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Tales From Shakespeare
Tales From Shakespeare | Charles, Mary Lamb
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Tales From Shakespeare | Charles, Mary Lamb
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I asked if he wanted to read shakespeare with me and snuggle after I brushed out his loose fur. Now hes pouting. Guess who doesnt like being brushed? #LittleMan #OopsIDidItAgain

LauraBeth 😍 you made him all pretty 6y
squirrelbrain Looks like he‘s fallen out with you, you big meanie! I‘m sure he‘ll forgive and forget soon.... 6y
jessinikkip I think I have fallen out with him @LauraBeth I brushed him and then shortly after had to run something to my mother inlaw 😕 hopefully the chicken she cooked for him will make up for my cruelty 6y
jessinikkip @squirrelbrain I think we have made up now. I brought him home some chicke as a treat. He seems to have forgotten earlier 6y
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Tales From Shakespeare | Charles, Mary Lamb
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It feels bad to pan this but I found it a chore to read & skimmed a lot, enjoying the illustrations more. I get that making the Bard appropriate for children means having to remove a lot of the bawdiness & sexual innuendo. But these tales are basically stripped down to their plot, & so much of what is weird & delightful & puzzling about Shakespeare is removed. It might work for kids, maybe? I'm not sure. #ChildrensClassicRead2019 @TheBookHippie

batsy I did end up becoming more fascinated with the Lambs themselves. Both struggled with mental illness, & Mary Lamb killed her mother during a particularly bad breakdown, with Charles returning to find his mother dead. Charles was also an alcoholic. But he cared for Mary & their lives involved a lot of moving around in lodgings, going in & out of asylums, and a straitjacket to hand for emergencies. Want to learn more & have stacked tagged book. 6y
Cinfhen Fantastic review! Thank you 6y
erzascarletbookgasm ❤️👍 6y
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Tanisha_A Oh! I haven't started reading it yet. Have been reading some good ones back to back, so now I feel this can take a backseat. 😉 6y
batsy Thank you @Cinfhen ! 6y
batsy @Tanisha_A I don't mean to put you off it! But yes, it wasn't quite my cup of tea 😬 6y
ravenlee But do you think the innuendo and such really needs to be removed - or that kids will just not get a lot of it? I know my mom let me watch movies as a kid that seem inappropriate (mostly old stuff, like Mae West and The Thin Man, even Elvira) and it all went way over my head. I‘m not sure if I‘ll use this when my kid is ready for Shakespeare, or if we‘ll start with excerpts. 6y
batsy @ravenlee It's a good point; it's entirely possible that kids will just gloss over the subtext that adults pick up on. My main issue with this book is that it makes Shakespeare seem tedious; however it could be that as an adult I'm just reading it with jaded eyes, so to speak. 6y
ravenlee Hmm, maybe it could be useful as a refresher or intro, something to have the basic plot and characters spelled out, to refer to when the play gets confusing... 6y
TheBookHippie The Lambs fascinate me too!!!! So far reading this to students has been a hit!! 6y
rubyslippersreads @batsy I found a thrift shop book that sounds interesting: 6y
rubyslippersreads @batsy @ravenlee I think I may just enjoy the lovely illustrations in my copy and retire it from my gigantic TBR list. 😊 6y
batsy @ravenlee Oh yes, definitely! It would be quite helpful in that sense. But in certain plays like The Twelfth Night, certain subplots and characters are omitted. 6y
batsy @TheBookHippie I'm glad to hear that the kids are liking it! I'm sure reading it aloud makes a difference ❤️ 6y
batsy @rubyslippersreads That book on Mary does sound interesting! Thanks for that :) 6y
merelybookish I just started and am listening on audio. I like it okay so far. I find it easy listening, like Musak Shakespeare. 😆 And yes the Lambs are fascinating! 6y
batsy @merelybookish Musak Shakespeare! Love it. That's great that you're enjoying it; I can see how this probably works much better as an audiobook as well as a readaloud for kids. 6y
batsy @merelybookish As it turns out, the full audiobook is on YouTube, yay https://youtu.be/C4aQom6gZhE Tagging @Tanisha_A @rubyslippersreads @ravenlee in case you guys want to check out how it is on audio :) 6y
Tanisha_A Ooh, I'll check it out. Thanks love 6y
rubyslippersreads @batsy Thanks! It might be more fun as an audiobook. 6y
BiblioLitten I didn‘t enjoy it. Even when it was assigned in school. 🤨 6y
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Tales From Shakespeare | Charles, Mary Lamb
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I have so many books going (including last month‘s Little Lord Fauntleroy 😊), but I can‘t resist joining this group read too. This was vintage copy was part of my mom‘s book collection. #ChildrensClassicRead2019

TheBookHippie Oh my word!!!! Beautiful !!!! I‘m loving these stories 6y
LeahBergen What a beautiful edition. ❤️❤️ 6y
batsy That is so gorgeous 😍 6y
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catebutler What a beautiful edition! I love that you have a memory tied to your mother with it too - how wonderful! 6y
Cathythoughts 👍🏻♥️♥️ 6y
Tanisha_A Soo pretty! 😱 6y
kspenmoll Gorgeous! And a belated happy birthday!! 6y
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Tales From Shakespeare | Charles, Mary Lamb
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I couldn't resist the Arthur Rackham illustrations, which is why I ended up getting this edition @Tanisha_A

#ChildrensClassicRead2019 @TheBookHippie

GatheringBooks arthur rackham is love! Singapore‘s NLB has so many classic tales illustrated by Rackham, Nielsen, Cruikshank, Kate Greenaway all freely available for download. Super amazing 6y
Tanisha_A Now you make me feel like getting this one too! 😍 6y
TheBookHippie Ohhhhh pretty!! 6y
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batsy @GatheringBooks Oh, that's amazing! 6y
batsy @Tanisha_A @TheBookHippie Love his work 💕 6y
GingerAntics Oh that‘s beautiful. 6y
saresmoore Neeeat. 6y
batsy @GingerAntics @saresmoore Illustrations always make it better 🙂 6y
GingerAntics Right? They‘re great. 6y
JazzFeathers Rackam is just fantastic! 6y
batsy @JazzFeathers He isl 😍 6y
DivineDiana Beautiful! 6y
batsy @DivineDiana His illustrations are so delightful! 6y
RohitSawant Oo, love this! 6y
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Tales From Shakespeare | Charles, Mary Lamb
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Looking forward to enjoying a few stories a day from this for #ChildrensClassicRead2019. Might even give me a head start for some of the future plays for #ShakespeareReadAlong 😉 @TheBookHippie @Tanisha_A

Tanisha_A What a gorgeous edition! 6y
Tanisha_A *drools* 6y
TheBookHippie Wow that‘s gorgeous!!! 6y
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erzascarletbookgasm Beautiful cover, certainly very ‘ong‘! 😁👍 6y
batsy @erzascarletbookgasm Ha, yes! Perfect read for the new year 😁 6y
Sarah83 Gorgeous edition 😍 6y
batsy @Sarah83 😊❤️ 6y
readinginthedark Beautiful! Not sure it'll help you understand much though, what with all of Shakespeare's sexual innuendos. 😆 6y
batsy @readinginthedark So true! I just read the Twelfth Night retelling and the whole subplot with Andrew, Toby, Malvolio and Maria was removed. And all of the sexual subtext between Sebastian, Viola, Orsino, and Olivia was just sort of casually ignored 😂 6y
readinginthedark The version we read when we're not ready for the "Where do babies come from?" question! ? 6y
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Tales From Shakespeare | Charles, Mary Lamb
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Going with the "tragic" theme here, as both, Shakespeare and the song #WheatKings contain it. #TimbitTunes
@Cinfhen @TheKidUpstairs

Also, this would be my edition for February read of #ChildrensClassicRead2019. @TheBookHippie

TheKidUpstairs I always love Shakespeare adaptations! Great cover! 6y
Cinfhen I agree, great cover and clever interpretation of prompt🤓 6y
TheBookHippie Ohhhhh I love this!!! ❤️📖 6y
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batsy Yay! Love that cover 💀 6y
Tanisha_A @batsy I want to see yours! 😃 6y
batsy Sure thing! Will take a pic in the daytime :) 6y
Tanisha_A @batsy Yay! Waiting to see it. 😎 6y
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Tales From Shakespeare | Charles, Mary Lamb
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Repost for @TheBookHippie :

I adore Shakespeare and I've never read this 😳
There are many different versions of this any will do ❤️📖

Everyone welcome to join in!

I post questions the last day of the month if you want to discuss or just read a long ❤️📖
Happy Reading!

I should tag my #SHAKESPEAREREADALONG peeps in case you need more Shakespeare this month ❤️

Tales From Shakespeare | Charles, Mary Lamb
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So my 4yo decided he wants this book because it looks ‘proper gloomy and cool‘. It doesn‘t matter that there are no pictures in it, that his grasp of English is minimal and that it‘s still way beyond his reading level - he wouldn‘t be talked out of it. But hey, mum is a sucker for pretty covers and kinda proud he shares my love for books so I spent the six pounds on this baby. 😉😋 #raisingreaders #hellreaditatsomepointinlife

Cinfhen Nice job Mom!! 6y
AlaMich What is his first language, out of curiosity? 6y
AlaMich Ah, never mind...German? 😊 6y
CarolynM It's a great introduction to Shakespeare when he's ready😀 6y
scripturient @AlaMich Yes. :) @CarolynM That‘s what I thought as well. @Cinfhen Thanks! 🙌🏻 6y
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