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The End of May | Kem Richards
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Busy month but still able to get some good books in! Excited to see what June reads bring as I‘m in the middle of three good ones.

The Villain Edit

Dishonestly Yours
Tell Me Who You Are
Darling Girls

#endofmonth #may

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Books from my kindle for May. #readyourkindle #May #TBR

CBee Awesome 🤩 2mo
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May Day Murder | Jennifer David Hesse
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#seasonalcozies #May #WiccanWheelMystery
Set a few days prior to & during the Wicca ancient fertility festival of Beltane, this cozy is an enjoyable read. Keli, a Wicca practitioner learns that she is a suspect, so becomes embroiled in the investigation in the murder of Denise, a fellow Wiccan. Who did it & why provides a surprising twist.

julieclair Glad you enjoyed it. Of course, who couldn‘t love a book with such an adorable cover? 😻 2mo
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#ReadYourKindle #May

All books I was excited to add to my kindle at one time or another. Now excited for the motivation to read them. Thanks @CBee 💚🌷💚

CBee Looks like cozy mystery month for you 😊 3mo
AlaMich Bluebird is great! 3mo
tokorowilliamwallace Oh nice, I've been considering whether to pick up Attica Locke on sale at the library or not. 3mo
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This was great! I could really relate to Frankie and Zeke - teenagehood was so dang hard! Misfits unite 👊🏻 👏🏻 #readyourkindle #tbrtarot #may #maleauthor

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Murder at Blackberry Inn | Camilla Chafer
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My picks for #seasonalcozies #April #May

Reading April‘s pick now. #readyourkindle

Many thanks to @Read4life & @PathfinderNicole for these suggestions!

Read4life I‘m reading April‘s now, too. Please let me know what you think. 3mo
emz711 Would love to get in on this hashtag! 3mo
julieclair @emz711 We‘d love to have you join our happy group! I‘ll add you to the tag list! Each month, we each pick cozy mystery to read that is set in that month/season, or takes place around a holiday in that month. Then we post about it using the #SeasonalCozies hashtag. Very low key. There is also a StoryGraph challenge that some of us use to track our reading: https://app.thestorygraph.com/reading_challenges/eea8f8fe-5afb-495b-8c57-9c1c5be... 3mo
kspenmoll @Read4life I am not very far with the book but plan to read lots tonight. 3mo
emz711 @julieclair thanks! Sounds fun 3mo
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#12DaysofChristmas #May

I fell asleep so this one is a day late.

This is around the time my resolve to review books consistently fell apart as usual.

I love this one. Ana Castillo‘s writing is beautiful and poetic. Carmen, despite having polio as a child, is a renowned flamenco dancer in Chicago. I love reading about Carmen, her passionate love affairs, her relationship with her family, and her strength.

Bookzombie These two books, tagged, were strong contenders for May also. 7mo
Andrew65 Yes, the same month my records fell apart, have a had to spend a couple of intense days getting them back on track this week. 7mo
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Reggie This is one of my all time favorite books ever! ❤️ 7mo
Bookzombie @Reggie 🙂 You recommended it to me. 7mo
Bookzombie @Andrew65 That sounds like no fun. Sometimes I don‘t track all month and catching up for one month alone is a pain. 7mo
Andrew65 @Bookzombie Had 6 1/2 months to catch up on 🫣😱 But now back on track! I must not let it happen again 😂 7mo
Bookzombie @Andrew65 That is a lot, lol. 7mo
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Speak 20th Anniversary Edition | Laurie Halse Anderson
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#12Booksof2023 #May

One of those ‘why didn‘t I read this sooner‘ books.

Andrew65 I often have that thought! 7mo
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Queen Bee | Amalie Howard
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My favorite book of May! I highly recommend for Bridgerton fans! #12booksof2023 #may #bestof2023 @Andrew65

Andrew65 A great choice. 7mo
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The Trees: A Novel | Percival Everett
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#12DaysofChristmas #May I read 6 five 🌟 books in May.

The Trees edged out the others by the merest of margins so here are the others that I also loved:

Notes on an Execution
The Sun Does Shine
Home Fire
Black Butterflies


IndoorDame So good! This was on my list of top reads last year, but it‘s one I need to revisit. 7mo
Andrew65 An excellent month of reading. 7mo
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