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1. Yes, this thing called Litsy. Maybe you‘ve heard of it?
2. Already did because I hated my first name because everyone asked if I was named after a character in a movie that was big around the time I was born - a character that makes me want to vomit.
3. When Legends Rise by Godsmack


SilversReviews Love the answer to #1. 6y
SconsinBookyBadger 😂 Your response to no.1, best answer ever! 6y
RaimeyGallant Litsy? That's a new one for me. ;) 6y
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gilroyc Which movie? 😉 6y
BiblioLitten Litsy does seem vaguely familiar 🤔 6y
MelAnn @gilroyc Gone With the Wind 6y
GarthRanzz Love the song choice! 🤟 6y
MelAnn @GarthRanzz thanks! I‘m gonna love their new album - can already tell by the two songs they‘ve already dropped! 6y
GarthRanzz I‘ve been waiting for a new one from them and Disturbed for far too long! 6y
MelAnn @GarthRanzz oh yeah need some new Disturbed! 6y
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Library | Sarah Stewart
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1. Usually once a week
2. Hmm... the one in the picture looks nice.
3. Right now - The Alienist and The Talisman
4. Not sure exactly but definitely in elementary school
#triviathursday @GarthRanzz
have to add that I love my library and get 90%of my books from there! #queenspubliclibrary

GarthRanzz It‘s at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland. I think quite a few of us would like to visit there. 😊 6y
38 likes1 comment
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Ooh, interesting #TriviaThursday! Thanks!
1. Got to be Shakespeare. So quotable when I talk to myself 😉
2. Are we talking their music then? I wouldn‘t want to co-strand Florence + the Machine, but I‘d love to listen to her music.
3. Pineapple juice! NO SCURVY FOR ME THANKS 😳😳😳

The Fighter | Michael Farris Smith
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1. Goodreads by year read. Notebook by author and book title.
2. I like all perspectives. I personally like the trend of multiple narratives and points of view in the same book.
3. I will be sitting holding my phone clicking on Litsy every 10/15 minutes waiting for it to come back. JK. Most of the time I‘ll be asleep. Then the rest of the time I‘ll be at work. #I‘mGood
4. Tag you are it.
#triviathursday @GarthRanzz

Untitled | Unknown
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1) 50 Book Pledge Website and Goodreads.
2) Third Person Narrative.
3) I‘ll be sleeping for most of it, then reading.
4) @thereadingowlvina @PenguinInFlight @MallenNC

Thanks to @GarthRanzz for a fun #triviathursday 💆🏻‍♀️

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1.good reads has been the first app that I could put everything all in one place, but Litsy is now another place I can keep track.
2.1st person is my preferred , but not fussy.
3. Well I always check Litsy in the morning ,but I will work on my paint by numbers🎨😂read , then off to work in the afternoon and hope it‘s up when I get home!


Thursbitch | Alan Garner
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1. Agatha Christie / Laini Taylor 2. Either one works for me. But more nights in than out. I can‘t hang like I used to. 3. Current times or the future 4. @MiyakoBunny @Mommamanzi #triviathursday @GarthRanzz

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1. Mark Twain - Patrick deWitt
2. Night in with someone & a good book?
3. The future

youneverarrived #2 good answer 😉 7y
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Thursday's Child | Sandra Brown
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1) my favorite classic author is Mary Shelley. Fav modern is Patrick Ness, Nova Ren Suma, Ruth Ware.
2) night in with the husband and a book.
3) I don‘t have a fav era but I do have a weak spot for time traveling romance.
4) @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks if you‘ve already done it then sorry for the tag!

Thanks for the tag @GypsyKat
