Really enjoyed this the first time round! Highlights for me will be #AdrianMcKinty #AbirMukherjee #MarkBillingham and of course the tagged writer!
Really enjoyed this the first time round! Highlights for me will be #AdrianMcKinty #AbirMukherjee #MarkBillingham and of course the tagged writer!
A successful outing to Waterstones. Of course, if I had bought the Rory Stewart book a few months earlier I could have asked him to sign it in the Hideous Concrete Fortress. #book #books #bookstagram #waterstones #piccadillywaterstones #julianbaggini #howtheworldthinks #lindseydavis #acapitoldeath #rorystewart #theplacesinbetween #theanarchy #williamdalrymple #theblackbirder #dorothybhughes #smokeandashes #abirmukherjee #thehuntingparty #lucyfoley
An excellent novel, on so many different ways. Read my Goodreads review at: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25686321-a-rising-man #fiction #abirmukherjee #arisingman #history #politics #crimefiction #historicalfiction #captainwyndham #racism #india #indianindependence #britishraj #prejudice #espionage
I made it through the snow and slush (literally millimetres deep in places) and have clearly earned my reward. I am enjoying this unusual crime novel set of n Calcutta in 1919. #abirmukherjee #arisingman #muswellhill ##cotebrasserie #muswellhillbilly #n10 #coffee #caffeine #caffeineaddict #book #books #bookstagram #currentlyreading #coffeeandbooks #booksandcoffee #wakeupandsmellthecoffee #wakeupandsmellthecoffin #litzy