Chapter 12. Listening to narration by Lorelei King: (excellent accompaniment).
#currentlyreading #photoedits #nonfiction #nonfictionnerd #audiobook #audionerd #justnow #coffeeandabook #paperbacks #truecrime #AnnRule
Chapter 12. Listening to narration by Lorelei King: (excellent accompaniment).
#currentlyreading #photoedits #nonfiction #nonfictionnerd #audiobook #audionerd #justnow #coffeeandabook #paperbacks #truecrime #AnnRule
The raids generated a paradox: The odds that any one person would die on any one night were slim, but the odds that someone, somewhere in London would die were 100 percent. Safety was a product of luck alone. One young boy, asked what he wanted to be when he grew up, a fireman or a pilot or such, answered: “Alive.”
#currentlyreading #bookblurbs #audiobook #audionerd #history #Europe #war
I‘m trying to get into more science fiction; I tend to start them and abandon them as quickly. I‘m listening on #audiobook and liking it so far. It‘s a whole world unto itself!!
#currentlyreading #audionerd #scifi #fiction #novels #classics #booksiown
Read the tagged book about a decade ago but it's even better on audio!! Plus, Octavia Spencer narrates; can't wait to get to her part! Seen the movie several times and really want to watch it again soon.
#currentlyreading #rereading #fiction #novels #SouthernLife #booktofilm #paperbacks #booksiown #audionerd
Started this one today. We are reading it for our Yearly Read in the Goodreads Book Snails Book Group if you'd like to join us. I'm just now getting around to it. Found it on audiobook, with footnotes and all ✨✨
#juststarted #currentlyreading #currentsituation #doorstoppers #tomes #paperbacks #fiction #novels #inprogress #audiobook #audionerd
• Started on #audiobook last night before bed. Good narration by Will Patton, whose voice I enjoy. Hope to chug along at a consistent pace because I enjoyed "Mr. Mercedes" years ago and want to finish the series. Book 2 in the Bill Hodges Trilogy •
#audionerd #readingwithmyears #ritual #Libbyapp #librarylends #librarylove #librarypatron #StephenKing #series #currentlyreading
• I started reading the ebook last winter but for me it's much better on audiobook. I love listening to Aziz read this very insightful book. His humor and voices are so much fun. Publish more cool sociological research, dude!! Inquiring minds want to know 👍 •
#currentlyreading #readingwithmyears #audiobook #audionerd #Libbyapp #sociology #romance #psychology #research
Listened on audiobook a few days ago.
4/5 ⭐️ Need to get caught up on reviews for the blog!!
#recentlyread #audiobook #audionerd #history #Europe #AnneFrank #childrensbooks #challenges #bloggers #blogginglife
• Read (and listened to) a good chapter or two of the tagged book last night before bed and at 3 AM this morning; slowly plodding along and hoping it goes somewhere interesting 🧐 •
#audionerd #audiobook #currentlyreading #Dracula #BramStoker #classics #classicliterature #horror #mystery #genre #genrereading #SerialReader #SerialReaderapp #inprogress
• I keep falling asleep on this one. Don't know whether it's because I'm exhausted at the end of the day (very likely) or the book (on audio) is just not any good (also very likely). I'm not into these darn audiobooks lately 🤷♀️ because the humor in titles like these comes across as so immature •
#currentlyreading #currentlylistening #audiobook #audionerd #readingwithmyears #notintoit #fiction #novels #cloudLibrary