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A Dance with Dragons | George R. R. Martin
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#photoadaynov16 #herebedragons #publishedinthe90s
Woo 2 tags in one photo 👍 And one of my fave series! The first two were published in the '90s. Now I'm just waiting and waiting for the Winds of Winter....⌛️🤔

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Better Than Life | Grant Naylor
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Better Than Life was the last book Rob Grant & Doug Naylor wrote together as Grant Naylor. In the mid-90s they parted ways & each wrote their own Red Dwarf novel. I haven't read these for awhile, but I recall thinking that alone, neither's writing could achieve the same magic they'd accomplished together. I think I liked Backwards better than Last Human because part of it was based on scripts they wrote together. #Publishedinthe90s #Photoadaynov16

Dragon I always meant to try chicken vindaloo 🐉 8y
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I totally fell off the bandwagon. My mind has been elsewhere this week. I will catch up!! This was not my favorite book, but if you have the chance to see the performance, it is incredible #publishedinthe90s #photoadaynov16

GypsyKat I agree with you. I read this and Son of a Witch. The books are well done, but very dark. However, I'm IN LOVE with the live show! Going to see it again in a couple of months. 👍🏼 8y
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The Secret History | Donna Tartt
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Yes, I'm 1 day behind on #photoadaynov16. ☺️

Finding books #publishedinthe90s was a little tougher than I thought. Every since I started buying & collecting books seriously in 2016, I've noticed most of the ones I own are from the 21st century. It makes sense because I prefer modern & contemporary books to older ones, but there are tons of great books written in the second half of the 20th century. Here are two good ones from the 90s.

MarticaMustRead The Secret History has been on my TBR 4ever! I think it's length intimidates me lol. 🙊 8y
MarticaMustRead *its.....dumb autocorrect! 8y
read_diverse_books @MarticaMustRead Oh, it's sooo worth it. The story will be over before you know it. Please add it to your 2017 TBR! 8y
MarticaMustRead Will do! thanks you for the positive "push"?? 8y
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Julia Alvarez is one of my favorite writers and this is the first book I read by her so it's my pick for #publishedinthe90s

charl08 Love that cover. 8y
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The Red Tent | Anita Diamant
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This was a favorite selection of my book club. Hard to believe that was almost 20 years ago! #publishedinthe1990s #publishedinthe90s #bookadayNov16

TrishB Great book, feels like 20 minutes since I read it and I now realise it's 20 years 😱😱 8y
Reviewsbylola I still recommend this one a lot. So good! 8y
Cinfhen One of my all time favorites💕 8y
tpixie Time flies!!!! 8y
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Post-Mortem | Patricia Cornwell
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#photoadaynov16 #day11 #publishedinthe90s This was published in 1990 and I've been collecting her since. Her early work anyway, much of her latest work is not good, I don't know what happened but it happens to a lot of writers who continue a series past where they should. But her first 10-11 Scarpetta novels are fantastic. As you can see, this one has been much loved since I bought it 26yrs ago.

BookInMyHands My aunt got me hooked on this series- it was so good for awhile, and then it really wasn't. 8y
erzascarletbookgasm I remember reading the first five or six of this series and enjoyed them very much. 8y
sisilia Oowww I was a Scarpetta fan, too... until Cornwell changed to third person point of view and it went downhill from there. 8y
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sisilia Cruel and Unusual is the crazy one. I remember I read it in one sitting and I finished it at 4 in the morning. I couldn't sleep afterwards, was even too scared to go to the bathroom by myself 😜 8y
TrishB I agree, I carry on reading them hoping the good stuff will return. Sadly it hasn't yet. 8y
JulieAnn I agree! I loved them until Blow Fly and then it went extremely downhill. And why does Lucy age but Scarpetta doesn't??? 8y
Dragon I agree @JulieAnn I just read Depraved Heart and was trying to think how old Kay is , wasn't she around 50 in the first books? She was a lawyer and a physician with a specialty, how many years of schooling? 8y
Dragon I think you are so right @Lizpixie about her early and later books. 8y
minkyb I totally agree @Lizpixie I vividly remember how excited I was to read a new Scarpetta. I haven't kept up in quite some time. 8y
JulieAnn @Dragon Yes! And Lucy was like 10 in the first book and in her late 20s when I stopped reading them. Yet Kay was still in her early 50s or so when she started out in her later 40s I don't think it ever states her age exactly but it's a topic of conversation between me and my sister all the time. We find it very amusing. I don't know about the schooling. Maybe she started early or flew through because she's super intelligent. 8y
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I couldn't get enough of this first person account of the life and loves of Cleopatra #publishedinthe90s #bookadayNov16

TrishB This has been on my tbr pile for ages! Might get round to it after your review! 8y
LeahBergen Loved this one, too. 8y
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I remember reading these books in the 90's...loved them back then. #publishedinthe90s #photoadaynov16 #publishedinthe1990s

Fall On Your Knees | Ann-Marie MacDonald
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#photoadaynov16 #publishedinthe90s #publishedinthe1990s CanCon edition. Some of my 90's favorites. ❤️🇨🇦📚❤️ @RealLifeReading

mllemay Ann-Marie 💜💜💜 8y
LeahBergen I loved them ALL. 😂 8y
merelybookish Love this! 8y
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Marchpane Alias Grace is fantastic! 8y
TheCanuckReader Fall on your knees was set in my home town. 8y
KVanRead @LeahBergen Me too 😊 8y
KVanRead @TheCanuckReader Cool! My husband's from the Annapolis Valley. 8y
Kitta Mrs Mistry was my high school English teacher, and I read A fine balance after I realized it was written by her husband. Fantastic book. 8y
KVanRead @Kitta That's so cool. It's one of my all time favorites. 8y
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