She‘s here and she‘s beautiful!!!
And I‘m so excited to dive in!!!
#patriciabriggs #mercythompson #mercythompsonseries #soultaken #mostanticipatedbookoftheyear
She‘s here and she‘s beautiful!!!
And I‘m so excited to dive in!!!
#patriciabriggs #mercythompson #mercythompsonseries #soultaken #mostanticipatedbookoftheyear
Catching up on my favorite series.
Silence Fallen is the 10th book in the Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs and I think it just might be my favorite book so far.
This gets me an Ordinary in Demonology (read a fantasy) at #oriliumacademy
#oriliumreadathon #orilium #oriliumautumnequinox #oriliumreadathon2022 #bookreview #mercythompsonseries #silencefallen #patriciabriggs
Another great book in Mercy‘s world. Glad have her exploring her heritage a little more.
#mercythompson #mercythompsonseries #patriciabriggs #nightbroken
Great continuation of one of my favorite series.
#mercythompsonseries #frostburned #patriciabriggs
Entertainment while I‘m at the laundromat….let‘s see if I can‘t finish this one in the next couple days.
#frostburned #mercythompsonseries #patriciabriggs
Currently reading on this rainy Wednesday night
#currentlyreading #thewarmthofothersuns #frostburned #isabelwilkerson #patriciabrings #mercythompsonseries
Continuing in the world of Mercy Thompson for the start of 2022. This one is a reread but I love this series and I can‘t wait for the newest installment, Soul Taken, out June 21st
#currentlyreading #patriciabriggs #mercythompsonseries
Book 3 in the Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs.
I‘m still on a reread but catching up to where I last stoped fast and I‘m enjoying this series just as much as I did the first time around.
#mercythompson #mercythompsonseries #ironkissed #patriciabriggs
Next book I completed this year. This is book 2 in one of my favorite series and I‘m working my way through it again as I anticipate the release of the newest book early next year.
#mercythompson #mercythompsonseries #bloodbound
Ready for the #ParanormalLoveCrew #PLC #SeptemberPick
This is the 2nd month for the group (my 1st month) but @AkashaVampie is running things, and we are just casually reading the months pick, doing challenges she has made for the book and generally chatting about reading and paranormal romance. There is still time to get involved! 🥰
I‘m tempted to do a full series read through after this!
#ParanormalRomance #BookGroup #MercyThompsonSeries