I miss #spinepoetry
Blueschild Baby approaching eye level,
necessary losses ,depraved indifference.
A world apart ,the good left undone.
Everybody play!!
I miss #spinepoetry
Blueschild Baby approaching eye level,
necessary losses ,depraved indifference.
A world apart ,the good left undone.
Everybody play!!
#WyrdAndWonder (belated) day 9: #SpinePoetry
We sold our souls:
Twelve kings of Sharakhai,
The bitter twins,
The wolf of Oren-Yaro;
The defiant heir, the bone shard daughter.
We are all completely fine.
Fiiiiiiiiiiiiine 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Troubled Daughters, Twisted Wives
The Heirs,
I Wished For You
Juicy Pens Thirsty Paper,
Writes of Passage.
To learn more about my poetry & fiction check out https://patriciaflahertypagan.com. #spinepoetry #foundpoetry #amwriting
In The Questions
The Power, The Sparrow
The Word Collector,
Drawn Together.
Check my website for info on “In The Questions:” https://patriciaflahertypagan.com/books-and-stories/
#spinepoetry #foundpoetry #writersofLitsy
Spine poetry: Let Me Tell You
Eve‘s Requiem,
All You Can Ever Know.
High Lonesome Crone
Staying Alive.
If you like found poetry, cats, books & writing y‘all can follow me, patriciaflahertypaganauthor, on Instagram. #spinepoetry #booknerd
#BookReport 35/20
A very satisfying reading week. I enjoyed all these books a lot!
Difficult Women, the things they carried, everything inside. Tides of impossibility steering the craft. #spinepoetry #poem #writerslife