This book was amazing, plain and simple. #nobodysvictim #carriegoldberg #timesup #metoo #believewomen
This book was amazing, plain and simple. #nobodysvictim #carriegoldberg #timesup #metoo #believewomen
Part memoir part manifesto from one of the founders of #timesup actor, filmmaker, and activist Amber Tamblyn. Celebrity memoirs are not really my thing and the manifesto part didn't work for me either.
#nonfiction2019 @Riveted_Reader_Melissa
Something about a movement
I first remembered @amberrosetamblyn from being on General Hospital, @maceyjann recognized her from The Sisterhood of the traveling Pants, but we both appreciate her honest speaking, writing and tireless work as a founder of the #timesup organization. #girlpower #eraofignition #booksofinstagram @penguinrandomhouse I was so excited to hear her speak today!!
This was a hard book to read. It makes me think of all the voices that have been silenced through fear, unjustified shame, and pain—and those who ignore the silence. At the back of the book, there are tips for responding to sexual assault, and number one is “believe the person.” Indeed, more should. #timesup
The feminist in me came out
#riotgram #spinepoetry #timesup
When She Woke
Stiff, Quiet
Far From The Madding Crowd
Not That Kind Of Girl
Me Before You
The Power Of One
We Need To Talk About Kevin
This book about a hockey team is so much more. It‘s small town politics and priorities. It‘s both the huge fish and the minnow in a small pond. And it‘s sexual assault.
In this #timesup & #metoo time, there‘s a lot of talk about how women can‘t do this ourselves, we need the voices of good men. The compassion shown in the few compassionate characters, & the characters who stand up for what‘s right makes me think Backman is one of those good men.
#thewallsareclosingin #24in48
@Liberty I found my favorite read of 2018 so far during the readathon.
This slim 26-year-old novel, based on the Chappaquidick incident, feels relevant during today‘s #timesup movement. And Oates does an AMAZING job of putting the reader in Kelly‘s place during this most crucial moment of her life.
Best read in one setting.