This book was very good at making me LOL and very bad for my TBR. Delightful.
This book was very good at making me LOL and very bad for my TBR. Delightful.
This book put me through some things. I slowly became incredibly attached to the characters which is saying something because early on you already know that nearly everyone dies!
Lots of great stuff about religion, anthropology, linguistics. I‘m excited to read the sequel.
This was a 3 or 3.5 star book for me. I need to stop reading books without likeable characters. The story was fine, but pretty far fetched.
This book made me laugh and cry. It was filled with sweet, funny characters and I wasn‘t really ready for it to end. The kind of book you would feel comfortable recommending to your BFF or your grandmother.
This book reminds me of why I hate reading a series before it‘s over...I remembered that I liked book 1 a lot but couldn‘t remember the characters and storylines well so it took me a bit to get back up to speed in this book. I‘m into this story though and I appreciate the strong female characters that don‘t only care about pairing up/getting married.
Somehow I found the main character in the book to be the least interesting character of the whole novel. I enjoyed the book overall though. It had a great setting and mythology. Felt very realistic considering the genre.
Good book and audio narration. I liked it better than The Husband‘s Secret although this one also had the too wrapped up in a bow ending. Characters were far more interesting and fleshed out in this novel than THS.
Now I can FINALLY watch the HBO series.
Premise and setting were great. The characters were very polarized, not enough nuance. It felt like everyone was either terrible or perfect. I saw a lot of reviews commenting on how it was a man-bashing book and I can see how some people would view it that way. I give it 3.5/5.
Re-read this via Audible. Steven Weber is a great narrator. I give this 4.5 stars. It‘s not perfect; SK can wander away from the thread of the story a little. Glad I read this right after my Dark Tower re-read. Lots of good ties to that.
I just couldn‘t finish this book. I tried for months, but it never held my attention like the other stuff I was reading. I think the characters/style just weren‘t my cup of tea...
Finished...again...and this time, maybe because it‘s been 13 years, I think I loved this series even more. The ending felt more right. I cried many times and I‘m sure I‘ll do it all over again. Ka is a wheel.
When I picked this book up I had no idea so many of these stories were in the horror genre. I enjoyed them a lot and many gave me the creeps. I might try to reread this at some point in Spanish.
Ummm...yeah...nope. I “got” the ending and still thought the book was dumb. Slightly creepy but mostly dull.
This made me want to read the final book so badly. It wasn‘t quite as perfect, IMO, as book 1, but these characters are so well-fleshed out and the world being created is so intriguing that it is easy to forgive the slow parts.
So...I barely remember this book either from my first time reading it. Not a lot happens to move the main story forward except for the big shoot-out with Roland and Eddie and its consequences, BUT I still got a kick out of the story and being with these characters again makes me happy. Mia is annoying.
Didn't remember that much from my first read many years ago. Definitely made me want to go back and read Salem's Lot!
So damn good. I would be lying if I said I didn't fall in love with these characters. It's an important book without being heavy. We all must learn to use our voices as weapons against injustice.
If you have the opportunity, get the audiobook. Perfectly narrated.
Loved this. Very bittersweet at times because I miss Obama so much. Great anecdotes and advice for women in the workplace. The story of Obama calling Alyssa from AF1 when her cat died made me cry.
A fun thriller. I like a book with characters that keep me on my toes. The ending was a little too tied up with a bow, but it was a good time following along as the protagonist slipped from one identity to another.
P.S. I think a book about Blue would be very, very interesting!
Another winner from Joe Hill. I'm really starting to love this guy. The first chapter put the fear in me and I was creeped out very nicely throughout the rest of the novel.
Really enjoyable book about some heavy topics. There were a lot of characters, kids mostly, that I had trouble keeping track of near the beginning of the book. Made me think a lot about gender, parenting, etc. I loved the idea of choosing "the invisible path" or the "middle way".
So, I really enjoy Roxane Gay's writing. I think she's brilliant but this memoir sure got repetitive towards the end. It would have been 5 stars if the book had been 25% shorter.
Holy cliffhanger! These books are so good on audio. Sci-fi usually isn't my thing but, I can't get enough of this series.
Phury just isn't that interesting to me. He's the whiniest brother, for sure. I liked Cormia a lot. And, the Blay/Quinn/JM storyline.
Another great installment of BBD. I think one of the reasons I've liked this one best is the lack of a perspective from the Lessers. I think they are a bore even though I know the BBD needs an enemy.
Went into this read not knowing very much about Lindy West, but I LOVED her writing and the way she was able to put her story together in such a compelling way.
Fascinating story with a badass heroine. Loved the historical data and paperwork presented through the book similar to World War Z. Dion Graham is on my list of audiobook narrators to follow and I'll definitely be looking out of for Omar El Akkad's next book!
So glad I came back to this book on audio. I decided to give it a listen after finding out Steve West was one of the narrators. Recently loved his narration in Strange the Dreamer. Fun story and great characters and world building. The last hour left me so anxious as I waited to hear the outcome of the race.
I love Bella & Z. I also love that Bella is a badass and not scared of anything. Good re-read.
You know, I remember liking this one a bit more than I did upon my re-read. I'm usually a pretty emotional gal, so I couldn't wrap my head around the whole keep-my-feelings-to-myself thing that the female MC had going on for the first 3/4 of the novel. 3.5/5. Rounded up to 4 cuz Rhage.
Decided to give this a re-read and I was surprised by how quickly I flew through it. Great setup for the series and I may have to keep going!
I have the kindle book and also the audiobook and I am so glad! I think the audio would be hard to follow without referring to the text at times.
Oh, man. I love technology, but the topics in this book scared me a little. I really enjoyed it even if it was a touch too long. Eggers got his point across quite well without the gazillion examples of technology overreach towards the end that verged on being a little preachy. I would recommend this book to others. I doubt the movie holds up to the super rapid pace of Mae being sucked into The Circle.
Read this mostly in one sitting. Not my favorite in the series, because it seemed a little formulaic as a retelling of Beauty and the Beast. Still great characters though and fun steamy scenes.
Good book so far, but I would never make it at this company! An introvert even on social media :)
Can't say that I loved it, but I was really entertained. This would make a good summer/beach read. The mystery wasn't too hard to solve, but the characters were nicely developed.
4.5* Damn good novel, so I've rounded up to 5/5. Kate Mulgrew hit it out of the park with the audiobook narration. Hill has a great ability to make you care about his characters and he's now on my list of "always read" authors. Using a picture of Maggie because I think she was the only character in the book that was really under-served. I wanted to know so much more about her and her Scrabble tiles.
Art by Gabriel Rodriguez: http://bit.ly/2qkDkfV
There was a lot of hype for this book. The writing is great, but there's just not much story there and the characters are not people I'd want to spend a lot of time with. I'm left curious enough to pick up Kitamura's next book, but with lower expectations.
If listening to the audio, definitely speed this up to 1.25 at least. I didn't realize I had it sped up and the narration still seemed very measured. It would have been a drag at normal pace.
My first Laini Taylor and it will not be my last. Perfect narration in the audiobook too. I want more!
3.5*/5. Very interesting, but a little long. So much injustice in this book, that it's hard to believe it's real. I found the first two parts of the book much more compelling than the last third, but that may have been a result of the switch in narrators for each part.
Not amazing, not terrible. Interesting concept, but a little too long. I can't really think of who I would recommend this to, but the audiobook narration was good.
Hilarious at times and definitely a timely satire. Great audiobook narration, but not something I could see myself recommending often. I didn't get some of the references, but I enjoyed it overall.
Loved parts, felt a little let down by some other parts, but I think that's par for the course when finishing off a long-loved series. JZB + Mac forever.
This book was creepy as hell. It has one of those famous King endings that I'm sure is going to stay with me way longer than I expect it to or want it to stay with me. Felt like old-school 80s era Stephen King.
Illustration by Darek Kocurek
This is a new favorite for me! Amor Towles made his characters come to life for me. I was so sad to get to the end of the book. A must-read if you love beautifully drawn characters and need a little dose of pre-war Manhattan.
Oh, Ingrid! What a fascinating character! I loved the idea of the letters hidden in the books and how she evolved so much throughout her pregnancies and marriage. The present-day chapters were not as enthralling, but Ingrid's letters kept me going and I'm glad I stuck with the book. The ending was very satisfying.
Clare Mackintosh, you made me stay up late and read your book in one sitting again! I didn't love this one quite as much as I Let You Go, but I was still very entertained. The mystery reveal is when it really fell apart for me.