Rereading these..... (((contented sigh)))
Rereading these..... (((contented sigh)))
"Sadness is more like a head cold- with patience, it passes. Depression is like cancer."
I just realized I've already read the sequel many, many years ago. I'm enjoying this book. #popsugar2019 #authorisamusician
Starting the year off right!
My reading buddies this morning ❤📖🐕
#dogmom #fluffychildren #miniaussie #weinerwhippet
#popsugar2018 #nextbookinaseries
Only a few pages in and liking it so far. I love seeing all the Dutch names and places. Makes me feel.... at home.
#popsugar2018 #authorwithsamename #you'renotmuchifyou'renotDutch
Loved my local library's used book sale yesterday!
Reading while the kids swim! I love vacation!
#popsugar2018 #takesplaceinmystate
I hope I have enough tissues for book 2.
#popsugar2018 #animalintitle
95 degrees out but its snowing in my book
#popsugar2018 #weatherelement
☝️Y'all because it sounds better
🤟 goodreads and overdrive
🖖 watching Thor
🖐 no clue... I don't know anyone yet
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks
Rereading it but I seriously don't remember it at all.
Lazy Saturday morning reading
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week to all the teachers. Geez, I was feeling loved by my students and parents and then I read this! LOL
Loved his other two books so I'm excited to read this.
#popsugar2018 #differentethnicity
♳ green, light, dark, neon, electric...
♴ historical fiction
♵ sloths!!!
♶ flattened pennies, Santas
♷ brownies
♸ cheddar sour cream chips
♹ black tea
♳ Samsung Galaxy...
♴ kindle paperwhite.... very old but I still love it
♵ wordscapes... can't stop
♶ chromebook .... Google apps are brilliant
This book glows in the dark!!
#popsugar2018 #bookstore
What a big book! I'm listening to the music while I read it. I am loving it so far!!
I just can not get into this book. Do I keep trying or dnf? It's rated so high on GR....
♳ wordscapes
♴ historical fiction
♵ anything chocolate
♶ my husband. Corny but true
♷ all of them!!
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks
My lucky day! I walk into my library and this is sitting in the Lucky Day section, which means I could check it out and read it now!
Work It
♳ historical fiction
♴ Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers
♵ teach 4th grade math and science
♶ I already have it although I'd try older grades
♷black tea
Spirit day in my school- dress like a book character. I am Emeraldalicious
♳Harry Potter and Sorcerer's Stone
♴Wonder Woman
♵10 Things I Hate About You
♶Candy! Milk duds every time.
The Harry Potter series may be named after the Boy Who Lived, but if you want to know the story, keep your eyes fixed on Snape.
Thanks for the link @WanderingBookaneer
Look what just came available from the library! Looking forward to this one. Either it's similar to HP or it's not. Can't wait to form my own opinion.
♳ Hell yeah! Go Eagles!!
♴ 55 degrees in Portland today. And rain.
♵ Dawn by Elie Wiesel
♶ the Swiss Alps
♷ How do I high five?
I read Night last year. Now for Dawn. I was surprised how short it is (81 pages!). I should be able to read it in one sitting.
♳anything chocolate ♴13 Reasons Why♵I'm stressing about finishing my book before the library due date ♶ I started about a month ago
My 3rd Backman book in a month. Will I like it as much as I liked Britt-Marie and Ove?