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I couldn't join any of the mini-TBR games for October because of the state of my TBRs. Storygraph has 1027 books, OpenLibrary has 818, and Libby has 717. There's SOME overlap but not nearly as much as you'd think. If I had any idea how to narrow these down for someone else to pick books from, I'd be making more progress on them haha.

#Flerken #HauntedShelf @PuddleJumper

PuddleJumper Oh wow! That's a big list! 15h
PuddleJumper Or lists really 😅 15h
Faranae @PuddleJumper And none of them allow you to filter by length! Well, Storygraph does, but only \“under 300 pages\“, which is still too long to give me a quick win. I think the overlap is around 400 books which still leaves... so many books... 14h
willaful LOL, I chose my list from my Kindle Unlimited wishlist and Libby books already on hold. Didn\'t even try to add any of my Libby wishlist, which of course was my excuse for joining the games! (But then I got another free KU offer so....)

Maybe prioritize your Open library list, who knows how much longer we\'ll have that. 😭
Faranae @willaful My OL list is exclusively Public Domain stuff (except for overlap from a GoodReads import), so those should stay around unless the court awards damages large enough to take down the Internet Archive (which the publishers absolutely did ask for, but that doesn\'t mean they\'ll get it; I should... probably just download all of them now....) 12h
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The last solo game for #HauntedShelf and this one you can earn infinite points

This challenge is all about reading your TBR, reading those autumnal and spooky vibe books, but also what if it was about getting new books to add to your TBR?

Recommend books that fit the prompts. They can be any genre and the prompts are up for interpretation.

30pts per rec. Share your favourite books with the community!


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The second solo game for #HauntedShelf is a word search

Find the words in any book you read, you only get points the first time you discover a word

You can post the quote or just log it for yourself

15pts per word found with a max of 465pts available

This will run for all of October

#Flerken @OutsmartYourShelf @Faranae @zezeki @kwmg40 @DieAReader @JenReadsAlot @Laughterhp @BarkingMadRead @TEArificbooks @DebinHawaii @Larkken

AnnCrystal Love word search games 👏🧐🤩👍💝. 4d
PuddleJumper Night has been put down twice so you can find it twice and get 30pts! That was my mistake 🤣 2d
KT1432 Thank you!! 11h
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There are going to be several ‘solo‘ games for #HauntedShelf These are games that you can do by yourself and you can do as much or as little as you like

The first one is a book cover scavenger hunt. Find book covers that match the prompts. They are all up for interpretation. You can post them one a day or all at once, or maybe you only want to do one or two

One book per prompt, 15pts per book with a max of 465pts avilable


AnnCrystal 🎨👏☺️👍💝. 4d
AnnCrystal Question...should this only be on books we have read, or can the books be in our TBR lists?? Thanks. (edited) 4d
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PuddleJumper @AnnCrystal It can be any book. I'm planning on wandering around my local library one day 😅 4d
AnnCrystal Thanks ☺️👍 @PuddleJumper . That is a groovy plan 📚🤔😉👍💝. 4d
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Heart, Haunt, Havoc | Freydis Moon
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This was one of my favourite reads last year during #Scarathlon which is why I‘m recommending it for #HauntedShelf

It‘s a great slow build haunting book with secrets being revealed and a relationship developing between the main characters


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My physical TBR stack for #hauntedshelf #flerken and then the kindle and audible options! @PuddleJumper

PuddleJumper 🦇🦇 Looks great! 6d
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TBR part 2 is my NetGalley ARC list including some that have been on there for a while & I really should read asap.

#HauntedShelf #Flerken @Puddlejumper

PuddleJumper 🖤🖤 6d
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This is part 1 of my TBR list. Obviously I have no chance of reading everything but I'll (hopefully) be picking my reading off this & the following list. This is my physical books & library books list.

#HauntedShelf #Flerken @Puddlejumper

willaful A reader's reach should exceed their grasp... 😂 7d
PuddleJumper 🖤🧡🖤 Good luck! 6d
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Here is my physical October #TBR - I‘m a mood reader, so who knows what I‘ll actually end up reading!

I might post a separate audio/ebook TBR, but we‘ll see.

#hauntedshelf #flerken

PuddleJumper Brilliant! 🦇🦇 1w
LiteraryinPA It‘s only September 13th! How can you know already what you‘ll want to read in October? 😋 1w
Laughterhp @LiteraryinLawrence That‘s why the stack is so big! 7d
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