My next #auldlangspine pick intersects with my favorite podcast #MyFavoriteMurder as host Karen Kilgariff (and Petaluma native) mentioned reading this on a somewhat recent episode.
My next #auldlangspine pick intersects with my favorite podcast #MyFavoriteMurder as host Karen Kilgariff (and Petaluma native) mentioned reading this on a somewhat recent episode.
This jumped onto my TBR after it was mentioned on #MyFavoriteMurder (a recent listen but an old episode)…so sad that we lost Ronnie in January 2022. My first exposure to The Ronettes was the opening credits of Dirty Dancing, with which 5-year-old me was *obsessed* (though clearly so much nuance of the plot flew right over my head). 💜 Rest easy, Ronnie. 💜
#MyFavoriteMurder has talked about this book for years! I had always “meant“ to read it but never got to it. I am so glad I did. I feel like its one that I should/would revisit to remind myself of some of these principles
i just typed up this huge thing about how this book is awesome and these young women were just bad ass little ladies trying to get some money and shimmer ✨ and that corporate greed killed them and couldn‘t even pay all their damn medical bills.. this was much more eloquent and grammatically correct the first time around 🤦♀️#theradiumgirls #myfavoritemurder
Happy V.C. Andrews Day! Flowers In The Attic was first published on this day in 1979, forty years ago! I'll admit, I first heard about this one on the #MyFavoriteMurder podcast, but it would seem that most booklovers/crime junkies got their start with it, smuggled copies from the shelves of their parents or older siblings... I haven't given it a go yet. Should I? 😅 #SSDGM
After listening to 100 episodes (still not caught up!) And loving every one of them, I decided to give their book a go! I love these ladies! #myfavoritemurder #mfm #fuckpoliteness #stayoutoftheforest
Okay so this isn‘t actually a book about murders (well, there‘s two in there but they‘re not the main point). However, it does have some great life advice from two women who have lived through some *stuff*. I really liked the advice they gave and the personal stories. There are definitely some quotes that will stick with me forever, so thank you Karen and Georgia. And as always STAY SEXY, AND DON‘T! GET! MURDERED!!
#ssdgm #mfm #myfavoritemurder
“When running late, “it‘s OK.” When I have a million things to do and not enough time to do it, “it‘s OK.” When I get stuck in a fantasy about plane crashes or normal girls, “it‘s OK.” It‘s my mantra when I need to override the voice that tells me that nothing I do is OK.”
#ssdgm #staysexy #mfm #myfavoritemurder
“No matter how far into something you are, how many times you‘ve agreed and moved forward, you can always decide to turn back. It‘s often not easy or comfortable, but you get to choose.”
#quote #ssdgm #mfm #myfavoritemurder #staysexyanddontgetmurdered
New book, who dis? 🤓#empoweredwomenempoweringwomen #myfavoritemurder SO excited for this gem! I‘ve listened to their podcast for a couple years now and they are my favorite! I recommend them to anyone I meet who also has a guilty obsession of true crime. #staysexy #dontgetmurdered