First book by this author and won‘t be my last. It‘s such a uniquely bookish feeling when I find a writers whose catalogue I know I‘ll devour. 📖
First book by this author and won‘t be my last. It‘s such a uniquely bookish feeling when I find a writers whose catalogue I know I‘ll devour. 📖
Eh? I listened to this instead of reading in print/digital, and not sure if that was a good thing. But also not sure I would have liked it more otherwise. There were some clever things going on, but I felt like a lot of it went over my head, and I just generally didn‘t love it. Not a strong contender for #tob25.
I haven't decided yet. It was very clever to combine a mystery, gothic horror, cli-fi, and juxtaposition of language and culture. The narrator was whiny, I did not care for her at all. But I would read it again just for the footnotes.
I wanted to love this book. I really did. I kept putting it down and picking it up. Maybe it was better suited for one long reading session.
There. I finished it. It doesn't feel like a waste of time, but I'm also not sure if I "enjoyed" it, per se. There seem to be a lot of inside jokes and references here, and mostly it feels like a book directed at someone who isn't me, like reading someone else's parents' letters to each other. The connections and threads are interesting, but they don't really have significance to me, and I'm usually able to center myself in any story. #tob25
The amount that I read during the symphony last night is not a statement about the quality of the music. (Although it might be an indication of how well I can focus during slower movements. My 15yo asked, "How do you feel about being a fair-weather fan?" Luckily, I can handle being judged by a teenager now that I'm 30+ years from being one.)
Still working on this one. Still not sure why. My Kobo says I have 3.3 hours to go (54% done). I want to know what happens, but I'm a little worried it will feel like I've wasted my time. Not that being comfy with book, tea, and slippers is ever a *total* waste of time.
"...Our Author---likely the greatest author in the world---had organized her books, at least in part, *by color*?"
I'm still not sure about this book, but it does have some amusing bits.
I'm trying to figure out how long I should give this #tob25 shortlist title before I decide to bail. I like the concept, but I'm 9% in, and it's not grabbing me yet. Maybe two more chapters?