8-25-20: My 64th finished book of 2020! ⭐️⭐️⭐️ #mybestfriendsexorcism #gradyhendrix 👍🏼📖#️⃣6️⃣4️⃣
8-25-20: My 64th finished book of 2020! ⭐️⭐️⭐️ #mybestfriendsexorcism #gradyhendrix 👍🏼📖#️⃣6️⃣4️⃣
Time for a nostalgic #throwbackthursday
Although #mybestfriendsexorcism was published in 2016, it looks more like a remnant from the 1980‘s. I adore this retro cover that looks just like a VHS cassette tape 😍 - and believe me, the story is just as much campy fun.
📚 Book 16 of 2019
My Best Friend's Exorcism by Grady Hendrix
Love the cover concept for this book, looks like an old school VHS. Definitely nostalgic. ⭐⭐⭐.5
#mybestfriendsexorcism #gradyhendrix #horror #horrorreads #horrornovel
One more post from me! My boyfriend is the sweetest! Ever since I found #MyBestFriendsExorcism when shopping for my matches #MyBloodyValentineSwap books I have had my eye on this one! The cover is amazing! I have heard great things about it! I hope to read it soon! I love The Wizard of Oz! Such a cool shirt!
#HappyValentinesDay #BooksAreTheBestGifts
Here is my October wrap up. 👻🕷🦇🎃
🕷Sleeping Beauties. 3.5 ⭐️
🦇Coraline. 3.5 ⭐️
🕷The Shining. 4⭐️
🦇My Beat Friend‘s Exorcism. 4⭐️
🕷I Hate Fairyland V2. 5⭐️
🦇Double Dead. 5⭐️
🕷Saga V5. 5⭐️
🦇Interview With The Vampire. 5⭐️
👻🎃 Happy Halloween 🎃 👻
#bookstack #bibliophile #stephenking #chuckwendig #saga #ihatefairyland #coraline #neilgaiman #mybestfriendsexorcism #owenking #sleepingbeauties #theshining #funko #jackandsally
My first post on this rad app is to say I kicked off my little Halloween Readathon with the awesome crazy creepy retro book #MyBestFriendsExorcism by #GradyHendrix @QuirkBooks and everyone NEEDS to pick up a copy!! (Yes, even if it‘s because of the cover) The hardcover has a yearbook style design, and the paperback is designed liked a VHS tape. And the book is like ‘Heathers‘ crossed with ‘The Exorcist‘. Great 80‘s flashback! Such a fun read.
This author seriously gets the best covers. Currently reading #mybestfriendsexorcism and enjoying it. #gradyhendrix #horrorstor
Beginning my summer to autumn reading transition in my new kitchen! We are getting so close to move in day! I can't wait! 🖤🖤🖤 .
@quirkbooks .
#mybestfriendsexorcism #basicwitches #gradyhendrix #jesszimmerman #jayasaxena #quirkbooks #underconstruction #witchybooks #coven #pleasantcovehouse #bookish #bookstagram #booknerdigans #libraryofinstagram #readordie #booklover #epicreads #bookishfeatures
Beginning my summer to autumn reading transition in my new kitchen! We are getting so close to move in day! I can't wait! 🖤🖤🖤 .
@quirkbooks .
#mybestfriendsexorcism #basicwitches #gradyhendrix #jesszimmerman #jayasaxena #quirkbooks #underconstruction #pleasantcovehouse #bookish #bookstagram #booknerdigans #libraryofinstagram #readordie #epicreads #bookishfeatures #bookstagramfeatures #bookdragon #booknerd #booklove #readersofinstagram