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Under a Painted Sky | Stacey Lee
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Thought of this one for today‘s #Paint prompt. It‘s in my #TBR waiting for #SundayBuddyRead 2025. I love Stacey Lee‘s YA historical fiction.🌅

TheBookHippie 👀♥️ 59m
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Bring Me Your Midnight | Rachel Griffin
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Everyone welcome! Fits in with your witchy reads, fall reads & Halloween reading.

Oona Out of Order | Margarita Montimore
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#sundayfunday thx for the tag @dabbe coincidentally my FIL just asked me this - currently I have 4 on the go #hashtagbrigade The Hotel, #sundaybuddyread The Flight Portfolio #audio The Secret History ( irl bookclub) and a just because book - Oona ( which I‘m about 1/2 through and really still not sold on) I am starting later today or tomorrow Katherena Vermette‘s latest “real ones” b/c I‘m seeing her speak on Wednesday #prettynormal

BookmarkTavern Those sound like fun reads! Thanks for posting! 19h
dabbe 🧡🩶🧡 19h
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So much, so many moving parts, I think it‘s written so well-it gives us a feeling of how it was- CONSTANT.

Happy Sunday!!! I‘m so glad you‘re here!!!

Karisa I‘m enjoying it. The level of detail is amazing! 1d
AmyG @Karisa Yes, all the detail. I, too, am really enjoying this book. I‘m happy I can read on today. 1d
IndoorDame I‘m surprised to use the adjective enjoying for such a difficult read, but I find I am. 1d
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IndoorDame Some of your links from last week reminded me that I‘ve had a documentary called Eldorado about gay culture and rights that existed in Berlin in the 20s and 30s and what disappeared under Nazi rule, in my Netflix queue for ages, not sure if anyone has seen it but I‘m going to try and watch it this week 1d
mcctrish I have to say I love what the title means, when I read that it‘s what the collected art would be called my heart was happy! And as much as I am sickened by JA and his belief that Miss Palmer can figure out the set up in an hour or 2 ( they can‘t honestly grasp the scope of what Hitler is doing ?!) it all could mean that Varian is free to expand his net of safety 🙏🏻 1d
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame I have it saved too!!! 1d
TheBookHippie @mcctrish I love the title too. 1d
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame I think enjoying the hope it gives is what we feel. Every minuet thing we do matters in a revolution or fight for social justice or democracy or good. Many pebbles make a beautiful mosaic is what I tell discouraged folks fighting the good fight. (edited) 1d
IndoorDame @TheBookHippie I love that metaphor ♥️ 1d
TheBookHippie @mcctrish As far as Hitler I don‘t think we will ever know or grasp the entirety of his evil. It‘s still happening today is an atrocity. 1d
kspenmoll The research the author did to make this novel sing is extensive & impeccable. Detailed after the novel‘s end. I am loving this book so much. I don‘t want it to end. 1d
vlwelser Somehow I can keep up with the reading but dropping the ball on the questions. This section was good. She's doing great with the pacing even though it could easily be shorter. 24h
Sargar114 I‘m doing the audiobook and I am definitely missing some of the detail. While I‘m still enjoying it, I can see how it would be better actually reading it. 24h
DebinHawaii @IndoorDame Thanks for the documentary recommendation, I‘m adding it to my queue! I feel like the pace picked up in this section (like @vlwelser I feel it could be shorter) & I‘m invested in the story & look forward to reading more. 23h
TheBookHippie @vlwelser I‘m thinking there‘s a point to it -maybe ? 22h
TheBookHippie @DebinHawaii I do think the pace is purposeful. It‘s smart I think. Will see what the next section brings. 22h
vlwelser Maybe this is just a kitchen sink book and we gotta weed through all of it. But also..... More Chagall!!!! 21h
TheBookHippie @vlwelser I know -more Chagall!!! I do like this kitchen sink though. 😂🙃😅 21h
TheBookHippie @IndoorDame @DebinHawaii so I watched this afternoon… THIS IS THE PLAYBOOK THEY ARE USING NOW. Play by play by play…. 21h
IndoorDame @TheBookHippie that‘s so terrifying. I want to be more surprised. I‘ll definitely watch. The more we know the more we can do. 21h
mollyrotondo I‘m loving this read. I do take a lot more time to get through our weekly sections but it‘s so well written and is really capturing the emotions people probably felt while trying to do something to help and how as the war went on each crises gets more and more risky with less uncertainty of success. Really loving this one still. 5h
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Karisa That exchange was so crazy! Both trying to help and take risks from different fronts. I‘m going to save these for later maybe too although feels like the chances of seeing Gide again in this book are slim…. Cool guy 1d
AmyG I was so very touched by that. Art has that effect on people. It‘s so very important. 1d
IndoorDame The synergy of the three of them being together in that moment, helping to heal each other, but still not quite all getting on the same page… seems like foreshadowing for Grant and Varian‘s relationship 1d
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kspenmoll This exchange /synergy as @IndoorDame says was wonderful reading. 1d
vlwelser Great writer. Def read his books. 24h
DebinHawaii I know very little about him & have not read his works but now I am intrigued. 23h
mollyrotondo I loved this scene. Really beautiful. I had never heard of Gide but I looked up the book Varian mentioned and added it to my tbr. 5h
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Jay Allen
What an asshat
So they amuse him
And stall

Spoiler : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jay_Allen

Karisa “His work as war correspondent is extremely controversial: some consider him a model of impartial, investigative journalism, and some think his work an exemplary case of ideologically motivated manipulation and fake news.” Wikipedia 😮 1d
TheBookHippie @Karisa I KNOW😵‍💫 1d
AmyG Oy. They are everywhere. I still wonder if Eileen had a hand in this someway. (edited) 1d
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TheBookHippie @AmyG I had that same thought!!! 1d
IndoorDame I hope whatever he took the money for wasn‘t completely selfish. And that if this was Eileen‘s doing she didn‘t know what a mess it would cause - I have to believe that people overseas mean well just really don‘t understand the danger. 1d
mcctrish Like I can totally get the wanting the story and being where the story is but when the story ( is JA aware of what the story IS at this point?) is this nightmare, you can‘t be excited, you have to be driven and he‘s just flippant and awful 1d
kspenmoll Horrid man. 1d
vlwelser Total ass hat. I hope they learn their lesson. 24h
DebinHawaii Total 🍑🎩 he makes me so angry! 🤬 If Eileen was a part of this, then 🤬 to her! 23h
mollyrotondo This guy is a huge jerk 🙄 he has no empathy. Why would they send him? I read some of the link and again why would they send this guy? This past made me mad and if Eileen had something to do with this guy being Varian‘s replacement then I really can‘t stand her. Hopefully we find out so I don‘t go hating on her for no reason. 5h
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Karisa 🫣 I‘ll have to look back after we finish. So tricky with historical fiction that sticks so true to real people 😅 1d
AmyG Nope…not reading until I finish!!! 1d
TheBookHippie @Karisa she‘s done a stellar job so far FYI. Not like our May read 😵‍💫😂😅 1d
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mcctrish @AmyG ✊🏻 1d
vlwelser He's so quirky and I love it 24h
DebinHawaii Gonna have a lot of links to catch up on at the end, but I‘m on #TeamNoSpoilers too! 🫣😉😆 23h
mollyrotondo @TheBookHippie oh geez! That May read 😬 this book is a complete 180 from that book and historical accuracy and fictional bolstering of historic people. That book just diminished the historical women. This book elevates everyone while putting so much historical research into it. Way better! 5h
TheBookHippie @mollyrotondo May 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 5h
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Part Three
Tobias forages

Zilberman his art and his proverbs
Man carrying milk

The constant learning
These people (rescuers) are not that old. It‘s all just inspiring to me.

Karisa Tobias is so wonderful. Rooting for him for sure and wondering if he is fiction like Zilberman. I haven‘t wanted to accidentally get a spoiler by looking him up. 😬 When the book was talking about Zilberman‘s art it was making me picture some of Otto Dix‘s creepy art… 1d
IndoorDame I thought Lev‘s story about the man who carries the milk was such a touching kindness 1d
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AmyG They were all “kids”! (I‘m 65 🤣). And they are all such devoted, caring people. I love these characters. 1d
mcctrish @IndoorDame it‘s such a great story! @Karisa I‘m rooting for him too ( I love how he immediately jumps in fixing small things, foraging, joining the team ) 1d
TheBookHippie @AmyG I call them kids! They are our kids ages pretty much even younger in some cases! 1d
kspenmoll I loved the man carrying milk story. Tobias teaching himself survival skills ! 1d
DebinHawaii Tobias is a great character—fiction or not. I love how he has jumped in to help. 23h
mollyrotondo I thought it was incredible how much Tobias just throws himself into helping. He‘s been through so much as a young man and he just keeps going. He‘s not taking a breather because there‘s work to do. He fits in well with Varian and Grant and MJ. 5h
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Varian‘s self worth and guilt..
Propelling him ?
Small effect in the face of injustice is always worth it. ✊🏼

Karisa Sometimes Varian‘s stories into his past feel too much (want more of the rescue work). However, they do show his motivation for continuing and how uniquely suited he was to help so well. 1d
TheBookHippie @Karisa I think it‘s purposeful- the people who rescued the most people were social outcasts and it shows the opposite of what most are taught about who is considered a hero. They were hiding too. I like the juxtaposition 😅. 1d
Karisa @TheBookHippie Exactly! And they are real people. These stories need to be told more 1d
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AmyG Well said @TheBookHippie and I think his past helps the reader to understand him and I feel I have become very sympathetic towards him. I want so badly for him and Grant to find a life together but I am not sure that will happen. 1d
kspenmoll I think you stated Varian & other outcasts stories well- the empathy V carried for those who have to hide their otherness, Jewishness, etc. 1d
mcctrish This is such a powerful quote 1d
DebinHawaii @Karisa I feel that way too at times, the past & the current relationship scenes distract me from the rescue work, but I agree understanding more about their backgrounds & motivations helps me understand them better. 23h
mollyrotondo I love the background pieces of Varian‘s life. He‘s a real person with real connection to the good work he is doing and how that can sometimes not seem enough especially when you are still grappling with past mistakes in your own life. It makes everything that these people did more meaningful. It‘s not just an every-man rescuing people it‘s a real heart and soul struggling to do something right somewhere that is doing everything wrong. 5h
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Grant & Varian confess their struggles and crimes and misdemeanors …I think this was important to add.

Help ⬇️


Karisa Last week was Green Ribbon Week 💚 at my school. So many suffer in silence. Thank you! 1d
TheBookHippie @Karisa 💚💚💚💚 1d
AmyG This really broke my heart. 1d
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IndoorDame I think we needed this in the story. As many times as it‘s been mentioned that refugees are committing suicide it doesn‘t hit us until it‘s made personal somehow. Serge‘s distress at having his pistol confiscated did that a bit, but these are the characters we know and care about. 1d
kspenmoll Thank you for adding this message. @IndoorDame Serge‘s reaction to his pistol being confiscated was jarring- & yes, pointed. It is a way out from internment, etc. heartbreaking. 1d
DebinHawaii Thank you for the link and mention. We really don‘t know what others are going through. Although tough to read, those scenes are necessary. 23h
mollyrotondo Grant‘s story was heartbreaking and also knowing some people who were being hunted by the Nazis decided to commit suicide rather than be taken by the Nazis is just devastating. This is what this regime did to people and made people resort to. It‘s despicable what humans do to one another. 5h
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