 6y
Gaylagal2 My dogs, except one, do the same thing when it snows...lol. Poor baby🐾 6y
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Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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Jojen watches #winterstormDiego while I read all bundled up

glitterkitty459 Beautiful picture ❄️😊🐈 6y
Reviewsbylola 🥰😍 6y
Ruthiella Love the picture!😍 6y
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Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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#SeasonsReadings @vkois88 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks
#Winter Wonderland

This is what I woke up to this morning and the power off. Still snowing lightly and expecting another 3+ inches. Wood stove is going so toasty warm and I have a generator with plenty of gas. Today will be a reading day.❄☃️

Sace Beautiful! Sorry about the power, but I'm glad the wood burning stove is working and the generator too! Have fun reading! 6y
Crazeedi It's so great that you're prepared! Enjoy your day 6y
Melissa_J So pretty! Hopefully your power isn‘t off for long. 6y
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shellleigh33 This is so beautiful! It hardly ever snows where I live. Sorry about your power but hope you enjoy your day reading 6y
DivineDiana How fantastic that you have the wood burning stove and a generator! Where is the beautiful weather? 6y
Nu-Bibliophile Beautiful 6y
TheSpineView @DivineDiana Asheville NC 6y
TheSpineView @Melissa_J Power call back on a few minutes ago. Hopefully it stays on. 6y
DivineDiana Amazing! Glad power is back! 6y
CouronneDhiver Gorgeous!!!! 6y
IndoorDame So beautiful! Hopefully you get a day to just sit by the stove and read before you have to worry about digging out 6y
Redwritinghood It‘s so beautiful, though! Hope the power‘s back on soon. 6y
tracey38 Love Ashville! I am sorry your power is out. Hope it comes back on soon. We got some snow and ice here in central NC. 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks So beautiful!!! Sorry your power is out!! I‘m glad you have generators! ❤️ 6y
Q84 Oh so beautiful! 6y
Sumtime77 Similar scenery down the mountain in Marion. Hopefully your power won't be out too long. 6y
Freespirit Amazing to me as I am in 34C ( 93F) 6y
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Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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#PennyForYourThoughts @nu-bibliophile
❄ Any character from a horror film.
❄❄ Bald, because I would wear a wig.
❄❄❄ Peace
❄❄❄❄ The Body Shop! They have always promoted recycling and do not use anything tested on animals long before it was politically correct.
❄❄❄❄❄ Rime Ice
❄❄❄❄❄❄ Too many to list! I am a total math person.
❄❄❄❄❄❄❄ under

Crazeedi I love Body Shop, I purchased from them many years before anyone else cared about such things. 6y
TheSpineView @Crazeedi Me too! Love their products and mission. ❤ 6y
Nu-Bibliophile 💜Body Shop 6y
jb72 I agree with #2. Definitely bald. I can barely manage my eyebrows now. 6y
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Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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I‘m thankful for this fluffy, beautiful, snow! ❄️ ❄️ I‘m very thankful that I can spend #time indoors enjoying the snowfall. I‘m just weirded out that our grass is still green 😳 I think I need to call and make sure I don‘t have frankengrass. #gratitude30

DivineDiana A gift from Mother Nature! 6y
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Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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So it begins.. the snow 😓

Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa #WinterStormAvery? It‘s snowing like crazy here too! 6y
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Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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1 - it's pretty the first time but it gets old real quick
2 - It sure does! Pics for attention. Me, my husband, and our neighbor's alpaca (for extra attention 😉)
3 - drink warm bevs and snuggle under blankets
4 - Skiing ⛷

#hellothursday @wanderinglynn

wanderinglynn Thanks for playing! 💙❄️ 6y
CouronneDhiver 🙌🏽🙌🏽 6y
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Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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Finally my favorite thing 🥰❄️⛄️

Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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1. I like it on Christmas, other than that no
2. Yep, it sure does
3. If it‘s still warm, I like to walk my dogs 🐕🐕 They love snow!
4. Staying inside and reading while drinking hot cocoa

wanderinglynn Thanks for playing! 💙❄️ 6y
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Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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1. Yay ❄️
2. Yes! Will start snowing here in about an hour! 🌨
3. Stay in and eat tomato soup and grill cheese! 🥫🧀
4. Snowboarding 🏂 but its been a few years!

wanderinglynn Thanks for playing! 💙❄️ 6y
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Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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#HelloThursday @wanderinglynn
1: Yay love snow.
2: Hardly ever though this year it did and brought everywhere to a standstill.
3: stay in the dark reading and watching my dog play in it.
5: snowballs with my girls because my dog tries to pounce on them.

wanderinglynn Thanks for playing! 💙❄️ 6y
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Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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1. Yay ☃️❄️
2. Yes
3. Throw snowballs at my dogs for them to catch and chase and watch movies and read.
4. Building a snowman and the first part of number 3.


wanderinglynn Thanks for playing! 💙❄️ 6y
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Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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1. Nay!!
2. Yup, too much! And where we moved to, I think we‘ll get more here 😔 But now I have a garage!
3. I don‘t get snow days because I work from home. But, I like to stay inside, watch movies, drink cocoa and wine! (Not at the same time)
4. Run around with my dog, he loves the snow! Only for like 5 mins though!

- it‘s supposed to snow for the first time this season, tonight. 3-5 inches, but then turn to rain. 🤞🏻


wanderinglynn Thanks for playing! 💙❄️ 6y
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Snowed In | Rachel Hawthorne
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❄ Between a Yay & a Nay. In Dec Yay, come April/May it's a big Nay.
❄ It snows a lot 🇨🇦
❄ We don't get snow days, but if we did I'd be sipping hot chocolate & curled up with a book
❄ Last year a bunch of us girls went on an overnight snowshoe trip. I wouldn't say it's my fave but it was kinda epic at the time, and I was super proud of us for pushing our limits. Apparently we're crosscountry skiing this year.

@wanderinglynn #HelloThursday

wanderinglynn Thanks for playing! ❄️💙 6y
Sharpeipup I can totally agree with #1 6y
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