Here are my picks for March #ReadYourEbooks. Hopefully I do better this month than I had been. I have a goal to read one Percival Everett book each month this year, so I‘m happy to see Telephone pop up to fulfill that goal. @CBee
Here are my picks for March #ReadYourEbooks. Hopefully I do better this month than I had been. I have a goal to read one Percival Everett book each month this year, so I‘m happy to see Telephone pop up to fulfill that goal. @CBee
So sorry friends, I blame a case of the Mondays for the later post! Here are the numbers for March! Have fun 😊 #readyourkindle #readyourebooks #readyournook #readyourkobo
February wrap up.
4 book club books
2 #readyourebooks #readyourtbr
3 new releases
Not to shabby, but not my best month either. I hit a bit of a slump lately but fingers crossed I get past it soon.
Favorite: Deep End
Least Favorite: Atlas Complex.
🤓Ok here is hoping I can pick up the slack I have been feeling lately. I went a little easy on myself with my choices this month and picked things I knew I would mostly likely fly through 😜
#readyourkindle #readyourebooks #readyourtbr @CBee
My March #Readyourebooks list. I got through two last month, hoping for the same this month. Thanks for getting me to read my ebooks @CBee
Read 3 of my #ReadYourEbooks picks for February. Even if my Ms. Marvel book slot for March isn‘t selected, I suspect I‘ll be continuing with her journey.
My #readyourebooks list is ready, now that I‘ve downloaded and converted my ebooks. @CBee
I‘ve been focusing a lot on my physical books lately and neglecting my ebooks a bit, so I‘m glad I managed to read one of my #ReadYourEbooks in March. I don‘t see myself sneaking another in before the numbers are drawn, so here‘s my list!