This book is amazing. And this author is becoming one of my favorite authors out there. What are your thoughts? https://linktr.ee/ddphughes #bipoc #vampires #fallreading
This book is amazing. And this author is becoming one of my favorite authors out there. What are your thoughts? https://linktr.ee/ddphughes #bipoc #vampires #fallreading
This is how I read. He is my book stand and I am his pillow. If it was biological, it would be a symbiotic relationship.
Latest impulse buy. I shouldn‘t have gone to the bookstore alone. This is just one of the four books I bought... and two pairs of socks... and a set of D&D dice. Anyway, I‘m starting this book tonight; I‘m in fantasy mood 😃
Morning coffee and a book too deep for this early in the morning; must be Friday. The house is finally taking shape after the big move. Books are unpacked and the bookshelves are up, and somehow there is still so much to do! Therefore and just going to take a half an hour before getting ready to go to work and read.
It‘s been a while since I‘ve been here. Life happens. Well, I just bought a house that has room for a full library. I‘m really excited to start putting everything together. Almost everything I own is in boxes, with the exception of the kitchen. My challenge is to set everything up before Christmas, including the 14 IKEA Billy bookshelves I have to put together and fill it with my books, which are also in boxes! Wish me luck.
I wanted everyone to meet our newest family member; Gatsby. He is three months old and it‘s getting along with our two cats. This is the first time we have a real dog, and we went for a full size one. Wish us luck!
I finished this book a couple of weeks ago and I‘m still digesting it. It was fantastic. There is an old movie loosely based on this book: “The Ninth Gate” with Johnny Depp, and it‘s not nearly as good as the book. Now I want to get my hands on a Spanish copy since the author is from Spain.
I was very pleased with this book. It‘s an eye opener on many levels and totally recommend it.
I do wonder what prompted this 😂😂😂 @MrBook
I started reading this yesterday and I‘m so in love with the characters, with the story, that I needed to rave about it to people that understand that feeling!
1- finish reading “Oliver Twist” and I‘m going to go watch “Annihilation.” 2- 5‘6 not short, not tall, just average. 3- about a year, and love it. It‘s like the Stars Hollow of Florida. 4- “Oliver Twist” and “Anna and the French Kiss.” 5- me at work photobombed by my coworker. @jesshowbooks #friyayintro
I don‘t know why I bought this book today when I know for a fact I won‘t be able to start reading it for at least a month, maybe even more. The fact is I really want to read it, but I have so much school reading this semester😭 anyhow, now it‘s waiting for me. #bookishproblems #firstworldproblems
I just finished reading “The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde” for my Victorian Lit class and was very pleased with it. Have I mentioned I have to read a book a week in this class? Which this one was the shortest of the lot. Not looking forward to “Villette,” and I already started “Oliver Twist.” I‘m trying to stay ahead, but we all know it won‘t happen!
Better late than never! 1-I mostly read paperback books. 2- eight, fairly average. 3-cheese and wine. 4- lately I‘ve been in a “Buffy the Vampire Slayer Kick.” 5- I have no idea who to tag! But I thank @kidamy for tagging me. #friyayintro @jesshowbooks
Doing a little pre-reading before reading the poem itself. Victorian Literature is going to be the end of me! Oh Tennyson, why do you do this to me?!
I finally got to open my #muglove box 😊 First, many thanks to @TheKidUpstairs for hosting this awesome exchange. Also, thank you @TricksyTails for this amazing box. Kvothe‘s mug 😍😍😍 I just love it. It is now my favorite mug in the world since I have and unhealthy obsession with King Killer Chronicles 😊😊😊 I also love everything else, but the mug was the star of the box.
So I went to one of my local used bookstore and I found something I didn‘t know existed! I‘m so excited, I can‘t wait to start reading this. If only I wasn‘t reading three other books at the moment 😂
#throwbackreadathon I guess I‘ll cave in and join 😊 so many memories 😃 @Clwojick
Hey guys, I‘m taking a cruise this weekend and because I am who I am, I‘m taking a couple of books with me. Any recommendations?
1- Puffy, but I like them both. 2- torn between “On Writing “ by Stephen King, and “The way of Kings” by Brandon Sanderson (although I‘m only half way through, so good though!). 3- Homework, when you are a graduate student you have no life. 4- Speak every language. Imagine all the books I could read 😊 5- I graduated with a bachelors of Anthropology, though I took a lot of literature and history courses. #friyayintro @jesshowbooks
This is one of my husband‘s favorite books. I‘m currently reading it but he doesn‘t know it, which in turns limits me to reading it only when he isn‘t home or at my work during lunch.
I shipped it today! #MugLove swap. It‘s going international and they told me 12-15 days. I think we are on schedule. @TheKidUpstairs
This book was the first read of this year for me. I already finished it, and this is one of my favorite passages. That being said, it‘s weird for me to start the year with a non-Fiction Book, although, I always tend to read two books at the time: a fiction and a non-fiction. I can read more than two, but they all have to be different genres.
Hi guys take a look at this if you aren‘t aware of how the swaps works, and feel free to follow @LitsySwaps for more info.
A few days ago I watched the trailer for the movie and it looks brilliant. I met the author a few months ago when I went to one of his lectures and bought a few of his books in the process. He is a Florida local by the way. Anyhow, I decided to move this to the top of my tbr and hopefully I will finish it before Christmas. What are you reading this weekend?
Funny story: Friday I realized I forgot my book on my way to work, because I‘m a really sad human being I stopped by a Publix ( which to my non-Floridian peeps: it‘s a grocery store sort of like a Kroger) and bought this book... in a grocery store. Anyway, Not my usual type of reading, but enjoying it so far an only like 70 pages left.
Doing this 😊 #muglove hosted by @TheKidUpstairs
All I did was go to Walmart to get paper towels...I don‘t know how this happened! I‘m excited to read it though!
It was time for me to post a part of my personal library. There are some scattered corner bookshelves around the house that didn‘t make the picture. I also didn‘t include the office because is a mess at the moment. #bookshelves #library
1- I️ think it‘s “The Stand” by Stephen King. Not entirely sure though, I‘ve read some mammoths out there. 2- Depends on the mood, I️ enjoy both. 3- I️ have a thing for Capuccinos. 4- Black Yorkshire tea with milk. 5- My sofa. 6- “The Little Prince” started it all when I️ was about twelve. @Jenni_Capps I‘m late to this party.
It stole me a long time ago, so much so I have my own library now. This book is perfect in so many levels.
I️ just started this book and I‘m already in love. It‘s written beautifully, and the story already weaved itself into my heart. I‘m a lost cause.