I‘ll have to start incorporating this one into my vernacular! 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
I‘ll have to start incorporating this one into my vernacular! 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
#WordForTheDay: eschew. Good word or bad word? Either way, it's a weird one, lol.
#WordForTheDay: There's 2 of 'em-rampallian and fustilarian. 😂👏🏻 #Shakespeare #LitsyHumor
I love the #GrandiloquentWordoftheDay 😊. Today's is appropriate for those summer cruising drives. 😎👌🏻 #WordForTheDay
#WordForTheDay: sotto voce. It means to be sung or spoken in a quiet voice so as not to be overheard. @SureAsMel 's book is jam-packed with versatile vocabulary--just the way I like it 😎👌🏻.
#WordForTheDay: firmament. It's another term for the heavens or sky. Loving this read, @SureAsMel ! (And being a Shakespearean scholar back in my college days, I adore a superb lexical spread which includes such rare gems as "true-fix'd". ???).
How does a daily Word for the Day post sound? I love coming across new terms, even if I can't figure out how to pronounce them 😂👏🏻. Today's Word is: bananaquit. It's a small songbird with a curved bill, typically with a white stripe over the eye, a sooty gray back, and yellow underparts. #WordForTheDay 😎👍🏻
#WordForTheDay: moraine. It's a bit rocky. 😊👍🏻
#WordForTheDay: caviled. Not something Saltonstall should have done with Massachusetts' powers-that-be in ye olde 1692. It wound up spelling his doom. I don't know if I feel bad for him, considering he had a hand in an accused witch's hanging. Maybe pity...maybe.