Another for #OctPhotoChallenge! Worst parent: Terisa Morgan's father. Best parent: Polgara, the protector, acting as "Aunt Pol" to several sandy-haired young boys over the centuries. #bestparent #worstparent
Another for #OctPhotoChallenge! Worst parent: Terisa Morgan's father. Best parent: Polgara, the protector, acting as "Aunt Pol" to several sandy-haired young boys over the centuries. #bestparent #worstparent
Part of my Mom's Christmas gift arrived (I'm *that* person who shops gifts very early, haha) 😄 A Christmas Carol is a fave of hers ~ The Cratchits are some of the best parents, showing their kids love's value even in hard times. Scrooge's father is one of the worst! Thankfully there's a happy ending for all 💞~ Couldn't find it in the system ~ #Day18 #BestParent #WorstParent #BestWorstParent #octphotochallenge #bookphotochallenge ~ @LibrarianRyan
#octphotochallenge #bestparent
Who would not want a parent like Molly Weasley?
Nurturing, kind, fierce... everything anyone could want in a parent ❤️
Perfect example of #BestParent and #WorstParent right in one book #OctPhotoChallenge Ms. Honey vs The Wormwoods
For best parent/worst parent I chose two very different stories. Worst parent goes to the mom and grandparents in Flowers in the Attic. I read those books back in high school and I just couldn't imagine a mother behaving this way. Best parent goes to Lorelei Gilmore. I know that the Gilmore Girls TV show isn't a book but it was a very bookish show. 💜📚 #bestparent #worstparent
Day 18: Best and Worst Parents
Atticus Finch for the best and Matilda's for the worst!
#octphotochallenge #bestparent #worstparent #atticusfinch #matilda
Bobbi Lambrecht was the best mom, ever. Laura Dern played her so well, I loved it! #wild #octphotchallenge #day18 #bestparent
#day18 #bestparent #octphotochallenge Atticus Finch... 💗 (I like to pretend 'Go set a Watchman' never happened!)